Exercises that will make the mind work with vengeance
Many people have never heard of the science of kinesiology. But this discipline helps to develop mental abilities and improve physical health through special motor exercises. It is an interesting practice, after which the state of health improves, and concentration It's getting stronger. Therefore, it is definitely worth testing them.
Concentrating on work is curious that kinesiological exercises That's a lot. However, to get acquainted with this promising science, we decided to select only those that can be performed without special devices. In addition, many of them can be done without even getting up from behind the computer. And it seems that exercise really helps.
An exercise that helps relieve fatigue after a long time at the computer. First, put your hands on the table, scratch them. Pull your chin to your chest. Feel how the muscles of the back stretch and the shoulders relax. Take a deep breath with your head back. Bend your back and relax your chest. And on exhalation, lower your chin to your chest. These movements knead the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle, activate the work of the vestibular apparatus. And just drive blood through the body, which is very good. Do this exercise is recommended at least a few minutes, preferably 5-10. Work will be easier after that.
Exercise will help relieve tension and calm down, will allow you to drive away unnecessary thoughts. You should sit in a chair with your legs crossed. And the ankle of the left leg should be placed on the ankle of the right. Now you should cross your hands so that the wrist of the right hand is on the wrist of the left. Then put your hands in the lock. You should carefully turn the lock in front of you so that the connected fingers look up. The tip of the tongue should touch the sky and look up. Sit in this position for a few minutes before yawning.
Kinesiologists are sure that this posture only looks simple from the outside. In fact, it stimulates processes that help activate both hemispheres of the brain and the middle brain above the hard palate. This helps a person to better concentrate on learning and react faster to what is happening around them.
The ring.
Exercises that involve only fingers and hands. We need to be in a comfortable position. Put your hands in front of you. Then alternately connect to the ring with the thumb alternately index, middle, ringless and pinky. Then in reverse order. Do the exercise on each hand separately and then synchronously. At the end of the action should be done as soon as possible.
Relaxing exercise "Candle"
This is a breathing exercise that helps you concentrate. It is recommended to do it in a sitting position. First, imagine you need to blow out a candle. So take a deep breath and breathe out in front of you. Then imagine that you have a row of 5 candles. Take a deep breath and blow each one out with a small portion of air. The Snowman.
You have to imagine yourself as a snowman. Then imagine that the sun warmed up and the snowman began to melt. His head hung, then his shoulders fell, then his hands relaxed. And then you need to lie down on the floor, imagining yourself a puddle of water. This exercise is great for children. It relaxes and relieves tension, helps to join the work with new forces.
For this exercise, you need to squat. Hide your head in your knees and wrap your arms around it. Imagine that you are a seed that slowly turns into a tree. Rise as slowly as possible, then straighten your torso. Then put your hands up. Stretch as much as possible and swing from side to side like a tree in the wind. "Wings"
You need to take a vertical position, put your legs a little wider than usual, relax your shoulders. Shake your hands, put them in your elbows. With your left hand draw an imaginary horizontal eight on the left, with your right hand on the right. Turn your chin in time with your hands. Do it several times to experience the flight. Then start hovering. To do this, your hands should be open and free. Inhale forward, stand on your toes. When you exhale, lean back. Breathe in and out a few times.
Enough. physiqueAfter which the concentration on work will increase, and the mood will definitely rise. A good way to try something new and at the same time open up the unknown possibilities of your body. In addition, many other kinesiological exercises can be found if desired. So why not get acquainted with this fascinating science?

Concentrating on work is curious that kinesiological exercises That's a lot. However, to get acquainted with this promising science, we decided to select only those that can be performed without special devices. In addition, many of them can be done without even getting up from behind the computer. And it seems that exercise really helps.
- "Mirror Painting"
You only need a blank sheet of paper and two pencils. You just need to start to output the left and right hand at the same time letters, numbers. Try moving on to drawings over time. Such actions from the outside seem simple, but well involve both hemispheres of the brain. Experts also advise to use the “inconvenient” hand more often. After all, when right-handed people begin, for example, to comb, brush their teeth or draw with an “uncomfortable” hand, this activates areas of the brain that were almost never used before. As a result, new neural connections are formed. It is worth trying this exercise with a child. - "Elephant."
Exercise helps to focus attention, awakens the brain. First, you need to press your ear to your shoulder. Then extend your hand in front of you in the shape of a trunk and draw with it an eight, located horizontally. Keep an eye on your fingertips continuously. Change your arm, do the same thing. Then press the other ear to your shoulder and repeat. The main thing is to do everything slowly and calmly.
An exercise that helps relieve fatigue after a long time at the computer. First, put your hands on the table, scratch them. Pull your chin to your chest. Feel how the muscles of the back stretch and the shoulders relax. Take a deep breath with your head back. Bend your back and relax your chest. And on exhalation, lower your chin to your chest. These movements knead the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle, activate the work of the vestibular apparatus. And just drive blood through the body, which is very good. Do this exercise is recommended at least a few minutes, preferably 5-10. Work will be easier after that.

Exercise will help relieve tension and calm down, will allow you to drive away unnecessary thoughts. You should sit in a chair with your legs crossed. And the ankle of the left leg should be placed on the ankle of the right. Now you should cross your hands so that the wrist of the right hand is on the wrist of the left. Then put your hands in the lock. You should carefully turn the lock in front of you so that the connected fingers look up. The tip of the tongue should touch the sky and look up. Sit in this position for a few minutes before yawning.
Kinesiologists are sure that this posture only looks simple from the outside. In fact, it stimulates processes that help activate both hemispheres of the brain and the middle brain above the hard palate. This helps a person to better concentrate on learning and react faster to what is happening around them.
The ring.
Exercises that involve only fingers and hands. We need to be in a comfortable position. Put your hands in front of you. Then alternately connect to the ring with the thumb alternately index, middle, ringless and pinky. Then in reverse order. Do the exercise on each hand separately and then synchronously. At the end of the action should be done as soon as possible.

Relaxing exercise "Candle"
This is a breathing exercise that helps you concentrate. It is recommended to do it in a sitting position. First, imagine you need to blow out a candle. So take a deep breath and breathe out in front of you. Then imagine that you have a row of 5 candles. Take a deep breath and blow each one out with a small portion of air. The Snowman.
You have to imagine yourself as a snowman. Then imagine that the sun warmed up and the snowman began to melt. His head hung, then his shoulders fell, then his hands relaxed. And then you need to lie down on the floor, imagining yourself a puddle of water. This exercise is great for children. It relaxes and relieves tension, helps to join the work with new forces.

For this exercise, you need to squat. Hide your head in your knees and wrap your arms around it. Imagine that you are a seed that slowly turns into a tree. Rise as slowly as possible, then straighten your torso. Then put your hands up. Stretch as much as possible and swing from side to side like a tree in the wind. "Wings"
You need to take a vertical position, put your legs a little wider than usual, relax your shoulders. Shake your hands, put them in your elbows. With your left hand draw an imaginary horizontal eight on the left, with your right hand on the right. Turn your chin in time with your hands. Do it several times to experience the flight. Then start hovering. To do this, your hands should be open and free. Inhale forward, stand on your toes. When you exhale, lean back. Breathe in and out a few times.

Enough. physiqueAfter which the concentration on work will increase, and the mood will definitely rise. A good way to try something new and at the same time open up the unknown possibilities of your body. In addition, many other kinesiological exercises can be found if desired. So why not get acquainted with this fascinating science?