10 phrases by which you can recognize the manipulator
Manipulators try to force us to do what is good for them. They push for pity and want us to feel guilty or doubt ourselves.
Website It’s about words that manipulators like to use. If you hear something similar, know how to respond.
What to do if you realize you are being manipulated:
- Take the initiative in the conversation, and the manipulator is confused. Start asking questions or talking about yourself.
- If you are being asked to answer something, use the broken record technique. It works: just repeat the same answer and you will be left behind.
- Tell him bluntly, “I feel like you’re pushing me,” “Don’t push me!”
- Choose answers that will let the manipulator know that you are not sure that he is right: “I doubt this,” “You may be wrong,” “This is your opinion.”
See also.
8 Simple Rules of Communication When You Are Manipulated
10 Phrases That Can Hurt Your Career
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