5 phrases manipulators, capable to drive mad any
Mackenzie Jackson (Jackson Mackenzie), co-founder of online community PsychopathFree.com, which supports victims of dialogue with psychopaths and manipulators, collected five common phrase used by manipulators to undermine your independence.
1. You're exaggerating
Of course, we all sometimes attach too much importance to trifles. However, with manipulators it turns out that in fact you are always right. Manipulators will deliberately do things that make you feel paranoid. For example, to flirt with the former in front of everyone and then say that you thought, and do not make mountains out of molehills. A month later, it turns out that with this and the former you have changed.
The purpose of the manipulator - make you doubt your own intuition and feel damn detective. They will constantly throw you hints to get you to feel a sense of alarm, and then you have the same in him and accused.
2. I hate drama
And at the same time it is constantly played around manipulators drama. First, they will extol you and your wonderful character, but very soon they get tired of it. Manipulators - pathological liars, cheaters and serial eternal victim. Manipulators deliberately arrange provocations and when you react, accuse you that you are putting on a drama, which they hate. You'll feel guilty that respond to their disgusting behavior.
3. You are too sensitive / A N
manipulator task - to provoke your emotions. First, they will extol you, and sing praises, and then suddenly turn on hard without warning and ignore the reasons and will be waiting for your response. And when you react, accuse you of being too sensitive or demanding. They will insult, belittle and criticize you (usually like a joke, teasing), pushing your personal boundaries until you rebelled. And for your reaction will accuse you to the madness. Manipulators can make a person vulnerable and unsure of himself - for this they need only time
. 4. You misunderstood me (and)
Of course, any pair of misunderstandings and errors occur. But manipulators deliberately arrange provocations. And when you react, they turn everything upside down and charge you that it is you got it all wrong. Often they even deny that something is said. This is called "gazlayting" - when deliberately say or do something, and then to blame others for misunderstanding (or completely deny what has been said or done by them ever took place). In fact, you have correctly understood. They're just trying to get you to doubt the soundness of your mind.
5. You are not your mind / drunk / jealous / mad about me and so on.
Labeling - a favorite tool manipulator. According to their data, all their colleagues, former lovers, friends - or crazy, or alcoholics, or jealous, and God knows who else. Do not doubt - for you, too, have a label ready. You will become just another in an endless cycle of idealization and devaluation, which falls each unfortunate, appeared on their way.
The only way to get out of these destructive relationships - to cease all contact. No messages, calls, emails, and friendship in social networks. Otherwise, you can be sure - they will do everything possible and impossible to drive you crazy
. The good news - if the manipulator tries to make you doubt your intuition, then it creates problems for him. Manipulators are trying to psychologically destroy anyone who may threaten their illusion of a normal life. So when they start to play with you in the "mind games", consider that you have correctly noticed that with them that something is wrong.

1. You're exaggerating
Of course, we all sometimes attach too much importance to trifles. However, with manipulators it turns out that in fact you are always right. Manipulators will deliberately do things that make you feel paranoid. For example, to flirt with the former in front of everyone and then say that you thought, and do not make mountains out of molehills. A month later, it turns out that with this and the former you have changed.
The purpose of the manipulator - make you doubt your own intuition and feel damn detective. They will constantly throw you hints to get you to feel a sense of alarm, and then you have the same in him and accused.
2. I hate drama
And at the same time it is constantly played around manipulators drama. First, they will extol you and your wonderful character, but very soon they get tired of it. Manipulators - pathological liars, cheaters and serial eternal victim. Manipulators deliberately arrange provocations and when you react, accuse you that you are putting on a drama, which they hate. You'll feel guilty that respond to their disgusting behavior.
3. You are too sensitive / A N
manipulator task - to provoke your emotions. First, they will extol you, and sing praises, and then suddenly turn on hard without warning and ignore the reasons and will be waiting for your response. And when you react, accuse you of being too sensitive or demanding. They will insult, belittle and criticize you (usually like a joke, teasing), pushing your personal boundaries until you rebelled. And for your reaction will accuse you to the madness. Manipulators can make a person vulnerable and unsure of himself - for this they need only time
. 4. You misunderstood me (and)
Of course, any pair of misunderstandings and errors occur. But manipulators deliberately arrange provocations. And when you react, they turn everything upside down and charge you that it is you got it all wrong. Often they even deny that something is said. This is called "gazlayting" - when deliberately say or do something, and then to blame others for misunderstanding (or completely deny what has been said or done by them ever took place). In fact, you have correctly understood. They're just trying to get you to doubt the soundness of your mind.
5. You are not your mind / drunk / jealous / mad about me and so on.
Labeling - a favorite tool manipulator. According to their data, all their colleagues, former lovers, friends - or crazy, or alcoholics, or jealous, and God knows who else. Do not doubt - for you, too, have a label ready. You will become just another in an endless cycle of idealization and devaluation, which falls each unfortunate, appeared on their way.
The only way to get out of these destructive relationships - to cease all contact. No messages, calls, emails, and friendship in social networks. Otherwise, you can be sure - they will do everything possible and impossible to drive you crazy
. The good news - if the manipulator tries to make you doubt your intuition, then it creates problems for him. Manipulators are trying to psychologically destroy anyone who may threaten their illusion of a normal life. So when they start to play with you in the "mind games", consider that you have correctly noticed that with them that something is wrong.
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