Who should not give alms?

Today, on the streets, in the subway and in the passages, you can still find people in cassocks begging for alms. They usually stand with boxes for donations, which adorn the bright inscription: “To the temple” or “For the starving”, which cannot but touch the heart of a good Christian. Do not be in a hurry to give charity to such a person.

Today's edition. "Site" They will tell you how to identify a fraudster. priesthood And why not give him charity?

Now such dressed priests have become much less than 10 years ago, but they can still be found. My grandmother was on a train and saw one of them. Grandmother devout, so immediately gave the wandering elder (as he called himself) a couple of rubles. And there are many such people, but all these wandering sages are often ordinary swindlers. We tell you how to define it. There are 5 signs.

How to recognize deception
  1. At the Council of Bishops in 2000, a decree was adopted that prohibits priests and monastics from collecting donations in public places. This was done because of the fact that priests’ clothes are often used by fraudsters. So an acting priest who adheres to the decrees will not beg on the street or in the subway. 70495

  2. U priest There will be no time to stand all day waiting for a begging. In any, even the smallest parish, there is always something to do. A good priest works for the good of his parish, but clearly not on the street, begging for alms.

  3. It is important to pay attention to the clothing of the petitioner. Often these people put a cassock directly on their outer clothes, but no priest would do that. Why? Because the cassock is sorry, it's not clothes for walking. Priests watch their clothes and wear them according to all rules. If you see that the robe is dirty and stretched over the jacket, know that you are a fraud.

  4. Often these wanderers actively begin to impose their services on you: bless, remove damage, sanctify something. The priests don't do that. Of course, there are wandering priests who can be found anywhere, but they are unlikely to offer you a blessing, and even for money. Rather, such a person will talk to you about faith and repentance, which is quite different.

  5. If, even after checking all the other points, you doubt who is in front of you, ask the person to read the Creed. Any Christian will recite this prayer to you by heart and it will not be surprising. If, after such a request, the petitioner tries to evade, you are in front of a fraudster, not a holy man.

Whoever gives charity is your business. If your heart responds to the image of a good priest in a cassock and with a long beard, then no one will judge if you give alms to him. However, in the future, try to pay attention to all these little things, so that your money does not go to bad purposes. It is better for those who really need it.

All those who pretend to be priests just to make money are committing a great sin. Therefore, you should not encourage this sin. If you want to donate money, it is better to take it to a temple or an orphanage, there are many options. Choose with your heart.

There are many unusual questions that concern believers. We try to respond to them whenever possible. For example, we talked about whether it is possible to sleep on the bed of a deceased relative.

We also said that we should not ask the Lord in prayer. Why is it better to be an atheist than a hypocrite?

Do you give alms to priests? Do you see them often in your city? Tell me in the comments.


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