How to train yourself to eat fractionally
It is no secret that the main causes of excess weight are overeating and the use of incompatible products that inhibit metabolism and block weight loss. The only way out of this situation is fractional. This is not a fashionable diet and not a therapeutic diet. This is a planned meal according to a special scheme.
Within a week the volume of the stomach decreases, disappears appetiteless and a constant feeling of hunger. As a result, weight decreases, the body becomes more slim (primarily in the abdomen).
Fractional nutrition for weight loss today "Site" will tell you about three-phase diet-trapbased on the principles of fractional nutrition. This will help to remove the swollen stomach and hips. Relevant for those who are tired of standard rigid diets and break down halfway.
In addition to nutritional recommendations, at the end of the article, see a training program for weakened women who are contraindicated by strong exercise.
Diet for weight loss It includes three phases: introductory (purification), main and consolidation of the result. Each phase lasts 7-14 days. The basic rules of nutrition are as follows.
Basic principles of fractional nutrition
Exclude from the diet fried, fatty, spicy food, flour, sweets, fast food and alcohol. In order not to break down, once a week allow yourself something from the list of restrictions. It can be a glass of dry wine, a small piece of cake, marshmallow, marmalade or a piece of dark chocolate.
In the first phase, be sure to include bran, fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt), flax seeds in the diet. After 7 days (starting with the second phase) do once a week discharge-day. Breakfast should be very light, and do not eat all day, drink only water with lemon or kefir.
The second phase is low-carb and lasts two weeks. Give preference to vegetables and protein foods. As snacks, choose tomato juice, orange, grapefruit or nuts (no more than 30 g).
After two weeks of such nutrition in the body will change. The digestive system will work like a clock, the stomach will be ready in advance for the arrival of food. At the final stage, the main thing is not to fail. So think ahead. meal-plan.
You can take advantage of our recommendations by changing dishes. But be sure to observe the time intervals between meals, do not overeat (the portion volume is up to 250 g) and do not miss light snacks, they are very important!
Your task is not to give up food to lose weight, but to adjust a diet that will help the body burn excess fat.
Plan fractional meals for the month (options for breakfast, snacks, lunch and dinner)
To consolidate the result, starting from the third week, start light physical exercises. They will help to remove the stomach and align the posture. Perform 10-15 repetitions per approach. Do two approaches in a week. Practice at this pace every day.
This complex is designed to muscle-building. If you don't have time for gymnastics, walk more.
Light exercise for women
The fractional power system is designed for five or six meals a day. Frequent meals stimulate the body to be confident that nutrients will arrive at a certain time and it does not need to accumulate them in reserve.
A huge role in getting rid of excess weight plays metabolism. Previously "Site" We have written how to speed up the process of losing weight! If you want to speed up your metabolism and lose extra pounds, take these tips for yourself.
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Within a week the volume of the stomach decreases, disappears appetiteless and a constant feeling of hunger. As a result, weight decreases, the body becomes more slim (primarily in the abdomen).

Fractional nutrition for weight loss today "Site" will tell you about three-phase diet-trapbased on the principles of fractional nutrition. This will help to remove the swollen stomach and hips. Relevant for those who are tired of standard rigid diets and break down halfway.
In addition to nutritional recommendations, at the end of the article, see a training program for weakened women who are contraindicated by strong exercise.
Diet for weight loss It includes three phases: introductory (purification), main and consolidation of the result. Each phase lasts 7-14 days. The basic rules of nutrition are as follows.
Basic principles of fractional nutrition
- Daily rations should not exceed 1200-1500 kcal per day.
- You need to eat 4-6 times a day in small portions. Optimally 200-250 g at a time.
- The interval between meals should not be more than 4 hours. Otherwise, the body is stressed and begins to store fat.
- Dinner 2-3 hours before bedtime exclusively protein: meat, eggs, fish, legumes.
- Learn to distribute the calories consumed throughout the day. So the body will have time to use the energy it receives from food. Carbohydrate can only be breakfast (250-300 kcal). The best. weight-loss - vegetables and protein.
- Watch the drinking regime. You do not need to drink 2 liters of water per day. Drink pure water only when you are thirsty. Do not replace it with soda, tea, compote or juices. Drink 30 minutes before or after a meal. And be sure to drink 300 ml of warm water on an empty stomach in the morning.
- Try to eat at the same time. Pre-compose mealtime taking into account the schedule of the day and work.
Exclude from the diet fried, fatty, spicy food, flour, sweets, fast food and alcohol. In order not to break down, once a week allow yourself something from the list of restrictions. It can be a glass of dry wine, a small piece of cake, marshmallow, marmalade or a piece of dark chocolate.

In the first phase, be sure to include bran, fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt), flax seeds in the diet. After 7 days (starting with the second phase) do once a week discharge-day. Breakfast should be very light, and do not eat all day, drink only water with lemon or kefir.
The second phase is low-carb and lasts two weeks. Give preference to vegetables and protein foods. As snacks, choose tomato juice, orange, grapefruit or nuts (no more than 30 g).
After two weeks of such nutrition in the body will change. The digestive system will work like a clock, the stomach will be ready in advance for the arrival of food. At the final stage, the main thing is not to fail. So think ahead. meal-plan.

You can take advantage of our recommendations by changing dishes. But be sure to observe the time intervals between meals, do not overeat (the portion volume is up to 250 g) and do not miss light snacks, they are very important!
Your task is not to give up food to lose weight, but to adjust a diet that will help the body burn excess fat.

Plan fractional meals for the month (options for breakfast, snacks, lunch and dinner)
- Phase one.
Breakfast: 150 g unsweetened oatmeal or buckwheat porridge with 1 tbsp raisins and 1 tbsp bran, half grapefruit; 150 g cottage cheese with 1 tsp of honey, 100 ml of orange juice; two small baked apples with honey and cinnamon and 100 ml of kefir. First snack: a glass of kefir or yogurt with 1 tbsp of bran; 150 g of salad from fresh vegetables or boiled beets; one orange or grapefruit.
Lunch: lentil soup and salad of fresh vegetables with flaxseeds; stuffed peppers with rice and meat; meat or fish casserole with vegetables.
Second snack: 25 g of any nuts (except peanuts and pistachios); a glass of yogurt or kefir; one apple; 150 g of cottage cheese casserole with raisins.
Dinner: boiled or baked chicken breast (fish); 100 g of cottage cheese with 1 tbsp of berries and 100 ml of kefir with 1 tbsp of bran; 100 g of vinaigrette and 150 g of baked lean meat; salad of baked beets with brynza and green peas. - Phase two.
Breakfast: cheesecakes with oatmeal and half banana; two whole-grain bread sandwiches and 30g hard cheese, 1 boiled egg and one fruit (apple, orange); scrambled eggs with vegetables; 250g oatmeal with apple and berries; 250g buckwheat porridge with passered carrots and onions; two sandwiches with hummus or boiled bean pate.
First snack: a glass of kefir or yogurt with 1 tbsp bran; 150 g of fresh vegetable salad; one orange or grapefruit; lavash rolls with vegetables and boiled chicken fillets.
Lunch: befstrogans with bulgur; 250 g pilaf with lean meat; boiled chicken breast and salad of fresh vegetables with flaxseeds; lentil mashed soup and vegetable stew.
Second snack: 50 g of raisins or prunes; 25 g of any nuts (except peanuts and pistachios); a sandwich with 1/4 avocado, tomato and boiled chicken; a glass of yogurt or kefir with bran.
Dinner: boiled or baked chicken breast (fish); 100 g of cottage cheese with 1 tbsp of berries and 100 ml of kefir with 1 tbsp of bran; 100 g of stewed vegetables and 150 g of baked lean meat; steak with fresh vegetable salad. - Phase three Breakfast: Any breakfast to choose from the previous options.
The first snack: herbal tea and two diet breads with cheese; a glass of kefir or yogurt; a glass of tomato juice.
Lunch: 250 g of pasta in the fleet with lean minced meat and vegetables; rice or pearl soup with meat and a salad of fresh vegetables; 100 g of stewed cabbage and 150 g of lean meat or fish; blueberries with minced meat and a glass of tomato juice; lentil mash soup and fresh vegetable salad; stewed beans with vegetables.
Second snack: 25 g of any nuts (except peanuts and pistachios); a glass of yogurt or kefir; one apple; one orange or grapefruit; 100 g of cottage cheese with honey; lavash rolls with brynza, basil and tomatoes.
Dinner: Any dinner to choose from the previous options.
To consolidate the result, starting from the third week, start light physical exercises. They will help to remove the stomach and align the posture. Perform 10-15 repetitions per approach. Do two approaches in a week. Practice at this pace every day.
This complex is designed to muscle-building. If you don't have time for gymnastics, walk more.
Light exercise for women
- Become as shown in the picture. Take a deep breath and put your hands aside. Then lean down, trying to reach the floor with your palms and exhale. Make 10-15 slopes.
- Bend from side to side at a slow pace. Make 15 tilts each way.
- Stand in the starting position, as shown in the picture. Fly your feet one way. At the same time as raising your legs, raise your hands up. Do 15 times for each leg.
- Lie down on the floor and slowly lift the upper body. Try to reach your feet with your hands, then slowly return to the starting position. Make 10 to 15 of these climbs.
- To do this exercise, you will need a high chair. Sit on the edge and grab your back with your hands. Lift your knees up and hold them for a few seconds. Then straighten your arms while aligning your back and knees. Do 10 to 15 repetitions.
The fractional power system is designed for five or six meals a day. Frequent meals stimulate the body to be confident that nutrients will arrive at a certain time and it does not need to accumulate them in reserve.
A huge role in getting rid of excess weight plays metabolism. Previously "Site" We have written how to speed up the process of losing weight! If you want to speed up your metabolism and lose extra pounds, take these tips for yourself.
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