Why you can not eat khinkali with a knife and fork

Hinkali are traditional Georgian dumplings that are loved by gourmets all over the world. The dish is considered male, as the food is heavy, and few women will cope with this in large quantities. And there is a lot of khinkali - it is honorable, and later we will tell you why. Many housewives experiment with filling and prepare khinkali in their own way. Today we will teach you how to cook classic Georgian khinkali, and most importantly, tell you how to eat khinkali according to etiquette.

Eating khinkali, as well as cooking them, is a real art. You need to eat each bag filled with juicy mince and broth, in one bite. First, the dish is allowed to cool a little, since inside there is not only the filling, but also hot broth. If you start eating khinkali immediately after cooking, you can easily get burned. So wait a minute, then eat. But it is impossible to let the dish cool, since you will not be able to feel the whole symphony of the taste of Georgian khinkali.

So, take the khinkali by the tail and turn it upside down. Bite a small piece of dough and drink the broth. Then you can eat the meat part. Hinkali never eat cutlery under any circumstances. They should be eaten so that not a single drop of broth does not fall on the plate, otherwise it will offend the cook.

Georgians revere traditions. Therefore, many before going to the hinkali watch training videos about how to eat hinkali correctly. There is a tradition in which visitors leave tails from khinkali on a plate. This part of the khinkali is inedible and is done only to comfortably hold the khinkali. And the tradition is that after a meal, everyone counts the tails from the khinkali on his plate. The person who ate the least pays the bill. If you and a friend do not plan to argue, agree in advance who pays the bill.

Recipe of Georgian khinkali Ingredients
  • 1kg flour
  • 500g beef
  • 500g pork
  • 2 tbsp salt
  • 800 ml of water
  • 1 tuft of cilantro
  • chili
  • 0.5 tsp curing

  1. Make the dough. Ask for 1 kg of flour in a deep bowl and gradually pour water into the crater of flour. Add 1 tbsp salt and blends cool but elastic dough. Transfer the dough into a bowl and cover with a kitchen towel, send the dough to rest in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

  2. In the meantime, do the stuffing. From 500 g of pork and 500 g of beef, make mince with a meat grinder. Cut the greens and twist them in a minced meat grinder. Then add salt and spices, mix the mince with your hands.

  3. Pour about 500 ml of water into the mince. Farm should be bulky, but not too liquid. Then put it in the fridge for an hour.
  4. Roll the dough into the sausage and cut it into small pieces. Roll out each piece of dough 2mm thick. The size of the blanks should be about the palm.

  5. When the dough is rolled, get the mince and start sculpting khinkali. Some hostesses take a small bowl for convenience. Put 1 tbsp of mince on the dough and fill the edge of the khinkali with an accordion. Cut the tip with a knife so that the khinkali do not fall apart during cooking.

  6. In boiling salted water, carefully lower the khinkali one tail down. Vari hinkal for 10 minutes, stir them from time to time and make sure they do not come to the bottom of the pot.

I found a recipe for the original Georgian khinkali on the canal. I leave a video recipe so that under the strict guidance of Irina Grigorievna, you can prepare juicy Georgian khinkali at home and feed the whole family with a delicious dish. By the way, cooking with the whole family advises Irina Grigorievna. It’s more fun and faster to cook. On her channel, Irina Grigorievna shares recipes of Georgian dishes. The hostess knows about Georgian cuisine firsthand, she has lived in Georgia for 25 years, she has something to learn.

Ready khinkali eat without sauces and snacks. This dish already combines the first and second. If desired, you can sprinkle khinkali with black pepper. Have you ever tried cooking khinkali?


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