That will tell you about your OFFENSE. Or whom to forgive?
Consider a situation where people split up and one obviously feels resentment.
Resentment toward the parent, partner, friend, lover, boss, employee — doesn't matter.
It is important that one person feels offended.
That is, he is resentful, almost convinced that the other is wrong(a) and with it good and wonderful, the other — of course the poor have been treated unfairly.
What does this mean?
And says it's just the opposite.
If YOU are offended, it is you don't have enought, that you have a "shortage" after the breakup. That's the truth. This means that you do not realize that in this relationship, you give more than you spent. That's what he's talking about the offense. If you're in pain, you pulled the plug. You were gifted in these respects and generously can be, but rather so that YOU don't appreciate, didn't realize the generosity, the importance of what people gave you, — YOU just took, "parasitized".
Although the person you could give only qualitative attention, your time, but the true cost and energy as you will learn when you lose. So, if YOU were abused by your location, the separation puts everything in its place: offense feels it to those who took and did not realize it. What would he (his ego) thought about this situation, and no matter how justified — it is bad, it means he was deprived of the flow: that's the truth.
If there is a balance in this "take-give", then resentment happens is, simply, the end of life stage, and the opening of new horizons, people break up all the warm and relatively easy.
Offense, not "blind" — if one partner is not given more than it would have been fair. But if one gets more, this excess energy he molded his claim.
If you offended someone for what you do: give not enough attention, not enough caring, then only one conclusion — you, on the contrary, somewhat spoiling his pretentious partner.
You and somewhere in the replay itself, this is played in "pretty", overfed, or would not claim was, and gratitude. Thanks a good measure of equilibrium in the relationship — equilibrium in the system along the axis of the "take-give"
Here you and your partner provokes you, often without realizing it, verifies you the authenticity of pressing:
Who do we have here, "charming", you're "pretty"? Come on, give it more.
He does it to show you, that you broke, if you're overworked, so you finally became real, with genuine desires and most importantly the aisles. So you appear you can be seen: to love, to appreciate, to respect or to protest and to hate — it doesn't matter. It is important that this gets you aware of your limits. It is important that the provocateur or "parasite" shows you the present for today, here it is — thank you.
He might be offended you say? If you show him his limits, he might be offended.
Yes, probably, and it will happen. But it will be good for him. But if you're afraid, it means you are in a relationship give less and don't lie to yourself, and enrich and give thanks for what he's doing.
People hurt, be aware of their parasitic nature and because offended, as a rule, want to vilify the "offender"to assert itself and to rise in his own eyes, to compensate for their own vulnerability and thereby hide the truth about his parasitism.
Can someone troubled?
Yes, no!? How?! it hurt me, hurt me, then the other is bad. Times it's bad, then he is wrong, because it hurts me? And if he is wrong, then I'm good, just someone bad, someone, so has to be good. Well, then, good — I. So thinks the child.
The minds of children and infantile imprisoned to take and consume, the baby is hungry — and angry. He's hurt, hungry and cold, and it requires, otherwise W will not survive poor thing — he's small. But one of the main qualities of the adult distinguish it from the child, it is the desire and ability to give.
If you give more, you think that offense would not have happened.
You give from the abundance you have.
If the relationship continues, it is not a problem if the desire is divided, to create, to give your adult, you will always find a way to implement it.
And if the relationship really was not in equilibrium and you took more than gave, at the point of parting you only see it, you will experience not as resentment, but relief.
If, for example, helped the man on the street: money or transferred the old lady across the street, or bought a beggar of bread, YOU're not offended that he/she gave you nothing in return.
You do not require gratitude, the more regularly you are satisfied with the process of donation and that the process of welfare ended you will not offend. You come back and not suck, so if you bestow thank you so much if he gave you attention.
According to this, to give well — even more than you expect, then you'll always be free from these people are free in their giving, free from the expectations of a response, thanks.
Giving you are rich and generous, — and this is possible ifYOU are in an adult have. Have, by definition, you have a consciousness of abundance, not a consciousness of scarcity.
If giving, self-sufficient and relevant to a rich man act, making it not a manipulator, and aktualizator. Giving, then, a unilateral act, samodostatochnyy and complete in themselves, but only when the person making it, whole.
If the gift is not self-sufficient, and only half of the process, it is an act of half-hearted people, not as much as riven in itself. Split people attract their own kind, after all, a single person, maybe not immediately, but still easily recognizes the manipulator, ""parasite"".
Two aktualizator easy to get along with each other, like two manipulators, and manipulator and aktualizator can't exist together.
Manipulators are easily maintained and hooked on the manipulation of such manipulators is a strategy to survive in a piecemeal nature. Two arms pulling each other "blanket" all the time, trying less to spend, while the manipulators remain offended in any case, since there is present a flawed consciousness, a consciousness of lack, insufficiency, shortage.
Manipulator "little" always. These people are offended by definition, they are full of holes and yet impossible.
A "parasite" — the offended, by definition, to acknowledge himself a "parasite" doubly insulting.
We always feel relief when freed from the ""parasites"". Parasites all: energy, physical, slim, we feel the ease, but certainly not resentment.
So if you are offended, look for and be aware of where you "bully" gave a lot, gave more than the excess, gave so much that you even spent the surplus energy to weave her resentment or hatred.
And to forgive here, if there is resentment, need. After all, if you look "twice", it is possible to note the following: we are offended not him, but for themselves, for what is expected and meant that the person was not planning to give us. That is, can be offended at your stupidity, immaturity, prudence, cowardice, hetrogeneity, incompetence, extravagance. It is for this ourselves and need to forgive.
With the help of another, we could see the gratitude he needs us to be, not resentment. Forgive yourself silly, little, how would you forgive your beloved child. Then you will find that, more and forgive no one should.
However she heals. published
Author: Natalia Walicka P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: valitskaya.com/
Resentment toward the parent, partner, friend, lover, boss, employee — doesn't matter.
It is important that one person feels offended.
That is, he is resentful, almost convinced that the other is wrong(a) and with it good and wonderful, the other — of course the poor have been treated unfairly.
What does this mean?
And says it's just the opposite.
If YOU are offended, it is you don't have enought, that you have a "shortage" after the breakup. That's the truth. This means that you do not realize that in this relationship, you give more than you spent. That's what he's talking about the offense. If you're in pain, you pulled the plug. You were gifted in these respects and generously can be, but rather so that YOU don't appreciate, didn't realize the generosity, the importance of what people gave you, — YOU just took, "parasitized".

Although the person you could give only qualitative attention, your time, but the true cost and energy as you will learn when you lose. So, if YOU were abused by your location, the separation puts everything in its place: offense feels it to those who took and did not realize it. What would he (his ego) thought about this situation, and no matter how justified — it is bad, it means he was deprived of the flow: that's the truth.
If there is a balance in this "take-give", then resentment happens is, simply, the end of life stage, and the opening of new horizons, people break up all the warm and relatively easy.
Offense, not "blind" — if one partner is not given more than it would have been fair. But if one gets more, this excess energy he molded his claim.
If you offended someone for what you do: give not enough attention, not enough caring, then only one conclusion — you, on the contrary, somewhat spoiling his pretentious partner.
You and somewhere in the replay itself, this is played in "pretty", overfed, or would not claim was, and gratitude. Thanks a good measure of equilibrium in the relationship — equilibrium in the system along the axis of the "take-give"
Here you and your partner provokes you, often without realizing it, verifies you the authenticity of pressing:
Who do we have here, "charming", you're "pretty"? Come on, give it more.
He does it to show you, that you broke, if you're overworked, so you finally became real, with genuine desires and most importantly the aisles. So you appear you can be seen: to love, to appreciate, to respect or to protest and to hate — it doesn't matter. It is important that this gets you aware of your limits. It is important that the provocateur or "parasite" shows you the present for today, here it is — thank you.
He might be offended you say? If you show him his limits, he might be offended.
Yes, probably, and it will happen. But it will be good for him. But if you're afraid, it means you are in a relationship give less and don't lie to yourself, and enrich and give thanks for what he's doing.
People hurt, be aware of their parasitic nature and because offended, as a rule, want to vilify the "offender"to assert itself and to rise in his own eyes, to compensate for their own vulnerability and thereby hide the truth about his parasitism.
Can someone troubled?
Yes, no!? How?! it hurt me, hurt me, then the other is bad. Times it's bad, then he is wrong, because it hurts me? And if he is wrong, then I'm good, just someone bad, someone, so has to be good. Well, then, good — I. So thinks the child.
The minds of children and infantile imprisoned to take and consume, the baby is hungry — and angry. He's hurt, hungry and cold, and it requires, otherwise W will not survive poor thing — he's small. But one of the main qualities of the adult distinguish it from the child, it is the desire and ability to give.
If you give more, you think that offense would not have happened.
You give from the abundance you have.
If the relationship continues, it is not a problem if the desire is divided, to create, to give your adult, you will always find a way to implement it.
And if the relationship really was not in equilibrium and you took more than gave, at the point of parting you only see it, you will experience not as resentment, but relief.
If, for example, helped the man on the street: money or transferred the old lady across the street, or bought a beggar of bread, YOU're not offended that he/she gave you nothing in return.
You do not require gratitude, the more regularly you are satisfied with the process of donation and that the process of welfare ended you will not offend. You come back and not suck, so if you bestow thank you so much if he gave you attention.
According to this, to give well — even more than you expect, then you'll always be free from these people are free in their giving, free from the expectations of a response, thanks.
Giving you are rich and generous, — and this is possible ifYOU are in an adult have. Have, by definition, you have a consciousness of abundance, not a consciousness of scarcity.
If giving, self-sufficient and relevant to a rich man act, making it not a manipulator, and aktualizator. Giving, then, a unilateral act, samodostatochnyy and complete in themselves, but only when the person making it, whole.
If the gift is not self-sufficient, and only half of the process, it is an act of half-hearted people, not as much as riven in itself. Split people attract their own kind, after all, a single person, maybe not immediately, but still easily recognizes the manipulator, ""parasite"".
Two aktualizator easy to get along with each other, like two manipulators, and manipulator and aktualizator can't exist together.
Manipulators are easily maintained and hooked on the manipulation of such manipulators is a strategy to survive in a piecemeal nature. Two arms pulling each other "blanket" all the time, trying less to spend, while the manipulators remain offended in any case, since there is present a flawed consciousness, a consciousness of lack, insufficiency, shortage.
Manipulator "little" always. These people are offended by definition, they are full of holes and yet impossible.
A "parasite" — the offended, by definition, to acknowledge himself a "parasite" doubly insulting.
We always feel relief when freed from the ""parasites"". Parasites all: energy, physical, slim, we feel the ease, but certainly not resentment.
So if you are offended, look for and be aware of where you "bully" gave a lot, gave more than the excess, gave so much that you even spent the surplus energy to weave her resentment or hatred.
And to forgive here, if there is resentment, need. After all, if you look "twice", it is possible to note the following: we are offended not him, but for themselves, for what is expected and meant that the person was not planning to give us. That is, can be offended at your stupidity, immaturity, prudence, cowardice, hetrogeneity, incompetence, extravagance. It is for this ourselves and need to forgive.
With the help of another, we could see the gratitude he needs us to be, not resentment. Forgive yourself silly, little, how would you forgive your beloved child. Then you will find that, more and forgive no one should.
However she heals. published
Author: Natalia Walicka P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: valitskaya.com/