10 stories from people who were able to overcome their worst addiction
Sixty million two hundred sixty five thousand seven hundred fifty one
Everyone knows how devastating the effects of alcohol and drugs on the body, but when we see the changes with my own eyes, involuntarily shiver runs through the body.
We at the Website decided to collect a few stories from those who managed to overcome dangerous addictions and start a new life. Perhaps the best example to promote a healthy lifestyle to think hard.
1000 days without heroin
The heroine of these pictures she shared her story: "I was 22 when I began to use drugs, but a year later I came to my senses and start your way to healing. Now I'm 25 and it's all over. But I would like to appeal to anyone who was in a similar situation: never be afraid to ask for help, allow me to help myself."
1,5 years without alcohol and drugs
This girl said: "Alcohol and drugs brought me to the picture on the left: I no longer believed in the future and was obsessed with anxiety disorder. To the right is also me, but after half a year: full of hopes and plans, I like to take care of themselves. I'm thankful that once again returned to life."
1 year without heroin
And this girl could easily be a model for the best of social advertising against drugs. Characteristic spots on the face are due to problems with hormones and blood vessels.
1 year without methamphetamine
"I got involved gradually, from time to time used drugs and thought I have some special self-control that allows to control myself. But I was already addicted and didn't immediately realize it. It's all over now, and one of the most delightful things I discovered is that I can spend time with my niece. How cool to be an uncle!"
90 days without methamphetamine
"I didn't even realize how awful I look — the sort of thinness I was explicitly not to face. Looked at those who got out of this swamp, and sincerely wanted to follow their example. Wish strength to all who are trying to overcome this nasty addiction, know that at the end of the tunnel there is light."
5 years without alcohol
"Since then, I stopped drinking alcohol, changed a lot of things: improve relations in the family and I realized what happiness is. Very happy that I managed to beat this addiction and start a new life."
1 year without heroin
"Life without drugs is a real victory for me. I have never managed to survive for so long, and all because this time I really wanted it."
1 year without alcohol and drugs
"I had a lousy time: I wandered the streets, drank and used drugs, and because of this, there were some problems with the police. Cool, now that is happening to me that seemed already virtually impossible, and very inspiring to see other people's successes".
5 years without alcohol, cocaine and ecstasy
The story of the heroine: "my name is Clarissa, I'm 26 years old. I started drinking and using drugs from the age of 13 — so I spent my youth up to 21 years. Every day I woke up in fear and lost all your dreams. But one day, I'm tired of being unpleasant to yourself and quit with all this. Now my life has changed: I work and study, helping those who I was once."
7 years without alcohol
For over 7 years this man doesn't touch his drink. Change literally there: isn't he cute on the cover?
Photos on the preview DisregardThisOrDont / reddit.com
See also
10 incredible examples of what to never give up
15 people who showed real willpower
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-sdelaj-sam/15-chelovek-kotorye-prodemonstrirovali-nastoyaschuyu-silu-voli-947560/
Everyone knows how devastating the effects of alcohol and drugs on the body, but when we see the changes with my own eyes, involuntarily shiver runs through the body.
We at the Website decided to collect a few stories from those who managed to overcome dangerous addictions and start a new life. Perhaps the best example to promote a healthy lifestyle to think hard.
1000 days without heroin

The heroine of these pictures she shared her story: "I was 22 when I began to use drugs, but a year later I came to my senses and start your way to healing. Now I'm 25 and it's all over. But I would like to appeal to anyone who was in a similar situation: never be afraid to ask for help, allow me to help myself."
1,5 years without alcohol and drugs
This girl said: "Alcohol and drugs brought me to the picture on the left: I no longer believed in the future and was obsessed with anxiety disorder. To the right is also me, but after half a year: full of hopes and plans, I like to take care of themselves. I'm thankful that once again returned to life."
1 year without heroin
And this girl could easily be a model for the best of social advertising against drugs. Characteristic spots on the face are due to problems with hormones and blood vessels.
1 year without methamphetamine

"I got involved gradually, from time to time used drugs and thought I have some special self-control that allows to control myself. But I was already addicted and didn't immediately realize it. It's all over now, and one of the most delightful things I discovered is that I can spend time with my niece. How cool to be an uncle!"
90 days without methamphetamine

"I didn't even realize how awful I look — the sort of thinness I was explicitly not to face. Looked at those who got out of this swamp, and sincerely wanted to follow their example. Wish strength to all who are trying to overcome this nasty addiction, know that at the end of the tunnel there is light."
5 years without alcohol

"Since then, I stopped drinking alcohol, changed a lot of things: improve relations in the family and I realized what happiness is. Very happy that I managed to beat this addiction and start a new life."
1 year without heroin
"Life without drugs is a real victory for me. I have never managed to survive for so long, and all because this time I really wanted it."
1 year without alcohol and drugs
"I had a lousy time: I wandered the streets, drank and used drugs, and because of this, there were some problems with the police. Cool, now that is happening to me that seemed already virtually impossible, and very inspiring to see other people's successes".
5 years without alcohol, cocaine and ecstasy
The story of the heroine: "my name is Clarissa, I'm 26 years old. I started drinking and using drugs from the age of 13 — so I spent my youth up to 21 years. Every day I woke up in fear and lost all your dreams. But one day, I'm tired of being unpleasant to yourself and quit with all this. Now my life has changed: I work and study, helping those who I was once."
7 years without alcohol
For over 7 years this man doesn't touch his drink. Change literally there: isn't he cute on the cover?
Photos on the preview DisregardThisOrDont / reddit.com
See also
10 incredible examples of what to never give up
15 people who showed real willpower
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-sdelaj-sam/15-chelovek-kotorye-prodemonstrirovali-nastoyaschuyu-silu-voli-947560/
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