Secrets of beauty Leka Mironova

Now millions of girls dream to be on the catwalk and become famous models. In the modern world, it is a highly paid profession, but in the USSR it was different. Becoming a model was not that prestigious, and even almost indecent. And the girls received quite modest money.

However, in the West, Soviet beauties were known and highly appreciated. Many of them later went abroad, the fate of all was different. Today. "Site" He will tell you the fate of one of the most famous. Soviet models - Leki Mironova.

Leka Mironova wants to start with the fact that this is an absolutely incredible woman! Until the age of 70, Leka Mironova appeared on the podium and shone. She’s 79 now and she doesn’t hide her age because that’s just a number. And she looks beautiful: all the same slim figure, perfect hair and beautiful posture.

In her youth, Leka was one of the best models in the country. Her beauty was admired in the West and in the United States, she was invited to work abroad and offered to act in films. In biographies There are many ups, but no less bitter disappointments.

Leka (full name Leocardia) dreamed of becoming an opera singer, ballerina or architect. However, in her youth, she damaged her vocal cords and had to forget about singing. Then she wanted to go to an architectural institute, but because of poor eyesight, nothing worked.

When the girl did not know where to go next, His Majesty helped the case. Mironova recalls: My friend gathered to her friend in the regional model house, asked me to go with her for company. I came, and there I saw Glory Zaitsev and offered to become his model. It was like a fairy tale. He walked into the artist’s room and said to me, “You will be my model.”

Then the fashion designer was only on the way to fame, but at first glance he was able to appreciate Leki’s external data. So a chance meeting marked the beginning of a beautiful creative tandem that lasted for many years. Even now they communicate, and Mironova herself warmly remembers this.

Only a year later, Leka becomes a popular model. She is invited to the House of Models of the Soviet Union. In 1967, Mironova received the award of the best model of the USSR. Western designers were crazy about her and often compared the girl to Audrey Hepburn.

She could have had a bright future abroad, but fate decreed otherwise. Silent Soviet special services took the model under control as unreliable. So Leka Mironova received the status of non-exit, and with dizzying offers from other countries had to say goodbye.

Leka was married for some time, her chosen one worked as a director on television. But their marriage did not stand the tests that fell on Leka. Her father died suddenly, after which the model decided to devote her life to her mother. Her husband didn’t want her to spend so much time with her. So Leka just packed up and went to live with her mom.

She had a great love in her life that was worthy of romance. At a fashion festival, she met a young man named Antanis. He was a photographer from Lithuania. Seeing each other, they immediately felt the attraction, but could not talk.

A few years later, the incident brought them together again, they began to communicate and a stormy romance broke out between them. It was fantastic, as Leka herself recalls. They even dreamed of getting married in the Vilnius church, but this was not meant to happen.

In Lithuania, the Russians were treated badly. The man began to threaten because of an affair with Leka, threatened with reprisal over his mother and sister. Then Mironova made decisions and broke off relations to save the life of her beloved and his family. That's how their romance ended.

However, both remained true to each other. Leka never married again, preferring to live alone. For 40 years she did not let anyone near her, she did not need anyone else.

However, the woman was not discouraged and continued to work hard. Even at the age of 70, she appeared on the podium, showing an impeccable figure. In many interviews, she was asked about how she managed to maintain slimness and beauty until such a mature age. And she shared her beauty secrets.

The woman says: I will immediately clarify: I never considered myself beautiful. Skin and hair care has always been minimal. I used and use only baby cream. They may take off their makeup.”

And about the figure, she jokes, they say, genetics is the secret. The model admits that she loves to eat tightly, especially at night. Leck came home late from work and ate everything she had. She recalls her mother making potato and lard pies, which she would mention when she came home at midnight.

She never denied herself what she loved. And still she eats her favorite foods, does not give up sweet and flour. It is safe to say that Leka won the genetic lottery.

At 79, Lecky has gorgeous hair. She told one secret: after washing with shampoo, you need to rinse your hair with dry wine. They will become shiny and silky. She also recommends using horse chestnut tincture and considers it the elixir of youth.

She also advises everyone to watch their posture. Leka recalls: I was small in school. Suddenly it grew. And as a result, she began to slouch. Very much. But one day a handsome young man said to me, 'You're a magnificent tall man. And if you stop slouching, you will be beautiful. It's like he gave me a setup. I still remember his words.”

A gorgeous woman, what to say. Her fate was not easy, like most Soviet models. Many were lucky to go abroad and get married, but someone’s strict regime of the time took away such an opportunity.

Unfortunately, Leka Mironova was among them, but she bravely withstood all these tests. We all need to learn their resilience!

Such women are inspiring. Earlier we wrote about the secrets of youth and beauty of the great actress Elina Bystritskaya.

And recently we told how the magnificent Irina Alferova manages to look stunning at 68 years.

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