As a "true beauty» Dove pulled at the Grand Prix in Cannes
In the Cannes Lions - 2007 celebrated the victory of agencies working on global corporation Procter & Gamble and Unilever. Achievements of Russian participants is limited access to the short-listed works IQ Marketing and roller Saatchi & Saatchi «Bear", as well as the unexpected appearance of St. George on the Croisette.
What will be the main trend of the Cannes Film Festival 2007 can be understood at the time of submission of works. The number of applications in the traditionally leading categories - Film Lions and Press Lions - fell by 5-8%. In Media, Promo, Outdoor increased by 10-15%. President of the festival Thierry Sauvage, looking at this situation, only shrugged his shoulders. According to him, Cannes merely reflect the global trend, which vied write all industry publications - overflowing budgets toward online campaigns and new media. Apogee is a new advertising technology reached at the closing ceremony, when receiving the prize "Advertiser of the Year" (they became Honda) on the stage stairs climbed robot android Asimo. Asimo has already participated in the promotion of Honda, starring in one of the commercials. In the reality of a humanoid robot, many did not believe to the last, considering it a figment of the imagination of copywriters and 3D-animators Weiden + Kennedy London. But they were wrong - Asimo briskly walked on stage and it is living voice greeted advertisers opened their mouths, and then exchanged a few words with his "parents" - chairman Yasuhiro Wada Honda.
The same high-tech innovations in the projects, however, are not so expensive, boasted most of the Cannes prize-winners. And the president of the jury Bob Skapelli, chairman and creative head of DDB Worldwide in New York, joked that if it goes on, Thierry Savage will have to hold a serious reorganization of categories and in 2008 to award no commercials and media projects, and the best advertising in the mobile or best campaign virus. Himself the owner of the festival decided to act in other ways, allowing new forms of advertising to take part in traditional contests. As a result, this year for the first time in the history of Grand Prix received a video Evolution without reference ethereal familiar all over the world thanks to the viral spread.
small blood
humanoid robots appeared in Cannes earlier than on the borders of Russia em>
Despite the new technology, the evaluation criteria of winners now '54 remain unchanged. This year, as before, the Grand Prix in all competitions jury awards, guided by the old rules - in the work must be true big idea («genuinely big idea"), and nothing else. Comments journalists eager saved only arguments about short-term trends. In the category of Direct Lions jury chairman Rory Sutherland of Ogilvy Group UK did not see the dominant mode of communication problems or the most popular, and supports the main trends described 10 gold medalists. Among them, for example, advertising underwater housing Olimpus: Olimpus in the camera recorded a video in which charming shark approaching the photographer to gently smile for a picture.
To the credit of DM-jury lists the major winners of big budget campaigns have taken the same number of seats, and many low-budget local. "The main thing for DM-campaign - how much she drew the attention of the consumer, rather than the amount of money spent on it" - said Sutherland. Grand Prix was awarded to the agency Shackleton Madrid for the development of new communications for the bank Gallego. During the broadcast of the World Cup football ex-goalkeeper of Barcelona Zhyulen lopetegui she fainted. Clip this episode bypassed all Youtube. After a few months the situation has cleared up: the letters sent out to consumers explained that the well-known goalkeeper fainted for a reason, and the delight in front of profitable deposit in a bank Gallego Lopetegui (which, incidentally, was named in honor of the goalkeeper).
Categories Promo and Direct - relatively young. Therefore in them gets greater daring projects, the assessment of which the jury allows himself to "have some fun" and to award something bright and provocative. The main criterion for the jury Promo - «awarded prizes for the best idea, which is stronger than all connects brands and consumers", in the case of the Grand Prix in the Promo Lions embodied literally almost to the point of absurdity: the first prize went to "bloody" campaign Bonded by blood («Linked blood "), established for the NZRU / Adidas agency TBWA / WHYBIN from New Zealand. The essence of the campaign was to ensure that the New Zealand rugby team All Blacks, sponsored by Adidas, once passed their blood, which is then added to the ink when printing 8 th. Of posters with the image of the team. "The poster, literally tailor-blood players blooded symbolizes the unity of the brand, the players and the country. Communication campaign with the brand and the consumer through the blood - much too tight ?! "- Geraldo Rocha Azevedo exclaimed from Brazil, who headed the jury. In addition, each of these is now on Amazon.com poster costs $ 600, and continues to rise.
Paradoxically, at the campaign, players use the blood turned out to be a strong competitor to offer, on the contrary, to save. Agency Leo Burnett Sydney for the International Conservation Foundation has come up with an unprecedented action - March 31, 2007, it has offered the residents of Sydney and the surrounding area to sit for an hour without electricity. The jury noted that the majority of parameters, this work even more Grand Prix, but due to the fact that the project was not commercial, the first prize by the rules of the festival he was awarded could not even support the action of 2, 2 million sidneytsev who spent an hour in the dark, also felt no less acute connection with the brand WWF. Looking at them, as well as savings of 10, 2% of the daily energy authorities have forty countries are thinking about carrying out similar actions.
As for Russia, despite last year's triumph of companies IQ Marketing category Promo, this year the Russians were bad. IQ Marketing Itself tried to retake a prize, but to repeat the success of the project «Actimel. Before they reach the holiday "failed. The reason - the deliberate submission of the project to the maximum number of categories that caused the hostility of the jury. "One very good job of Russia was -" before they reach the holiday "for the brand Actimel, - said Sergey Trofimenko, chairman of the board of directors promotion agency Point Passat, member of the jury Promo Lions. - She had a chance to receive the award, but, in my opinion, was the lack of the fact that the authors have declared it in too many categories. When the jury sees the same movie for the eighth time, begins the involuntary exclusion ».
Himself Trofimenko notes several festival favorites. Among these works included in the short list, - New Russia (brand "Baltika 7"). In order to attract electoral burgher to the Russian brand agency Totems Communicaton & Architecture has decided to organize an event, it is, in my view, an appropriate quality of the product, - cockroach races. As it turns out, it is not the only thing you can do with cockroaches. "Baltika" also offers to whisk them to the blender.
Strong in terms of Russian judges were also the campaign Earth Hour for the WWF Australia and Pago Integrated Campaign from New Zealand. Both projects were carried out with the permission of their governments. "We need to invite the wilderness to hold a similar rally in Russia, at least in Moscow - jokes Trofimenko. - Or take a look at the project on promotion of electronic money from ASB Bank. The agency OMD New Zealand received a permit to use as a media channel national banknotes. The idea of e-currency transferred, depicting a portrait of the country's national symbol - the conqueror of Everest by Edmund Hillary in the art of pixels. Imagine it conceivable in Russia? ».
Commenting on the need for government support, Trofimenko, without knowing it, as the water looked. The Government of Moscow not far behind New Zealand and Australia. However, in the search for cooperation possibilities with the domestic advertising industry, it is, as usual, goes its own way.
Boulevard Saint George
The coat of arms of Moscow on designs JC Decauxe in the heart of Cannes em>
Hurrying to the palace of the festival on the Boulevard de la Croisette, Cannes, guests could watch the unusual sight - on a par with posters of the festival at the city-format designs located atypical Provencal advertising - Russian Knight, striking black serpent with a spear. Only a few delegates from Russia and the most politically savvy foreigners have learned in the picture symbol of Moscow. However, even the Russians have been quite difficult to identify the poster - printing quality left much to be desired.
Such a gift to Moscow delegates made the company JC Decauxe, one of the world's largest operators of outdoor advertising, which is owned and shields. As is known, the operator headquartered in France only last year went to the Russian market, the company bought a Big Board. Later in the same JC Decauxe purpose was to permit the installation of city-size in the center of Moscow.
Moscow symbols in the center of Cannes appeared to welcome a group of officials from the Committee for Advertising, Information and Design in Moscow. Led by the chairman of the committee, Vladimir Makarov, the delegation was "to study the international experience", and make a presentation of the World advertising forum to be held in Moscow in September. Among the guests of the forum are expected Martin Sorrell of WPP and Publicis Group head Maurice Levy. Cannes itself is presented as widely advertised in Russia. However, no sign of her in Cannes journalists have been reported: in the official program of the festival was not informed about it, and interviewed colleagues from the Polish, English and French press about anything like never heard. However, as it became known IR, Vladimir Makarov is still in Cannes visited and even met with President of the Cannes Film Festival Thierry Savage, having secured his consent to participate in the September forum.
In outdoor advertising in Cannes differences are not only the Moscow government. Grand Prix in the Outdoor competition got an innovative idea of the South African Nedbank, proposed by the Agency Net # Work BBDO Johannesburg. They are simply installed on your billboard solar panels that provide electricity to 1100 children from elementary schools. The slogan, "What if the bank really gave people the power?" Emphasized the social responsibility of the bank to the citizens.
As commented on his decision to the chairman of the jury Outdoor Jean-Remy von Matt, Founder of Jung von Matt Hamburg, gave prizes to those who leads the industry, and developing new forms of outdoor-communication. "High-tech design, interactive installations - this is what is now at the forefront of the industry", - he told. Besides the winner, in addition to solar batteries, also gave people hope for a better future, and it Cannes judges can not encourage.
Absolutely the same criteria as main rival Nedbank posted in the struggle for the Grand Prix - BBC World TV channel in the US with the concept conceived by BBDO NY. A series of posters and TV gave people high idea: "US troops in Iraq - the invaders or liberators?" Everyone can decide for himself by sending an sms «for" or "against". The voting results appear immediately on the two electronic boards to the right and left of the billboard. The work was all - and high technology, and a great idea, only the practical benefit for the hungry African children advertising is not carried, and the compassion and social responsibility were also in vogue this season in Cannes - work was gold, but the Grand Prix.
Unlike the judges of the outdoor advertising, Media Lions jury chairman David Verklin, CEO Carat America, openly stated that tried not to go on about the technological innovations. Thus, the jury decided to at least at the level of the festival contain drop in the share of traditional media. The press, radio and even TV delegates in Cannes paying less attention to the Cannes and seminars on the subject are long gone. However, awarding the Grand Prix, to move away from failed innovations: it won the revolutionary campaign, claiming the invention of a new media channel and use hypertext and bluetooth-technology.
money 'in the wind »
Using newfangled tools agency OMD New Zealand encroached on the most precious thing people have - their money. The objective of the project "Money becomes electronic," won the Grand Prix in the Media Lions, - to convince the audience that, thanks to technology Pago Bank ASB, money can be transferred to digital and mobile phone between accounts. Explain this older part of the audience seemed impossible, so the agency has focused on young people. In order that young people can freely download the appropriate software on their mobile phones, in subway stations were posted supersites. Each of the posters consisted of 30 thousand. Stickers Post-it, with the pattern of which was converted to a panoramic view of New Zealand picture five-dollar bill. Upon closer examination it becomes clear that each of the pieces of paper - a zone of activation Pago technology in the mobile phone. For two months awareness campaign about the service increased by 21%, and in the first week of the number of registrations jumped 300%.
"If the job offers something new technology, it does not mean that it has to win - said in an interview with IR jury member from Russia Maria Kolosov, executive director of the agency Mediaedge: cia. - Therefore, the country in which the technology is not developed, do not feel discriminated against. " But with this statement could argue. A favorite category, according to the chairman of the jury David Verklina was Japan. Japanese Agency managed to hold on the walls of a skyscraper light shows, managed mobility, or to turn the washing machine into a time machine.
One of the silver prize was awarded to the agency Dentsu Tokyo for the least tech media solution: Manga comic characters advertised were converted into two-dimensional bar codes containing the URL data. The images were published in the press, outdoor advertising, and even plasma monitors. Hover with your mobile, you can download the book from the publisher Shogakukan comics directly to your "third screen". The traditional media mix almost no chance next to these decisions.
Cannes 2007 reflected two opposing trends - interesting creative agencies to media projects and media agencies transition to the so-called "creative mediaplaniro-tenance." As regards the first trend, he put that shortlisted among media agencies flashed Saatchi & Saatchi, DDB, TBWA and BBDO.
"Indeed, mediakonkurse involved with their projects a lot of creative agencies, - says Maria Kolosov. - But at the time of the vote, we did not know from what the agency is this or that project. " On the other hand, not just the jury had to interrupt the process of judging and make the decision that is in front of them - the decision in the media or is it creative. "I think in the near future as a creative agencies will participate in the Media Lions, and the media - in a creative contest - continues Kolosov. - More than once in the accompanying information to a particular campaign, noted that the agency had no creative partner, all the work was done by the media agencies. This reflects the general trend: the strategic insight can be on the side of the media ».
Despite the overall increase in the number of mediazayavok Russian advertisers to participate in the Media Lions put up a total of 13 works. "Works from Russia were not enough, about 10 of 1700", - said Kolosov. According to her, domestic projects have been very strong and strategically thought out (Russian judge saw projects OMD and Mediaedge: cia), but they lacked innovation. "I think this is due to the fact that traditional media have not yet reached the point where they cease to be as effective, and advertisers have to invent new and creative solutions to deliver a message," - said Kolosov. The chairman of the jury of media David Verklin of Carat ironically observes that it is the small budgets are "parents" of the creative.
If you believe him, then the following two categories - Press and Film Lions, had, on the contrary, have a huge budget. They have caused the greatest number of caustic journalists' questions.
whose shirt closer to the body
The competition proved to be the clear favorite Press Procter & Gamble, received the Grand Prix for "Soy Sauce" for Tide, from the agency Saatchi & Saatchi NY. Two more gold he got behind Ariel and Glide Dental Floss. And Unilever has received gold for the poster for the Axe.
Two giants "divided" and Competition Film Lions: Procter & Gamble has received 12 gold, silver and bronze medals, and Unilever - the Grand Prix competitions and festivals.
What will be the main trend of the Cannes Film Festival 2007 can be understood at the time of submission of works. The number of applications in the traditionally leading categories - Film Lions and Press Lions - fell by 5-8%. In Media, Promo, Outdoor increased by 10-15%. President of the festival Thierry Sauvage, looking at this situation, only shrugged his shoulders. According to him, Cannes merely reflect the global trend, which vied write all industry publications - overflowing budgets toward online campaigns and new media. Apogee is a new advertising technology reached at the closing ceremony, when receiving the prize "Advertiser of the Year" (they became Honda) on the stage stairs climbed robot android Asimo. Asimo has already participated in the promotion of Honda, starring in one of the commercials. In the reality of a humanoid robot, many did not believe to the last, considering it a figment of the imagination of copywriters and 3D-animators Weiden + Kennedy London. But they were wrong - Asimo briskly walked on stage and it is living voice greeted advertisers opened their mouths, and then exchanged a few words with his "parents" - chairman Yasuhiro Wada Honda.

The same high-tech innovations in the projects, however, are not so expensive, boasted most of the Cannes prize-winners. And the president of the jury Bob Skapelli, chairman and creative head of DDB Worldwide in New York, joked that if it goes on, Thierry Savage will have to hold a serious reorganization of categories and in 2008 to award no commercials and media projects, and the best advertising in the mobile or best campaign virus. Himself the owner of the festival decided to act in other ways, allowing new forms of advertising to take part in traditional contests. As a result, this year for the first time in the history of Grand Prix received a video Evolution without reference ethereal familiar all over the world thanks to the viral spread.
small blood

humanoid robots appeared in Cannes earlier than on the borders of Russia em>
Despite the new technology, the evaluation criteria of winners now '54 remain unchanged. This year, as before, the Grand Prix in all competitions jury awards, guided by the old rules - in the work must be true big idea («genuinely big idea"), and nothing else. Comments journalists eager saved only arguments about short-term trends. In the category of Direct Lions jury chairman Rory Sutherland of Ogilvy Group UK did not see the dominant mode of communication problems or the most popular, and supports the main trends described 10 gold medalists. Among them, for example, advertising underwater housing Olimpus: Olimpus in the camera recorded a video in which charming shark approaching the photographer to gently smile for a picture.
To the credit of DM-jury lists the major winners of big budget campaigns have taken the same number of seats, and many low-budget local. "The main thing for DM-campaign - how much she drew the attention of the consumer, rather than the amount of money spent on it" - said Sutherland. Grand Prix was awarded to the agency Shackleton Madrid for the development of new communications for the bank Gallego. During the broadcast of the World Cup football ex-goalkeeper of Barcelona Zhyulen lopetegui she fainted. Clip this episode bypassed all Youtube. After a few months the situation has cleared up: the letters sent out to consumers explained that the well-known goalkeeper fainted for a reason, and the delight in front of profitable deposit in a bank Gallego Lopetegui (which, incidentally, was named in honor of the goalkeeper).
Categories Promo and Direct - relatively young. Therefore in them gets greater daring projects, the assessment of which the jury allows himself to "have some fun" and to award something bright and provocative. The main criterion for the jury Promo - «awarded prizes for the best idea, which is stronger than all connects brands and consumers", in the case of the Grand Prix in the Promo Lions embodied literally almost to the point of absurdity: the first prize went to "bloody" campaign Bonded by blood («Linked blood "), established for the NZRU / Adidas agency TBWA / WHYBIN from New Zealand. The essence of the campaign was to ensure that the New Zealand rugby team All Blacks, sponsored by Adidas, once passed their blood, which is then added to the ink when printing 8 th. Of posters with the image of the team. "The poster, literally tailor-blood players blooded symbolizes the unity of the brand, the players and the country. Communication campaign with the brand and the consumer through the blood - much too tight ?! "- Geraldo Rocha Azevedo exclaimed from Brazil, who headed the jury. In addition, each of these is now on Amazon.com poster costs $ 600, and continues to rise.
Paradoxically, at the campaign, players use the blood turned out to be a strong competitor to offer, on the contrary, to save. Agency Leo Burnett Sydney for the International Conservation Foundation has come up with an unprecedented action - March 31, 2007, it has offered the residents of Sydney and the surrounding area to sit for an hour without electricity. The jury noted that the majority of parameters, this work even more Grand Prix, but due to the fact that the project was not commercial, the first prize by the rules of the festival he was awarded could not even support the action of 2, 2 million sidneytsev who spent an hour in the dark, also felt no less acute connection with the brand WWF. Looking at them, as well as savings of 10, 2% of the daily energy authorities have forty countries are thinking about carrying out similar actions.
As for Russia, despite last year's triumph of companies IQ Marketing category Promo, this year the Russians were bad. IQ Marketing Itself tried to retake a prize, but to repeat the success of the project «Actimel. Before they reach the holiday "failed. The reason - the deliberate submission of the project to the maximum number of categories that caused the hostility of the jury. "One very good job of Russia was -" before they reach the holiday "for the brand Actimel, - said Sergey Trofimenko, chairman of the board of directors promotion agency Point Passat, member of the jury Promo Lions. - She had a chance to receive the award, but, in my opinion, was the lack of the fact that the authors have declared it in too many categories. When the jury sees the same movie for the eighth time, begins the involuntary exclusion ».
Himself Trofimenko notes several festival favorites. Among these works included in the short list, - New Russia (brand "Baltika 7"). In order to attract electoral burgher to the Russian brand agency Totems Communicaton & Architecture has decided to organize an event, it is, in my view, an appropriate quality of the product, - cockroach races. As it turns out, it is not the only thing you can do with cockroaches. "Baltika" also offers to whisk them to the blender.
Strong in terms of Russian judges were also the campaign Earth Hour for the WWF Australia and Pago Integrated Campaign from New Zealand. Both projects were carried out with the permission of their governments. "We need to invite the wilderness to hold a similar rally in Russia, at least in Moscow - jokes Trofimenko. - Or take a look at the project on promotion of electronic money from ASB Bank. The agency OMD New Zealand received a permit to use as a media channel national banknotes. The idea of e-currency transferred, depicting a portrait of the country's national symbol - the conqueror of Everest by Edmund Hillary in the art of pixels. Imagine it conceivable in Russia? ».
Commenting on the need for government support, Trofimenko, without knowing it, as the water looked. The Government of Moscow not far behind New Zealand and Australia. However, in the search for cooperation possibilities with the domestic advertising industry, it is, as usual, goes its own way.
Boulevard Saint George

The coat of arms of Moscow on designs JC Decauxe in the heart of Cannes em>
Hurrying to the palace of the festival on the Boulevard de la Croisette, Cannes, guests could watch the unusual sight - on a par with posters of the festival at the city-format designs located atypical Provencal advertising - Russian Knight, striking black serpent with a spear. Only a few delegates from Russia and the most politically savvy foreigners have learned in the picture symbol of Moscow. However, even the Russians have been quite difficult to identify the poster - printing quality left much to be desired.
Such a gift to Moscow delegates made the company JC Decauxe, one of the world's largest operators of outdoor advertising, which is owned and shields. As is known, the operator headquartered in France only last year went to the Russian market, the company bought a Big Board. Later in the same JC Decauxe purpose was to permit the installation of city-size in the center of Moscow.
Moscow symbols in the center of Cannes appeared to welcome a group of officials from the Committee for Advertising, Information and Design in Moscow. Led by the chairman of the committee, Vladimir Makarov, the delegation was "to study the international experience", and make a presentation of the World advertising forum to be held in Moscow in September. Among the guests of the forum are expected Martin Sorrell of WPP and Publicis Group head Maurice Levy. Cannes itself is presented as widely advertised in Russia. However, no sign of her in Cannes journalists have been reported: in the official program of the festival was not informed about it, and interviewed colleagues from the Polish, English and French press about anything like never heard. However, as it became known IR, Vladimir Makarov is still in Cannes visited and even met with President of the Cannes Film Festival Thierry Savage, having secured his consent to participate in the September forum.
In outdoor advertising in Cannes differences are not only the Moscow government. Grand Prix in the Outdoor competition got an innovative idea of the South African Nedbank, proposed by the Agency Net # Work BBDO Johannesburg. They are simply installed on your billboard solar panels that provide electricity to 1100 children from elementary schools. The slogan, "What if the bank really gave people the power?" Emphasized the social responsibility of the bank to the citizens.
As commented on his decision to the chairman of the jury Outdoor Jean-Remy von Matt, Founder of Jung von Matt Hamburg, gave prizes to those who leads the industry, and developing new forms of outdoor-communication. "High-tech design, interactive installations - this is what is now at the forefront of the industry", - he told. Besides the winner, in addition to solar batteries, also gave people hope for a better future, and it Cannes judges can not encourage.
Absolutely the same criteria as main rival Nedbank posted in the struggle for the Grand Prix - BBC World TV channel in the US with the concept conceived by BBDO NY. A series of posters and TV gave people high idea: "US troops in Iraq - the invaders or liberators?" Everyone can decide for himself by sending an sms «for" or "against". The voting results appear immediately on the two electronic boards to the right and left of the billboard. The work was all - and high technology, and a great idea, only the practical benefit for the hungry African children advertising is not carried, and the compassion and social responsibility were also in vogue this season in Cannes - work was gold, but the Grand Prix.
Unlike the judges of the outdoor advertising, Media Lions jury chairman David Verklin, CEO Carat America, openly stated that tried not to go on about the technological innovations. Thus, the jury decided to at least at the level of the festival contain drop in the share of traditional media. The press, radio and even TV delegates in Cannes paying less attention to the Cannes and seminars on the subject are long gone. However, awarding the Grand Prix, to move away from failed innovations: it won the revolutionary campaign, claiming the invention of a new media channel and use hypertext and bluetooth-technology.
money 'in the wind »
Using newfangled tools agency OMD New Zealand encroached on the most precious thing people have - their money. The objective of the project "Money becomes electronic," won the Grand Prix in the Media Lions, - to convince the audience that, thanks to technology Pago Bank ASB, money can be transferred to digital and mobile phone between accounts. Explain this older part of the audience seemed impossible, so the agency has focused on young people. In order that young people can freely download the appropriate software on their mobile phones, in subway stations were posted supersites. Each of the posters consisted of 30 thousand. Stickers Post-it, with the pattern of which was converted to a panoramic view of New Zealand picture five-dollar bill. Upon closer examination it becomes clear that each of the pieces of paper - a zone of activation Pago technology in the mobile phone. For two months awareness campaign about the service increased by 21%, and in the first week of the number of registrations jumped 300%.
"If the job offers something new technology, it does not mean that it has to win - said in an interview with IR jury member from Russia Maria Kolosov, executive director of the agency Mediaedge: cia. - Therefore, the country in which the technology is not developed, do not feel discriminated against. " But with this statement could argue. A favorite category, according to the chairman of the jury David Verklina was Japan. Japanese Agency managed to hold on the walls of a skyscraper light shows, managed mobility, or to turn the washing machine into a time machine.
One of the silver prize was awarded to the agency Dentsu Tokyo for the least tech media solution: Manga comic characters advertised were converted into two-dimensional bar codes containing the URL data. The images were published in the press, outdoor advertising, and even plasma monitors. Hover with your mobile, you can download the book from the publisher Shogakukan comics directly to your "third screen". The traditional media mix almost no chance next to these decisions.
Cannes 2007 reflected two opposing trends - interesting creative agencies to media projects and media agencies transition to the so-called "creative mediaplaniro-tenance." As regards the first trend, he put that shortlisted among media agencies flashed Saatchi & Saatchi, DDB, TBWA and BBDO.
"Indeed, mediakonkurse involved with their projects a lot of creative agencies, - says Maria Kolosov. - But at the time of the vote, we did not know from what the agency is this or that project. " On the other hand, not just the jury had to interrupt the process of judging and make the decision that is in front of them - the decision in the media or is it creative. "I think in the near future as a creative agencies will participate in the Media Lions, and the media - in a creative contest - continues Kolosov. - More than once in the accompanying information to a particular campaign, noted that the agency had no creative partner, all the work was done by the media agencies. This reflects the general trend: the strategic insight can be on the side of the media ».
Despite the overall increase in the number of mediazayavok Russian advertisers to participate in the Media Lions put up a total of 13 works. "Works from Russia were not enough, about 10 of 1700", - said Kolosov. According to her, domestic projects have been very strong and strategically thought out (Russian judge saw projects OMD and Mediaedge: cia), but they lacked innovation. "I think this is due to the fact that traditional media have not yet reached the point where they cease to be as effective, and advertisers have to invent new and creative solutions to deliver a message," - said Kolosov. The chairman of the jury of media David Verklin of Carat ironically observes that it is the small budgets are "parents" of the creative.
If you believe him, then the following two categories - Press and Film Lions, had, on the contrary, have a huge budget. They have caused the greatest number of caustic journalists' questions.
whose shirt closer to the body
The competition proved to be the clear favorite Press Procter & Gamble, received the Grand Prix for "Soy Sauce" for Tide, from the agency Saatchi & Saatchi NY. Two more gold he got behind Ariel and Glide Dental Floss. And Unilever has received gold for the poster for the Axe.
Two giants "divided" and Competition Film Lions: Procter & Gamble has received 12 gold, silver and bronze medals, and Unilever - the Grand Prix competitions and festivals.
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The emotional ecstasy of advertising services Emotional Rescue