Why you shouldn’t try to look better in the eyes of others
Why do some people easily achieve the location of others, and others do not succeed at all? Maybe it's the way you talk? Or a smile? Perhaps it is a sense of humor or, conversely, an emphasis on seriousness?
Experts are not the first year looking for secrets of human attractiveness, and in this case managed to achieve results. It turns out that there is a whole set of psychological techniques that help to like others. And many are friendly and handsomeThose you know probably use at least some of the tricks in this arsenal.
Laws of attractiveness
Of course there are others. charm, which make a person desirable in a particular company: sports or social success, outstanding character traits, initiative, sense of humor and a stock of stories on any topic. But then everyone should think about their strengths and weaknesses to understand in which direction to develop.
Recently, we shared 14 more tricks that help make a good impression on the interlocutor. And also talked about 3 nasty signs of low emotional intelligence. Without correcting these mistakes, it is difficult to join any company.
Experts are not the first year looking for secrets of human attractiveness, and in this case managed to achieve results. It turns out that there is a whole set of psychological techniques that help to like others. And many are friendly and handsomeThose you know probably use at least some of the tricks in this arsenal.

Laws of attractiveness
- Positive.
People around you can sense your mood. And if you radiate positive, then in this way you charge with positive emotions of others. This helps to make a good impression, to set others on your wave. - Smile.
With the help of a smile, a person demonstrates friendliness and openness. Just smile and people will be disarmed. In addition, it is proved that smiling people are easier to remember when dating, so you should not frown on a new acquaintance: he is more likely to feel hostility than disposition. - Compliments
It is important to say good words not only to the specific interlocutor you want to impress, but also to other people. It turns out that what we say about others determines how everyone sees us. And by praising another person, we increase our own attractiveness in the eyes of others. When we criticize, we ascribe some of the negativity to ourselves. - "Mirror" mannerisms
The “chameleon effect” of copying someone’s mannerisms really works. Another thing is that repeating the gestures, posture and facial expressions of another person should be unobtrusive, so as not to overdo it. - Friendship and competence
People like it when a professional first demonstrates openness in communication. It encourages you to start a dialogue with him, to ask something, to share your experience. Therefore, it is more important to establish a connection, showing friendliness, and then flash your knowledge on an important issue. - Imperfectness
Perfect people are frightened by their inaccessibility, but those who are not afraid to make mistakes in front of everyone, attract, remind us of their own mistakes. It brings us closer. - General views
People like people who are more like them. And if the other person is worried about the same football club, listens to the same music or shares similar political views, then you will have no trouble making friends. At the same time, scientists from the University of Virginia report that the strongest sympathy arises for the person who, like us, is sharply negative about something. - touching
Light and unobtrusive touch at a subconscious level attracts the interlocutor, helps to feel warmth to you. Tactile contact allows you to instantly step over many barriers and become closer to a person. For example, the same American scientists found that waiters, quietly touching customers, in the end received more tips. - Listening ability
From talking about yourself loved one gets as much pleasure as from delicious food or making love. Therefore, be able to give a voice to the interlocutor: this is not only a way to please yourself, but also an opportunity to learn more about him. And be an active listener: ask clarifying questions, show emotions, give in. - Common secrets
Opening up at the right time is the simplest technique for building trusting relationships. And if you have already managed to tell each other about yourself and discussed the latest news, then you can tell the interlocutor some personal secret. When you open up to another person, you push them to respond with the same coin, so it will be easier for them to trust you now or in the future. - Perception
Surprisingly, if a person is perceived better than he thinks about himself, he tries to avoid such a society. But if his perception of himself coincides with the perception of other people, then the person feels comfortable. A number of experiments at Stanford University have shown that people with high self-esteem tend to be friends with those who praise them. But participants with low self-esteem preferred to be friends with their critics.
Of course there are others. charm, which make a person desirable in a particular company: sports or social success, outstanding character traits, initiative, sense of humor and a stock of stories on any topic. But then everyone should think about their strengths and weaknesses to understand in which direction to develop.
Recently, we shared 14 more tricks that help make a good impression on the interlocutor. And also talked about 3 nasty signs of low emotional intelligence. Without correcting these mistakes, it is difficult to join any company.