Estonian salad for mayonnaise festive table to feed Bull to dump

Someone considers this salad with herring and beets exclusively Estonian dish, someone Finnish, and someone Swedish. Someone completely confuses it with our traditional “herring under a fur coat”. But does it matter what country the invention of Rosolier salad belongs to? Isn't it more important that it's a delicious dish and everyone can learn how to cook it?

Especially since the editorial board "Site" I have already prepared a detailed recipe with a video. So, if you are just looking for new salads on the New Year’s table to “appease the hungry Bull, we are happy to invite you to our master class!”

Salad with herring and beet Ingredients
  • 400g beets
  • 250g potatoes
  • 150g carrots
  • 1/2 small bulb
  • 200g herring
  • 2 pickles
  • 1 apple
  • 1 tbsp sour cream
  • salt
  • chili
  • 1 tsp mustard
  • 1 tbsp mayonnaise
  • fluff
  • 3 eggs

  1. First of all we put boiled eggs, beets, carrots and potatoes. Meanwhile, while the vegetables and eggs are being cooked, we cut the pickles into small cubes and send them to the coop for a few minutes to get rid of the excess brine.

  2. Next, cut the greens, and then pour it on a saucer and set aside. After that, peel the apple from the peel and core and cut small cubes. Sliced apples are sent to the salad bowl, after which all the same procedures are done with onions.

  3. Boiled and cooled vegetables are peeled from the skin and also cut in cubes.

  4. Then, if necessary, clean the bones of herring fillets and cut in cubes. Then all the ingredients are sent to the salad bowl to the apples with onions (don’t forget about the cucumbers left in the dullhouse) and mix everything well, adding salt and black ground pepper to taste to the bowl.

  5. At the end, mix mayonnaise with mustard and sour cream in a separate container, and then fill the salad with the resulting sauce. After that, it remains only to decorate it with chopped greens and cut into quarters with boiled eggs.

Here's the video version of the recipe. What ingredients would you add or replace in this salad?

We hope that this dish will appeal to you and your family. Bon appetit!


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