How different ideas about happiness in different countries

What is happiness? The answer to this question is sought by all philosophers of the world. However, each country has its own values that have been formed over the years. For some. joyAnd for others in noisy company and fun music.

Today we will try to understand what happiness is for people from all over the world.

The Way to Happiness
  1. Finland
    For Finns, the concept of happiness is very vague. This people can be called satisfied rather than happy. The Finns, like most northern peoples, narrow-minded. They are not used to expressing their emotions.

    For this people the true happinessSafety and confidence in the future. If all these moments are already present in the life of the Finn, then this will be the greatest pleasure for him.

    Real. Finnish relaxation It's called kalsarikianni. Literally, this word means drinking alcohol at home in underwear. What do Finns really mean? Kalsarikianni means the ability to be here and now, to capture the maximum pleasure from the moment and not to think about what will happen tomorrow or even in a couple of hours.

    Unfortunately, our lives are often very fussy and nervous. It's the ability to stop for an hour or two and just relax that can bring you the best of luck. true happiness.

  2. Japan
    The Japanese are philosophers. Their need for happiness is difficult to satisfy with stability and security, although these concepts are very valuable. The Japanese care. meaning of life and its knowledge.

    ikigai This is what the Japanese call the condition of a person who knows exactly why and for what he lives. This feeling gives you the feeling of greatest satisfaction, because each of your actions is meaningful and has a specific goal. The Japanese really know, What is the path to happiness.

    Only a person who has realized the meaning of his existence can be optimistic about everything that happens around him and live a full life. The hardest thing about ikigai is getting rid of it. stereotype And try to find your meaning in life. Don’t listen to other people telling you how to live and what to do. Find your own conscious path to happiness.

  3. Israel
    Do not fuss, this is the main Jewish rule. Slowness and consistency can work wonders. Don't chase what others have. Find your values and enjoy every moment of your life. Exactly. footsteps They confess in Israel.

    "Osim Haim" It's not some modern trend like hygge, oh no. This is the answer of a venerable gray-haired Jew who sits in a coffee shop and enjoys the taste of a wonderful coffee if you ask him what he does. It means "enjoying life".

    Remember. childhood. Here's a mom who poured you a glass of delicious milk and made you a butter and plum jam sandwich that you'd love to eat. Outside the window is a blissful summer, the smell of which just drives you crazy, and you are still a child, you do not think about all these “adult” affairs and problems.

    Although it is so difficult to distract and forget about bills, work and schoolTry to go back to your childhood and feel this happiness. That's Oshim Chaim.

A person cannot feel happy unless he forgives all offenses. And although it is not easy, try not to be offended and always try to put yourself in the place of another person before harboring anger or resentment.

And smile more often! Smile like the sun. May there be many clouds in the sky, it will always illuminate you and those around you.

The happiness of your parents is part of your happiness. Our loved ones will always be a part of us, and if they are happy, you will be happy too.


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