The fate of a woman who learned the happiness of marriage at forty-four

Life is for that and life to throw some conflict. It is clear that everyone has different passions, but some fate does not even like. And if so, you want at least peace, so that no one and nothing resembles. You live quietly and peacefully. Until you get ready. marryFor example.

© Piabay The story is lifelike, everyday and a bit cynical. Editorial "Site" You can’t avoid it because you need advice. That's how you would solve the incident, if you were in a similar situation? We want to know your opinion, but for now we will tell you everything in order. That's what so alarmed our heroine.

Marriage to an old man, of course, he is not so old, but much older. For 20 years. I'm forty-seven now. We got together for a long time, felt something paternal in him: takes care of me, pampers like a girl. It really doesn't sound like a husband. We legalized our relationship when I was forty-four. We live together. It so happened that he was my first, had not been married before.

When I was young, Piabay learned that I could not have children. She raised her sister’s daughter, who left us when she was twelve years old. She raised her, raised her, sent her to the people. I was just forty. Polina went to another city, got married there, now she has her own family and another life.

My husband also has a daughter, almost my age. Her character is complicated, I do not like it very much. The husband says that the first wife’s character was even worse, the daughter took over. That's why he divorced his wife. He lived as a bachelor until he met me. He really liked me and so on. It doesn't really matter.

© Piabay When they first met, they lived in their own single house, but when they legalized the relationship, they exchanged their apartments for a rather cozy treshka. And now I think it was a mistake. Because his daughter showed up and began to sit down, they say, rent is expensive now, let me live.

I am strongly against marriage to an old man, because in my plans communication with her was not included. But she came for business, and at the same time carefully considered everything. I suggested that it was stupid to change apartments, because one could live in, and the other to rent. I don't know what she has to do with this.

When her father was sick, me and his friends literally went out, she didn’t hear a word of it, and then you showed up! In general, her idea is this: they want to move here, take a loan for housing, but for now somewhere to stay (in our apartment), and then move to their own. It's just temporary. Yes, of course, I know how it is.

In general, my husband, it seems, is already beginning to “swim” under her influence, they say, nothing terrible, we can move. Yeah, sure. And then she'll register here, he'll be gone, her apartment, and me on the street. She bombards him with calls and letters. I tried to communicate my position to him, but he was only offended.

© Piabay I think that if they find it difficult to rent an apartment to pull, where will the money for a loan take? He doesn't like that question either. In general, if he does not come to his senses, then I will raise the question of the division of the apartment, I will move back to one. I'll get my way through court. Once he was taught a lesson, but apparently I did not learn anything, and I definitely do not want to waste my nerves on this!

From the editorial board, the situation is really complicated. On the one hand, this woman can be understood, and on the other, the daughter has the right to help. Write in the comments how you assess such a situation and what actions, in your opinion, are best to take. Who knows, maybe our heroine will read the comments and make the right decision that suits everyone.

© Piabay Married to an old manIt's probably not that bad when he doesn't have a big family. That's how cynical we are. You can, of course, chastise us for this and say, "Ay-ay-ay-ay!" And we'd be ashamed, yes. Here is an interesting article about the rules of life with the understanding that tomorrow may not come. Thank you for staying with us!


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