What mistakes should not be made by a flowering lady

Like a delicate rose bud that spreads velvet petals, women only get better with age. Does beauty have its own laws?? The youth that nature has given us is beautiful in itself, but too fleeting. Beauty in adulthood depends on how a woman can support it.

To keep yourself in beauty and health, you do not need much. It is enough to adhere to a few principles. If you find the strength to do everything exactly, you will soon see for yourself. What are the laws of beauty They work unconditionally.

  1. Minimum cosmetics Girls too early begin to use unnecessary means for facial beauty. While the skin is elastic and elastic, it is enough to moisturize it regularly with creams. Powder, tonal means clog and expand pores. Do facial massage to smooth out wrinkles and give your face a healthy rosy appearance, do not forget to clean your face of cosmetics every day.

  2. Water balance Particular attention should be paid to the fluid entering the body. Slimness, energy, quality of sleep – all this depends on the amount of water you drink per day. The fact is that in the structure of the epidermis there are fibers of protein origin - collagen. They have a characteristic feature of increasing in volume when entering the aquatic environment.

    As a result, the pressure on the skin from the inside increases. Wrinkles decrease and disappear, tissues regenerate better. The smoothness of your skin depends on this process. Getting enough water into your body is the best way to give it. youthfulness. You just need to drink 1.5-2 liters daily. The result will be there!

  3. Day regime Lack of sleep leads to poor health and reduces efficiency. Always try to go to bed and get up at the same time so that the body develops a habit. Sleep for at least 8 hours – after a while you will notice amazing results!

    Benefits of sleep It's hard to overstate. In addition to relaxing the body, a person receives an invaluable spiritual rest. The extra information accumulated during the day goes away, emotions come into balance. It is said that the morning of the evening is wiser.

  4. Breathe and breathe again Working indoors leads to a lack of oxygen. If you sit in the office all day, walk at least a few stops in the evening. Open the windows for airing, sleep in the summer with an open window or a balcony door.

    On weekends, be sure to walk in nature. So you can compensate for a sedentary lifestyle and provide your body with the necessary 30 cubic meters of fresh air per hour.

  5. Full nutrition The most reliable source of nutrients has long been recognized as fresh vegetables and fruits. This applies to the seasonal period. In winter, a sufficient amount of useful trace elements can be found in dried fruits, so safely lean on compotes, add dried fruits and nuts to morning porridge and be sure to drink rosehip infusion - this is the best source of vitamin C.

    To products that provide vitamin balance in the body, experts include lentils, blueberries, spinach, tomatoes, carrots, turkey and nuts. In order for the result to be noticeable as soon as possible, the above products should be eaten at least 4 times a week.

  6. Attention hands. Take care of the delicate skin of your hands. You may not even know how clearly she gives away age. Pigment spots, wrinkles, protruding bones - all this changes hands imperceptibly and insidiously.

    The additional load on the hands harms them no less than temperature changes. We all have to clean, wash, and put our hands in our pockets from time to time because our gloves are at home. But the skin on them is as delicate as on the face! Only the face is protected by tonal and moisturizing creams, while the hands are not.

    Start the glove season as soon as the temperature drops below +5 degrees. Wear gloves in early spring and late autumn to keep your hands young for as long as possible.

  7. Good spirits. Avoid negative emotions. A stable state of mind is no less important than a physical state. Down with oppression and sadness! Joke, laugh, be kind and try not to envy anyone. Then your old age will have a beautiful, young face.

Lack of stress and proper rest is better than any expensive means to prolong youth. Try to devote at least half an hour a day to your beloved and do not worry about trifles.


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