9 recipes for favorite dishes from childhood!
Kindergarten and school are remembered, among other things, we also his special food. We can not say that all were fed there perfectly, but still a lot of people with reverence and nostalgia dishes prepared by chefs caring hands. This means that our post will be useful for them, because it contains recipes of dishes ever, the taste of which is impossible to forget!
What you will need:
-Tvorog - 500 g;
-Sahar - 100 g;
-Manka - 100 g;
-Moloko - 50 g;
-Slivochnoe Oil - 50 g;
-Yaytsa - 2 шт.
Как same prepare curd pudding:
1. rub the cottage cheese with the sugar, add the milk and stir.
2. Add remaining ingredients and stir gently again until the disappearance of lumps.
3. spread the butter out of the fridge and leave to soften. Give 40 minutes to swell semolina.
4. Add the soft butter, stir. Bake in the oven 180-200 C until golden brown.
Immediately it should say that this pudding is obtained tasty and tender! And if your school prepared her bad - prepare yourself for this recipe, give her a second chance, and you'll love it
What is required:
-6 Eggs
-300 Ml milk
1/2 tsp salt
-slivochnoe oil for lubrication form
Let us open secret of making a magnificent kindergarten omelet!
Important: take the form of higher and narrower
. 1. Eggs are trying to drive into the container, add salt.
2. Pour the milk.
3. Mix a whisk until smooth, do not stir!
4. Form a good grease with butter. Pour mixture omletnuyu. We put in a preheated 200 degree oven. Bake 35-40 minutes or until top crust tanned.
During cooking the omelet would rise by about 1/3, and after removing from the oven again lowered. Also at the bottom of the mold may appear a small amount of serum, it's okay!
Some people believe that in the Soviet catering omelets made from egg powder and dried milk and because of this they were high. But, having prepared for this recipe, you are guaranteed to experience the same taste of the omelet kindergarten, he was as well-rises in a narrow form, and uses only natural products!
For stolovskaya cutlets take:
-500 G of ground beef
-60% Of the volume of minced pulp of black bread, soaked in water or milk
Bulbs -1 Garlic clove
-hydrochloric, pepper
Crackers Butyric stretch. frying
Cooking burgers nostalgic
1. The pulp of black bread soaked in water, mash, add to stuffing.
2. Then put the onion, spices and 1 clove garlic, crushed previously.
3. All knead.
4. Paniruem in breadcrumbs and fry over medium heat until crisp, turning.
And now, some memories of how prepared these cakes in catering:
"In school canteens did not carry pork, beef only, to be exact - a goulash. 3 kg. meat - 1 loaf of black bread (brick by 16 kopeks.), soaked in water. Minced milled 2 times. Salt, pepper, onions 500 gr. - And all. Now I remember. »
"The meat was cutlet (beef trim tendon), raw onions are added, eggs, too, stuffing diluted with water and bread more. Minced good beat to give a viscosity. Breaded, fried in a pan and put the trays in the oven, but without water. Just sanitary regulations obliged to do so, to burgers inside were not soggy. At one time I had them remade thousands in the entire Soviet Union, all catering to work on a single collection of recipes, which indicated that 100 servings of hamburgers is 3, 7 kg cutlet meat, bread wheat 9 grams, milk or water 11 m, rusks 5 g, 62 g semi-weight, fat ghee (cooking) 3 c. Total weight of the finished product 50 gr. (I still remember!) »
As we can see, memories chefs differ slightly, but all the same taste in these meatballs will canteen!
What will it take for meatballs in red sauce:
-Govyadina (Pulp) - 1 kg
Gold Coast (meat, beef) - 1 kg
-Hleb (White brick, but in any case not a loaf) - 700 g
-Luk Bulb (in the meatballs - 700 g in the sauce - 300 g, the broth - 200 g) - 1200 g
-Morkov (In broth - 1 pc., For frying in sauce - 1 pc.) - 2 pcs
-Pomidor (Tomato Home) - 500 ml
-Yaytso Chicken - 1 pc
-hydrochloric (To taste)
-Water - 2 liters
-list Laurel - 1 piece
-Pryanye Grass
-Muka Flour - 2 tbsp. l.
Butyric vegetable (for frying) - 100 ml
-Suhari Bread (or semolina flour 1: 1) - 100 g
-Selderey Root (or parsley root) - 50 g
Let us proceed to the preparation of:
1. First, prepare the broth, on the basis of which will be ready red sauce. Beef bones slightly roasted on a dry pan until light brown. Lazy can do it again. In the dining room we made it so to give a brown broth and rich taste. Fill with water, give to boil. Remove the foam, add 1 carrot, celery roots, 1 onion, a pinch of herbs, salt to taste and cook over low heat for at least 3 hours. At this time, we scroll through a meat grinder meat, soaked in water and bread from one bulb prepared for meatballs.
2. Lightly fry the remaining onion to meatballs.
3. Add the fried onion mince, add to the same egg, salt, who wish to (or if you are preparing for adults only) - pepper, knead well. Form a round patties, rolled in breadcrumbs and fry (not prozharivaya) on both sides over high heat.
4. We spread the patties on a baking tray with high sides.
5. Prepare the sauce. Onions and carrots to the sauce and fry finely chopped. Separately, a dry frying pan fry the flour until golden brown.
6. Tomato also separately fry in skillet in oil. Putting in a pan roasted carrots with onions and tomatoes, pour 1, 5 liters of strained broth and bring to a boil, cook minutes 20.
7. fried flour diluted in a glass of cold broth, stir.
8. Carefully pour the flour diluted in boiling sauce, stir, add the bay leaves, cook for 10 minutes, turn it off. The sauce is ready.
9. Fill the patties on a baking sauce, put in the oven at 200 degrees for 40 minutes.
10. Our meatballs are ready! Delicious! Bon appetit!
It's hard to believe, but the muffin really like a kid! B>
-400 Gr. flour
Eggs -25 C. sugar
-15 C. yeast (or 1 teaspoon dried)
-200 Ml. warm water
-rastitelnoe oil for frying
The most difficult to prepare - to wait
! 1. Yeast triturated with sugar (if using dry yeast, they should be mixed with a small amount of warm water and sugar and let stand in a warm place about 10 minutes), add water, flour and eggs and knead the dough. It should have no liquid.
2. The dough should stand for 35-40 minutes. in a warm place. Once it rises, bake on a hot frying pan pancakes on both sides.
3. To buy condensed milk or jam and enjoy this taste of childhood!
How do the school tea? B>
First, ask the opinion of those who drank it:
"The main thing that tap water was. Ideally - from the tap in the kitchen of your home school. Should drink only at the table of chipboard on the iron legs. »
"And unless we drank tea? My feeling was that the boiler broom and rinsed added sugar ... »
And this is how it was prepared on the fact:
Boil water in a saucepan, add sugar, tea leaves (already brewed according to the rules in the brewing teapot) and leave on low heat.
Its specific taste he acquired from the fact that for a long time (about an hour), warmed over low heat.
In general, if you want to - you can zamorochitsya, but it is better to go to the school canteen, the good there are still alive the tradition
To test sochnik:
-210g Flour
-1 Egg
-50g Icing sugar or caster sugar
Oil -schep. salt, pounded into powder
-1 \ 4 tsp baking powder
For the filling:
Cheese -40g Sugar
-30g Flour
Cream -1 \ 2 egg yolks (the second half of leave for lubrication, once mixed with water to the yolk is not dried up)
1 \ 2 yolks
a tablespoon of warm water
How to cook sochnik:
1. Prepare the filling (it should stand to dissolve the sugar, or you can use powdered sugar).
2. All ingredients are folded into a bowl and mix with a mixer. Very carefully.
3. Prepare the dough. Fold in the bowl of soft butter, egg, salt, powder and beat with a mixer.
4. Pour the flour with baking powder.
5. Mix (not for long).
6. sculpt dough into a ball.
7. Divide the dough into 6 pieces (70 g, if you have the scale). Every part of the roll in rather short and sausage roll on a floured table. Put the stuffing (for 45g). Stuffing cover half of the test, so that it was visible.
8. Put on baking paper or baking sheet, greased necessary!
9. Sami sochniki grease yolk with water using a brush, and filling and the dough.
10. Bake 25 minutes at 200C.
On 15 rings 8cm take:
Oil -130g Of sugar or powdered sugar
-350g Flour
-1 Egg
-1 \ 2 tsp vanilla essence (or polpaketika vanilla sugar)
-1 \ 4 tsp salt (crushed)
-1 \ 2 tsp baking powder.
-1 Yolk for lubrication
-65g Nuts for strewing
You will need:
-formochki diameter of 8 cm and 2 cm for cutting rings
And how to prepare a sand ring?
1. Fold all products except the flour in a bowl.
2. Beat with a mixer 5 minutes or more, until the sugar has dissolved (it can be found by rubbing the mixture between your fingers, Krupina should not be).
3. Pour the flour and quickly knead the dough. Cool it in the refrigerator, the optimum temperature of 20C test.
4. Good table sprinkle with flour and roll out the dough thickness of 6-7mm. Cut circles of large molds, and then into the center to make a hole diameter of 2 cm.
5. Put on a baking sheet and place in the freezer for 20 minutes. It is - it is important and very convenient, as with cookies will be much easier to work
. 6. In the meantime, fry the finely chopped nuts (at 180 ° C for 10 minutes).
7. Prepare the egg yolk, nuts and get the blank.
8. Grease the rings yolk.
9. Each turn the greased side of a sheet or plate with nuts. And put on a baking sheet.
10. Bake at 200 ° C in 12 minutes. Avoid browning!
What does it rolls to 9 cents:
For the sponge:
- Wheat flour 250g
- Pressed yeast 15 gr
- Milk 100g
- Water 30 g
- Egg 75g
If the egg is less - top up with water up to 75 g
For the dough:
- Opara
- Wheat flour 250g
- Pressed yeast 10-15 grams
- Sugar 125 g
- 5 g salt
- 90 g butter
- Water 35 g
- 1 c vanilla
How to prepare:
1. Knead the brew.
If the egg does not pull at 75g, it is better to put one piece missing and programs to add water.
Leave to ferment for 4-5 hours at 27 C, and keep track of how it looks. By the end of fermentation Opara still be swollen or fallen. If you start to fall before 5:00 expired, do not wait and immediately knead the dough.
2. Add sponge to everything except oil.
If Opara was very active, it does not take 15, and 10 g of yeast!
3. Butter is slightly podtopilo, to intervene in a homogeneous pasty mass and add it to the dough by kneading for 5-7 minutes.
Butter may advantageously replace refined vegetable!
Leave to ferment for 1, 5-2 hours.
4. to cut the dough into 11 balls of 90 grams and put on proofing at 1-1, 5:00.
5. warm up the oven to 180-200 C.
6. Brush the buns with egg and cream or become bake 30 minutes.
A little secret:
To rolls out more tender, should be well before baking oven probryzgat from the sprinkler.
What you need to milk biscuits
110ml milk
200 g sugar
100 g of oil (soften)
1 egg
400g flour
1/4 tsp soda
1 vanilla pod (optional)
For lubrication
1 egg yolk
How to prepare:
All products at room temperature.
1. Hold the milk, add the sugar, seeds of the vanilla pod (optional) and cook the syrup. To do this, simply by stirring, bring the mixture to a boil and boil a little. This syrup is cooled to room temperature and pour in the melted butter, then add the egg.
2. Vigorously prevent the spatula or with a mixer until the mixture is almost homogeneous (completely homogeneous it will never be, because then: Number of oil will always be clipped liquid). Add flour sifted with a quarter teaspoon of baking soda. Quickly knead the dough.
3. Roll out the dough (it is soft and very pleasant to process) to a thickness of 6-7 mm and a circular groove with teeth cut biscuits, shifting on the baking paper.
4. Mix 1 egg yolk with one teaspoon of warm water and lubricate biscuits.
5. Bake at 210C 12 minutes.
Ready biscuits still hot, you can sprinkle with powdered sugar!
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What you will need:
-Tvorog - 500 g;
-Sahar - 100 g;
-Manka - 100 g;
-Moloko - 50 g;
-Slivochnoe Oil - 50 g;
-Yaytsa - 2 шт.
Как same prepare curd pudding:
1. rub the cottage cheese with the sugar, add the milk and stir.
2. Add remaining ingredients and stir gently again until the disappearance of lumps.
3. spread the butter out of the fridge and leave to soften. Give 40 minutes to swell semolina.
4. Add the soft butter, stir. Bake in the oven 180-200 C until golden brown.
Immediately it should say that this pudding is obtained tasty and tender! And if your school prepared her bad - prepare yourself for this recipe, give her a second chance, and you'll love it

What is required:
-6 Eggs
-300 Ml milk
1/2 tsp salt
-slivochnoe oil for lubrication form
Let us open secret of making a magnificent kindergarten omelet!
Important: take the form of higher and narrower
. 1. Eggs are trying to drive into the container, add salt.
2. Pour the milk.
3. Mix a whisk until smooth, do not stir!
4. Form a good grease with butter. Pour mixture omletnuyu. We put in a preheated 200 degree oven. Bake 35-40 minutes or until top crust tanned.
During cooking the omelet would rise by about 1/3, and after removing from the oven again lowered. Also at the bottom of the mold may appear a small amount of serum, it's okay!
Some people believe that in the Soviet catering omelets made from egg powder and dried milk and because of this they were high. But, having prepared for this recipe, you are guaranteed to experience the same taste of the omelet kindergarten, he was as well-rises in a narrow form, and uses only natural products!

For stolovskaya cutlets take:
-500 G of ground beef
-60% Of the volume of minced pulp of black bread, soaked in water or milk
Bulbs -1 Garlic clove
-hydrochloric, pepper
Crackers Butyric stretch. frying
Cooking burgers nostalgic
1. The pulp of black bread soaked in water, mash, add to stuffing.
2. Then put the onion, spices and 1 clove garlic, crushed previously.
3. All knead.
4. Paniruem in breadcrumbs and fry over medium heat until crisp, turning.
And now, some memories of how prepared these cakes in catering:
"In school canteens did not carry pork, beef only, to be exact - a goulash. 3 kg. meat - 1 loaf of black bread (brick by 16 kopeks.), soaked in water. Minced milled 2 times. Salt, pepper, onions 500 gr. - And all. Now I remember. »
"The meat was cutlet (beef trim tendon), raw onions are added, eggs, too, stuffing diluted with water and bread more. Minced good beat to give a viscosity. Breaded, fried in a pan and put the trays in the oven, but without water. Just sanitary regulations obliged to do so, to burgers inside were not soggy. At one time I had them remade thousands in the entire Soviet Union, all catering to work on a single collection of recipes, which indicated that 100 servings of hamburgers is 3, 7 kg cutlet meat, bread wheat 9 grams, milk or water 11 m, rusks 5 g, 62 g semi-weight, fat ghee (cooking) 3 c. Total weight of the finished product 50 gr. (I still remember!) »
As we can see, memories chefs differ slightly, but all the same taste in these meatballs will canteen!

What will it take for meatballs in red sauce:
-Govyadina (Pulp) - 1 kg
Gold Coast (meat, beef) - 1 kg
-Hleb (White brick, but in any case not a loaf) - 700 g
-Luk Bulb (in the meatballs - 700 g in the sauce - 300 g, the broth - 200 g) - 1200 g
-Morkov (In broth - 1 pc., For frying in sauce - 1 pc.) - 2 pcs
-Pomidor (Tomato Home) - 500 ml
-Yaytso Chicken - 1 pc
-hydrochloric (To taste)
-Water - 2 liters
-list Laurel - 1 piece
-Pryanye Grass
-Muka Flour - 2 tbsp. l.
Butyric vegetable (for frying) - 100 ml
-Suhari Bread (or semolina flour 1: 1) - 100 g
-Selderey Root (or parsley root) - 50 g
Let us proceed to the preparation of:

1. First, prepare the broth, on the basis of which will be ready red sauce. Beef bones slightly roasted on a dry pan until light brown. Lazy can do it again. In the dining room we made it so to give a brown broth and rich taste. Fill with water, give to boil. Remove the foam, add 1 carrot, celery roots, 1 onion, a pinch of herbs, salt to taste and cook over low heat for at least 3 hours. At this time, we scroll through a meat grinder meat, soaked in water and bread from one bulb prepared for meatballs.
2. Lightly fry the remaining onion to meatballs.
3. Add the fried onion mince, add to the same egg, salt, who wish to (or if you are preparing for adults only) - pepper, knead well. Form a round patties, rolled in breadcrumbs and fry (not prozharivaya) on both sides over high heat.
4. We spread the patties on a baking tray with high sides.
5. Prepare the sauce. Onions and carrots to the sauce and fry finely chopped. Separately, a dry frying pan fry the flour until golden brown.

6. Tomato also separately fry in skillet in oil. Putting in a pan roasted carrots with onions and tomatoes, pour 1, 5 liters of strained broth and bring to a boil, cook minutes 20.
7. fried flour diluted in a glass of cold broth, stir.
8. Carefully pour the flour diluted in boiling sauce, stir, add the bay leaves, cook for 10 minutes, turn it off. The sauce is ready.
9. Fill the patties on a baking sauce, put in the oven at 200 degrees for 40 minutes.
10. Our meatballs are ready! Delicious! Bon appetit!

It's hard to believe, but the muffin really like a kid! B>
-400 Gr. flour
Eggs -25 C. sugar
-15 C. yeast (or 1 teaspoon dried)
-200 Ml. warm water
-rastitelnoe oil for frying
The most difficult to prepare - to wait
! 1. Yeast triturated with sugar (if using dry yeast, they should be mixed with a small amount of warm water and sugar and let stand in a warm place about 10 minutes), add water, flour and eggs and knead the dough. It should have no liquid.
2. The dough should stand for 35-40 minutes. in a warm place. Once it rises, bake on a hot frying pan pancakes on both sides.
3. To buy condensed milk or jam and enjoy this taste of childhood!

How do the school tea? B>
First, ask the opinion of those who drank it:
"The main thing that tap water was. Ideally - from the tap in the kitchen of your home school. Should drink only at the table of chipboard on the iron legs. »
"And unless we drank tea? My feeling was that the boiler broom and rinsed added sugar ... »
And this is how it was prepared on the fact:
Boil water in a saucepan, add sugar, tea leaves (already brewed according to the rules in the brewing teapot) and leave on low heat.
Its specific taste he acquired from the fact that for a long time (about an hour), warmed over low heat.
In general, if you want to - you can zamorochitsya, but it is better to go to the school canteen, the good there are still alive the tradition

To test sochnik:
-210g Flour
-1 Egg
-50g Icing sugar or caster sugar
Oil -schep. salt, pounded into powder
-1 \ 4 tsp baking powder
For the filling:
Cheese -40g Sugar
-30g Flour
Cream -1 \ 2 egg yolks (the second half of leave for lubrication, once mixed with water to the yolk is not dried up)
1 \ 2 yolks
a tablespoon of warm water
How to cook sochnik:
1. Prepare the filling (it should stand to dissolve the sugar, or you can use powdered sugar).
2. All ingredients are folded into a bowl and mix with a mixer. Very carefully.
3. Prepare the dough. Fold in the bowl of soft butter, egg, salt, powder and beat with a mixer.
4. Pour the flour with baking powder.
5. Mix (not for long).
6. sculpt dough into a ball.
7. Divide the dough into 6 pieces (70 g, if you have the scale). Every part of the roll in rather short and sausage roll on a floured table. Put the stuffing (for 45g). Stuffing cover half of the test, so that it was visible.
8. Put on baking paper or baking sheet, greased necessary!
9. Sami sochniki grease yolk with water using a brush, and filling and the dough.
10. Bake 25 minutes at 200C.

On 15 rings 8cm take:
Oil -130g Of sugar or powdered sugar
-350g Flour
-1 Egg
-1 \ 2 tsp vanilla essence (or polpaketika vanilla sugar)
-1 \ 4 tsp salt (crushed)
-1 \ 2 tsp baking powder.
-1 Yolk for lubrication
-65g Nuts for strewing
You will need:
-formochki diameter of 8 cm and 2 cm for cutting rings
And how to prepare a sand ring?
1. Fold all products except the flour in a bowl.
2. Beat with a mixer 5 minutes or more, until the sugar has dissolved (it can be found by rubbing the mixture between your fingers, Krupina should not be).
3. Pour the flour and quickly knead the dough. Cool it in the refrigerator, the optimum temperature of 20C test.
4. Good table sprinkle with flour and roll out the dough thickness of 6-7mm. Cut circles of large molds, and then into the center to make a hole diameter of 2 cm.
5. Put on a baking sheet and place in the freezer for 20 minutes. It is - it is important and very convenient, as with cookies will be much easier to work
. 6. In the meantime, fry the finely chopped nuts (at 180 ° C for 10 minutes).
7. Prepare the egg yolk, nuts and get the blank.
8. Grease the rings yolk.
9. Each turn the greased side of a sheet or plate with nuts. And put on a baking sheet.
10. Bake at 200 ° C in 12 minutes. Avoid browning!

What does it rolls to 9 cents:
For the sponge:
- Wheat flour 250g
- Pressed yeast 15 gr
- Milk 100g
- Water 30 g
- Egg 75g
If the egg is less - top up with water up to 75 g
For the dough:
- Opara
- Wheat flour 250g
- Pressed yeast 10-15 grams
- Sugar 125 g
- 5 g salt
- 90 g butter
- Water 35 g
- 1 c vanilla
How to prepare:
1. Knead the brew.
If the egg does not pull at 75g, it is better to put one piece missing and programs to add water.
Leave to ferment for 4-5 hours at 27 C, and keep track of how it looks. By the end of fermentation Opara still be swollen or fallen. If you start to fall before 5:00 expired, do not wait and immediately knead the dough.
2. Add sponge to everything except oil.
If Opara was very active, it does not take 15, and 10 g of yeast!
3. Butter is slightly podtopilo, to intervene in a homogeneous pasty mass and add it to the dough by kneading for 5-7 minutes.
Butter may advantageously replace refined vegetable!
Leave to ferment for 1, 5-2 hours.
4. to cut the dough into 11 balls of 90 grams and put on proofing at 1-1, 5:00.
5. warm up the oven to 180-200 C.
6. Brush the buns with egg and cream or become bake 30 minutes.
A little secret:
To rolls out more tender, should be well before baking oven probryzgat from the sprinkler.

What you need to milk biscuits
110ml milk
200 g sugar
100 g of oil (soften)
1 egg
400g flour
1/4 tsp soda
1 vanilla pod (optional)
For lubrication
1 egg yolk
How to prepare:
All products at room temperature.
1. Hold the milk, add the sugar, seeds of the vanilla pod (optional) and cook the syrup. To do this, simply by stirring, bring the mixture to a boil and boil a little. This syrup is cooled to room temperature and pour in the melted butter, then add the egg.
2. Vigorously prevent the spatula or with a mixer until the mixture is almost homogeneous (completely homogeneous it will never be, because then: Number of oil will always be clipped liquid). Add flour sifted with a quarter teaspoon of baking soda. Quickly knead the dough.
3. Roll out the dough (it is soft and very pleasant to process) to a thickness of 6-7 mm and a circular groove with teeth cut biscuits, shifting on the baking paper.
4. Mix 1 egg yolk with one teaspoon of warm water and lubricate biscuits.
5. Bake at 210C 12 minutes.
Ready biscuits still hot, you can sprinkle with powdered sugar!
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