The life of a woman who has no pension and will not, but has an arrogant son

Everyone wants children to become a support in old age, to be supported in difficult times. Unfortunately, sometimes in old age everything turns against you. He lived according to his conscience, and tried to raise the child correctly. But Vera Petrovna has a slightly different situation. A week ago, she was baffled by her son's statement about the wedding.

My son’s statement: Grisha came to me with wonderful news. "I'm marrying Sonja," he says. I wish my son happiness, but just like that? Now no one does this, at first they live a little in a civil marriage, wallpaper glue, rub each other. And then they sign. I understand that under the influence of Sonya Grisha will do anything.

They met six months ago. Sonya's got nothing. She came from the village to the city to study. So Grisha got caught. You see, she wants to live separately, which is why Grisha came to me. I have an apartment that I rent out to tenants. That's where the kids want to move in. The problem is, I'm living on tenants' money. I’m 54 years old and I don’t have a pension because I don’t have a pension. She worked here and there, but never stayed in a formal job. Instead of renting, my son says I should get a job.”

“I raised my son alone.” His father was a drinker, so I filed for divorce when Grisha was 6. Her husband was a successful businessman, but did not spend time with his family. So I moved in with my mom and my baby. The husband died because of bad habits, according to the will, the apartment belongs to his son.

I repaired the apartment, took care of my son, took him to mugs and sections. The three of us lived together. After 10 years, my mother died. I barely recovered, but I never went to work. She started renting her husband’s house and saving money for her son’s studies. I've always spent money on Grisha. In old age, you need to pay only for communal housing, and you do not need so much for food. So I was sure I had enough money.

And now Grisha's got me stunned. After all, he works, he will soon be 30 years old and walks under the heel of his beloved. He knows perfectly well that I exist on the money from renting out an apartment. At 54, my health doesn’t allow me to go to work, and who will hire me?

I offered them to live with me in two, but he doesn't want to hear. He says he owns the apartment by law. And he's right. But can you do that to your mother? I spent my whole life raising him, giving the best to my son. And now, in my old age, I am left without money and without help.”

People can always find a common language. Perhaps Vera Petrovna did not tell her son everything or he misunderstood her. Talking about souls is the best solution. Mother and son will be able to negotiate without third parties and establish a relationship. What do you think?


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