The acts committed by poor people
Today, the media know many cases where people who have almost nothing in his pocket made noble deeds. Today I will tell you about ten such cases. I am sure many of you this article will return just a little faith in humanity.
Schoolgirls got new clothes
Eleven schoolgirls in a special school for children with special needs in India received an unexpected gift when they were given new clothes thanks to generous sponsors. But this time was really special because the sponsor is absolutely not a rich man - it was a 64-year-old beggar.
Kimdzhibhay Prajapati (Khimjibhai Prajapati) was once the owner of a small tea shop, but then things got really bad, and he had to beg on the streets. However, this adverse event has not changed his outlook on life, as it continues to help those who are in a deplorable situation than himself. During the interview, which he took, intrigued by his donation, he said that for a long time wanted to do something to help the girls and continued to collect money until he could buy clothes. School Trustee, who witnessed the donation Prajapati, showered him with praise and called him a true philanthropist.
Homeless, who looked like Jesus Christ
Although this good deed is not associated with money, he, in fact, is invaluable - it is about saving somebody's life. People from parking pickups in Oklahoma faced with a rather unusual problem in October 2012, when the couple is in a state of stress, stop and ask for help. The woman just had a baby, and the umbilical cord was wrapped around the neck of the child. The child was unconscious and passers-by were afraid that the ambulance does not arrive on time.
Fortunately, unflappable homeless man named Gary Wilson (Gary Wilson) knew what had to be done. He just followed the instructions dispatcher ambulance removed the cord from the baby's neck, and began to massage his back. Subsequently, the medical personnel arrived at the scene, Wilson praised for the way safely and correctly, he enrolled in this situation. While he was gone the next day, one employee parking pickups noted that Wilson looked like Jesus "with long hair and a beard».
Beggar from Nigeria gave them alms collected to feed the victims of natural disasters
In October last year, a poor middle-aged man named Simon Ozoemena (Simon Ozoemena) saw as the recent flooding devastated the lives of the people of the region Anambra (Anambra) Nigeria and decided to help. Ozoemena who is incapacitated, he took 188 dollars out of charity, which he collected in various churches and handed them over to officials. They were touched by his charity and promised to use the money wisely for the benefit of victims. When asked why he donated a considerable sum when he lived solely on alms, Ozoemena said simply: "They live better than I do before the incident, and it is now more difficult».
Chinese beggar to help the needy
When he was 18 years old, Wang Zhiyu (Wang Zhiyou) discovered that his real parents sent him to another family, because they were too poor to grow it. At that moment he realized the depth of despair, which often live in poor people, and began to beg to help them.
Usually it is in a certain place and asks for alms there for a month. After that, he communicates with the media and asked to find a needy person who gives Zhiyu and collected money for the month. During his 15-year "career" Zhiyu donated more than 6000 dollars, according to the receipts, which he takes to the needy.
Great reward for honesty
Anyone who believes that honesty is no longer there, never heard of Billy Ray Harris (Billy Ray Harris). In February 2013 55-year-old homeless man from Kansas hit the jackpot when a woman accidentally dropped her engagement ring worth thousands of dollars in his cup when he was begging on the street. The woman realized her mistake until some time and rushed to search for Harris. She found him in the same place and asked if he had found her ring. He said that he found the ring and gave a grateful woman who in return gave him all the money she had with him.
However, the money these women did not go to any comparison with the fundraising on the Internet that women groom arranged for Harris. Netizens who heard his story, have made contributions to the fund, which soon grew to more than 100 000 dollars. Harris later explained that although he was tempted to sell the ring, he knew it was not right, so he waited patiently for the woman will return to it.
The widow donated his land orphanage
On its 100th anniversary widow from India named Sindubala Mishra (Sindhubala Mishra) decided to use a piece of land to good use and pass it as a piece of land for the construction of a children's park and a children's home. Mishra, who married when she was nine years old, told how she was forced to live on the street, after her husband had died just two years after the wedding. Her family and relatives of the husband refused to take her to him, so she had to rely on charity to survive. Eventually she managed to save enough money to buy their land.
Now her only desire is to give her donation to the homeless children a proper chance in life. Her generosity was inspired by other people and organizations to make equipment and materials for the project, with some offered to build a shelter and park for free.
Beggar paid the bill at the hotel for another woman
Curtis Jackson (Curtis Jackson), a homeless man from Chicago, saw his chance to repay kindness with kindness in 2011, when he learned that the woman, whom he knew well, recently out of work. When she met Jackson, 39-year-old single mother worked in a bank, and she had a home. After she lost her job and her home in the future, she stayed at the hotel with his young son, after the representatives of the guardianship and custody service warned that she did not live with the child in his car. Her savior came when she wondered about how she will pay the bill for the hotel. Remembering how she always treated him kindly, Jackson paid the expense of every day with the help of the money that he collected, begging in the city. In general, it has paid about 9000 dollars in her account. However, he was not opposed to helping the woman. He said that if God is on his side, he did not need the money.
Incredibly generous beggar
Ayam Kambiranon (Aiam Cambhiranon) could simply keep the vast fortune he amassed in 34 years begging near a Buddhist temple in Bangkok. Instead, the 63-year-old Kambiranon demonstrated that it has a heart of gold, which has no equal when it donated a total of $ 76,000 today for a three-year period in the reconstruction of the temple.
First he made a large donation in 2011 and continued to do it every year. The monks who kept the temple, were delighted with the kindness Kambiranona, and noted that he was courteous and modest, despite the acquisition of the status almost of a rock star among the pilgrims. The only change in my life Kambiranona was that the monks persuaded him to live in the temple, because now he incurred the attention of the local thieves. From the moment he took up residence in the temple, volunteers guarding Kambiranona and restored the temple.
Homeless man cleans the homes of other people
The fact that he himself was not at home, did not stop Vesnievski Forest (Les Wesniewski) from being able to lend a helping hand to those who have been more difficult in his life. A man who lives in a homeless shelter in the Mustard Seed (Mustard Seed), Calgary (Calgary), decided to help their neighbors, when in June 2013 the town hit by the flood. Along with several volunteers Vesnievski every day went from house to house and helped homeowners to rake debris from the flood. Vesnievski later stated in an interview that he liked to volunteer, and he was just happy that I could help. His fellow volunteers added that action Vesnievski served as a source of inspiration for them and for the entire community of the city.
Unknown beggar handed earthquake victims amount he was able to save two months begging
Remember the Bible verse where Jesus said that small donations, which made the poor means more than large sums of money, which sacrificed the rich? This is one such example. In April 2013, an unknown beggar from China came to the people, to raise funds for victims of the recent earthquake in his hometown, and donated $ 160. Man collecting money for two months, and wanted to help the residents of the city.
The story of his generosity spread around the Chinese Internet, and some even called it "the most beautiful to the poor." This was not his only good deed. A month before that, he also gave money for the treatment of a child suffering from leukemia.
Live Bulgarian saint
Many people know Dobri Dobrev (Dobri Dobrev) in his hometown of Sofia, Bulgaria, where he regularly begging in the streets of the city for decades. However, many do not know what good is not currently leaves a penny of the money donated. Instead, it uses the money for the restoration of various churches and monasteries, as well as helping with money to orphanages.
At the moment, he donated more than 52 000 dollars, while living on a miserable pension of about $ 100 a month. Dobrev, which is almost 100 years old and lost his hearing during the Second World War, discussed his mission in a television interview.
Source: 4tololo.ru

Schoolgirls got new clothes
Eleven schoolgirls in a special school for children with special needs in India received an unexpected gift when they were given new clothes thanks to generous sponsors. But this time was really special because the sponsor is absolutely not a rich man - it was a 64-year-old beggar.
Kimdzhibhay Prajapati (Khimjibhai Prajapati) was once the owner of a small tea shop, but then things got really bad, and he had to beg on the streets. However, this adverse event has not changed his outlook on life, as it continues to help those who are in a deplorable situation than himself. During the interview, which he took, intrigued by his donation, he said that for a long time wanted to do something to help the girls and continued to collect money until he could buy clothes. School Trustee, who witnessed the donation Prajapati, showered him with praise and called him a true philanthropist.

Homeless, who looked like Jesus Christ
Although this good deed is not associated with money, he, in fact, is invaluable - it is about saving somebody's life. People from parking pickups in Oklahoma faced with a rather unusual problem in October 2012, when the couple is in a state of stress, stop and ask for help. The woman just had a baby, and the umbilical cord was wrapped around the neck of the child. The child was unconscious and passers-by were afraid that the ambulance does not arrive on time.
Fortunately, unflappable homeless man named Gary Wilson (Gary Wilson) knew what had to be done. He just followed the instructions dispatcher ambulance removed the cord from the baby's neck, and began to massage his back. Subsequently, the medical personnel arrived at the scene, Wilson praised for the way safely and correctly, he enrolled in this situation. While he was gone the next day, one employee parking pickups noted that Wilson looked like Jesus "with long hair and a beard».

Beggar from Nigeria gave them alms collected to feed the victims of natural disasters
In October last year, a poor middle-aged man named Simon Ozoemena (Simon Ozoemena) saw as the recent flooding devastated the lives of the people of the region Anambra (Anambra) Nigeria and decided to help. Ozoemena who is incapacitated, he took 188 dollars out of charity, which he collected in various churches and handed them over to officials. They were touched by his charity and promised to use the money wisely for the benefit of victims. When asked why he donated a considerable sum when he lived solely on alms, Ozoemena said simply: "They live better than I do before the incident, and it is now more difficult».

Chinese beggar to help the needy
When he was 18 years old, Wang Zhiyu (Wang Zhiyou) discovered that his real parents sent him to another family, because they were too poor to grow it. At that moment he realized the depth of despair, which often live in poor people, and began to beg to help them.
Usually it is in a certain place and asks for alms there for a month. After that, he communicates with the media and asked to find a needy person who gives Zhiyu and collected money for the month. During his 15-year "career" Zhiyu donated more than 6000 dollars, according to the receipts, which he takes to the needy.

Great reward for honesty
Anyone who believes that honesty is no longer there, never heard of Billy Ray Harris (Billy Ray Harris). In February 2013 55-year-old homeless man from Kansas hit the jackpot when a woman accidentally dropped her engagement ring worth thousands of dollars in his cup when he was begging on the street. The woman realized her mistake until some time and rushed to search for Harris. She found him in the same place and asked if he had found her ring. He said that he found the ring and gave a grateful woman who in return gave him all the money she had with him.
However, the money these women did not go to any comparison with the fundraising on the Internet that women groom arranged for Harris. Netizens who heard his story, have made contributions to the fund, which soon grew to more than 100 000 dollars. Harris later explained that although he was tempted to sell the ring, he knew it was not right, so he waited patiently for the woman will return to it.

The widow donated his land orphanage
On its 100th anniversary widow from India named Sindubala Mishra (Sindhubala Mishra) decided to use a piece of land to good use and pass it as a piece of land for the construction of a children's park and a children's home. Mishra, who married when she was nine years old, told how she was forced to live on the street, after her husband had died just two years after the wedding. Her family and relatives of the husband refused to take her to him, so she had to rely on charity to survive. Eventually she managed to save enough money to buy their land.
Now her only desire is to give her donation to the homeless children a proper chance in life. Her generosity was inspired by other people and organizations to make equipment and materials for the project, with some offered to build a shelter and park for free.

Beggar paid the bill at the hotel for another woman
Curtis Jackson (Curtis Jackson), a homeless man from Chicago, saw his chance to repay kindness with kindness in 2011, when he learned that the woman, whom he knew well, recently out of work. When she met Jackson, 39-year-old single mother worked in a bank, and she had a home. After she lost her job and her home in the future, she stayed at the hotel with his young son, after the representatives of the guardianship and custody service warned that she did not live with the child in his car. Her savior came when she wondered about how she will pay the bill for the hotel. Remembering how she always treated him kindly, Jackson paid the expense of every day with the help of the money that he collected, begging in the city. In general, it has paid about 9000 dollars in her account. However, he was not opposed to helping the woman. He said that if God is on his side, he did not need the money.

Incredibly generous beggar
Ayam Kambiranon (Aiam Cambhiranon) could simply keep the vast fortune he amassed in 34 years begging near a Buddhist temple in Bangkok. Instead, the 63-year-old Kambiranon demonstrated that it has a heart of gold, which has no equal when it donated a total of $ 76,000 today for a three-year period in the reconstruction of the temple.
First he made a large donation in 2011 and continued to do it every year. The monks who kept the temple, were delighted with the kindness Kambiranona, and noted that he was courteous and modest, despite the acquisition of the status almost of a rock star among the pilgrims. The only change in my life Kambiranona was that the monks persuaded him to live in the temple, because now he incurred the attention of the local thieves. From the moment he took up residence in the temple, volunteers guarding Kambiranona and restored the temple.

Homeless man cleans the homes of other people
The fact that he himself was not at home, did not stop Vesnievski Forest (Les Wesniewski) from being able to lend a helping hand to those who have been more difficult in his life. A man who lives in a homeless shelter in the Mustard Seed (Mustard Seed), Calgary (Calgary), decided to help their neighbors, when in June 2013 the town hit by the flood. Along with several volunteers Vesnievski every day went from house to house and helped homeowners to rake debris from the flood. Vesnievski later stated in an interview that he liked to volunteer, and he was just happy that I could help. His fellow volunteers added that action Vesnievski served as a source of inspiration for them and for the entire community of the city.

Unknown beggar handed earthquake victims amount he was able to save two months begging
Remember the Bible verse where Jesus said that small donations, which made the poor means more than large sums of money, which sacrificed the rich? This is one such example. In April 2013, an unknown beggar from China came to the people, to raise funds for victims of the recent earthquake in his hometown, and donated $ 160. Man collecting money for two months, and wanted to help the residents of the city.
The story of his generosity spread around the Chinese Internet, and some even called it "the most beautiful to the poor." This was not his only good deed. A month before that, he also gave money for the treatment of a child suffering from leukemia.

Live Bulgarian saint
Many people know Dobri Dobrev (Dobri Dobrev) in his hometown of Sofia, Bulgaria, where he regularly begging in the streets of the city for decades. However, many do not know what good is not currently leaves a penny of the money donated. Instead, it uses the money for the restoration of various churches and monasteries, as well as helping with money to orphanages.
At the moment, he donated more than 52 000 dollars, while living on a miserable pension of about $ 100 a month. Dobrev, which is almost 100 years old and lost his hearing during the Second World War, discussed his mission in a television interview.

Source: 4tololo.ru