The benefits of the sale of the apartment through the Agency
Twenty six million one hundred fifty five thousand six hundred sixty four
The choice of the method of sale of real estate is always in front of two conditions:
Fair price of an apartment
You need to place an ad – apartments for sale in Vladivostok. The first thing to do is to set the price. It is likely that the price you will determine based on their understanding of the market and scatter proposals. A professional agent is using very different tools:
The standard price for a new apartment with an area of 62 square meters in December, will cost more than 5.2 million rubles. Early next year, the same price may be already at 5.5 million rubles. The difference is 300 thousand rubles. This amount is much higher than the agent's Commission. The agent has full information about the promotion possibilities of your apartment and search for buyers. Because your interests are the same – you're both as expensive as possible to sell.
Our agents have their own customer base
In addition to establishing the optimal price, the realtor has their own customer base. Each specialist keeps a constant circle of clients interested in buying an apartment. Who do you think the realtor would be easier to convince: the client, whose needs are approximately the same as the description of your property or unlimited number of individuals who visit the website?
Please note, in order to successfully promote a lot on the website – you have to pay for advertising. Yes, this is a small amount. But the same agent performs for you, work for free and will receive a fee only in one case – if the transaction is successfully closed. For the price you agree on.
Safe and transparent transaction
Another risk of self-search – a possible Scam. The apartment can be decorated with the violation of your interests: transfer of amount in installments, the recovery of additional commissions etc Agency values its reputation and income. You can be assured that the apartment will be decorated quickly and safely to your wallet. In the end, that's exactly what realtors are gaining their own customer base – good recommendations of their buyers and sellers.
Don't take chances contact a professional agent. You will get best price, you will save a lot of time and protect yourself from the actions of possible scams.
The choice of the method of sale of real estate is always in front of two conditions:
- To contact a professional Agency to enter into a contract and do not waste your own time;
- To attempt to place an ad and set the price.

Fair price of an apartment
You need to place an ad – apartments for sale in Vladivostok. The first thing to do is to set the price. It is likely that the price you will determine based on their understanding of the market and scatter proposals. A professional agent is using very different tools:
- Evaluation of proposals depending on market activity;
- Consideration of the location and condition of the property;
The standard price for a new apartment with an area of 62 square meters in December, will cost more than 5.2 million rubles. Early next year, the same price may be already at 5.5 million rubles. The difference is 300 thousand rubles. This amount is much higher than the agent's Commission. The agent has full information about the promotion possibilities of your apartment and search for buyers. Because your interests are the same – you're both as expensive as possible to sell.

Our agents have their own customer base
In addition to establishing the optimal price, the realtor has their own customer base. Each specialist keeps a constant circle of clients interested in buying an apartment. Who do you think the realtor would be easier to convince: the client, whose needs are approximately the same as the description of your property or unlimited number of individuals who visit the website?
Please note, in order to successfully promote a lot on the website – you have to pay for advertising. Yes, this is a small amount. But the same agent performs for you, work for free and will receive a fee only in one case – if the transaction is successfully closed. For the price you agree on.
Safe and transparent transaction
Another risk of self-search – a possible Scam. The apartment can be decorated with the violation of your interests: transfer of amount in installments, the recovery of additional commissions etc Agency values its reputation and income. You can be assured that the apartment will be decorated quickly and safely to your wallet. In the end, that's exactly what realtors are gaining their own customer base – good recommendations of their buyers and sellers.
Don't take chances contact a professional agent. You will get best price, you will save a lot of time and protect yourself from the actions of possible scams.