Instructions for the preparation of the perfect pea soup

Still do not know how to cook peas so that it is well boiled and soft without a long pre-soaking? Today's edition. "Site" It will help to understand this issue once and for all.

Peas are one of the most affordable plant foods with a high protein content. That is why its dishes are so popular all over the world.

Many people have trouble preparing it. However, these problems can easily be solved in two accounts. All you need is to know one single technological technique and use it when cooking this legume culture.

Probably, everyone knows that pre-soaking peas helps make it softer. But spending time on this procedure does not want almost anyone.

Therefore, many resort to another culinary trick. And this trick is to add a pinch of soda to a pot of boiling water that already contains peas.

However, soda is a rather specific ingredient, and if you inadvertently overdo it, you can hopelessly spoil the taste of the future dish.

Therefore, we suggest that you take note of the following reception.

To prepare a homogeneous pea puree, washed peas are poured into a pan and pour cold water. Then put the pan on the fire and wait until the water boils, then cook the beans for another 7 minutes.

And after that, we proceed to the key point of cooking - pour a glass of cold water into boiling water with peas. And then we cook the peas for another 20 minutes.

For the best effect, a blender can be used at the end.

But the subtleties of cooking pea soup mashed you can learn in the recipe that we left a little below.

Pea soup mashed ingredients
  • 250g dried peas
  • 2.5 liters of cold meat broth
  • 2 potatoes
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 bulb
  • 200g smoked sausage
  • 15g butter
  • fluff
  • salt
  • chili

  1. Due to the presence of additional ingredients in the soup, the technique of its preparation is slightly different from the preparation of ordinary pea puree. However, the first stage remains unchanged. We wash the peas, pour them into the pan and pour them with broth. Also put the pan on the fire and wait until the water boils, and then cook the peas again for another 7 minutes.

  2. Next, add another glass of cold broth to a pot with boiling broth and this time we wait only 7 minutes. Then add to the soup peeled and cut in small cubes potatoes.

  3. Then we make the usual roast from onions and carrots and add to the pan, as well as a cheese-smoked sausage sliced with cubes.

  4. At the end, add butter, salt and pepper to the pan. Cover everything and boil for another 10 minutes.

We decorate the finished soup with greenery and serve it to the table.

Bon appetit!


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