15 stories about the people who like the best, but it turned out as always
Fifty two million one hundred eighteen thousand nine hundred six
No matter how much we tried not to make mistakes and blunders and failures are inevitable. And the most important thing is not to worry but to take things with humor. Better yet, tell someone and laugh together, like they do in the community "Overheard" and "Chamber № 6".
We in the Website have collected a variety of stories that nobody is perfect.
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No matter how much we tried not to make mistakes and blunders and failures are inevitable. And the most important thing is not to worry but to take things with humor. Better yet, tell someone and laugh together, like they do in the community "Overheard" and "Chamber № 6".
We in the Website have collected a variety of stories that nobody is perfect.
- Always crying if I hear a song about mammoth. I decided to wean myself off of that, specially downloaded the song and put it on repeat. In result, cried for 2 hours until he surrendered. The experiment will fail. (Female, 25 years)
- Once I got promoted at work. And when I began to congratulate the head of my Manager, I found nothing better to say than: "Thank you, now I will try". NOW, damn it.
- In the winter I liked one girl, and she really liked it. My friends asked why I still have not asked her to meet me. But I'm not stupid! What kind of relationship, when a month later on 14 February and then from March 8. Here pass these devilish holidays, then we will meet.

- Terrible force shopping. Was in Europe, saw the shop, which got me very excited, ran to it and have even see what I'm going to measure. The run — blow, and I lie. Woke up next to my husband, the staff of this boutique and soon. It turns out, did not notice that the storefront and entrance glass, but are clean -my face is imprinted. The result: a cracked nose and two black eyes. What were the faces of the employees of this store, when I finally after an hour got there. Got a discount.
- Girls will understand this feeling when the tights slide. Terribly uncomfortable, I want to pull. Well, I pulled tentatively raised his skirt up to his armpits and hopped in place to accelerate the process of tightening. And then turned around and saw a freaking 6 graders who came in not locked Cabinet at recess. And I'm his homeroom teacher, and I think it's time to change jobs.
- Celebrated my birthday with friends on the waterfront. At the end of the celebration, in the morning, I saw a street piano. Decided to remember old days and play, the good are able to do it very well. In General, 10 minutes played, sang, friends filmed. The next day I watched the video. So, I was at the piano, pounding on the keys, which never make a sound save the muffled tapping, and bawl romance. Guys, don't drink.

- I'm a photographer. Decided to do a photo project on the space theme. Start to search for model astronaut costume, everything except the helmet. Decided to do a round aquarium. Found something similar only in the store for home. You know, a huge pavilion like this. And no the hell you don't usually see the consultant, but no, he crawls out from behind a rack precisely at the moment when I tried on the aquarium on the head. More in the store do not go.
- My mom is still in winter passed on the right, but one still does not go. So, they went once with dad, and mom asks to put her behind the wheel to drive. Well, dad started up, sat down and watched closely. Mom began to start the car, but not moved out, moved. The second attempt also has not crowned success. And then dad says that if on the third time she did not move out of place, then they change back. And here the third attempt — a failure. They change without any dispute. Dad gets behind the wheel, takes a car with the handbrake, and off they go.
- Work loan officer at a Bank and recently somehow started to tear your eyes. Making another application for a loan, asked the standard question: "Cost of utilities?" The guy said: "thousands of 10-12", — and then I take out a paper handkerchief and wipe their tears. The guy kept his head and said: "Girl, do not worry, some more pay."

- I saw in the kitchen of a cockroach. Anything did not invent better how to burn it with a lighter. It turned out that the speed of my hand with fire a bit below the speed of a cockroach. In the end — hardened linoleum, stains burnt on the post and the hole on the curtains...
- Hear voices from the kitchen. Mom: "Now add a Cup of sugar". Dad: "not too much"? Mom: "No, everything is under control". The noise of the mixer. Suddenly dad turns off the mixer and resentfully said: "You're lying to me, we're not doing fish pie. And I believed!"
- Standing at the bus stop, suitable a very beautiful girl. Stand, blunt and can not dare to come to meet. Collect will in a fist headed in her direction. The girl noticed and smiled sweetly. My question is about to meet she says, "wait a Second", — gets from a pocket a coin (one side says "Yes" to the other "no"), throws, falls, "no", she shows me and adds: "I'm Sorry, but not today." At this moment the bus pulls up, she gets into it, and I was left standing in disbelief. So epic, I've never been turned down.

- 15 years ago I went for the first time with my husband (just got married) on the wholesale market themselves, without parents. Nervous as a lot of money. Very early, the market just opened. Look, is dubious the peasant, the hand payprotocol Cup — on the money, as I understand it. Suit — ladies, I think, a little bit of money for him to buy a good was, detail polceman had. Pour in a glass of coins splashing in all directions... In General, not a bum it was the money changers and coffee drinking. And a good day, Yes.
- Looked out the window and saw a guy walking in booties. I think let me do a good deed. Shout: "Take off booties!" And he told me in response: "fuck you!" I was stunned! Looking closer, I realized that it was bright blue sneakers.
- Set a goal to Wake up myself, without an alarm clock. Firmly decided that I would learn. Tomorrow I go with a note to the Dean's office, why me, 2 weeks was not at the Institute. It is a failure, Stirlitz.

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Put your hands together and pay attention to one small detail.
We checked what happens if you drink beer