Well, very funny anecdote about how a man was miraculously healed from a mysterious illness
Thirty nine million six hundred thirty thousand three hundred eight
One man almost all his life felt very bad. Constantly he thought his eyes might burst, and he was pursued by an unbearable ringing in my ears. Promaxis several years, the man still went to the doctor. He found the cause of the disease, but advised in any case to do an appy. The man went into surgery, but she did not deliver him from his torment.
He turned to another doctor who advised the man to remove all his teeth. But it did not help the sufferer. The third doctor also shrugged and said that the man had his tonsils out. However, this did not improve his condition. Then the man went to an elderly distinguished doctor. The doctor carefully examined him, read the history and said:
— Dear, I can't do anything to help you. The reason for your illness is not clear to me, but I can just say that you have to live not more than six months. Sorry, but it's true.
Coming out of the clinic, the man thought, "Well... since I have left only a few months, then I just have to hold them so I was good." The man's whole life was distinguished extraordinary stinginess, and never spend too much money on themselves and entertainment. So he went round the world trip, and then bought a luxurious house and a cool car. He even dared to order a suit from the most expensive tailor in the city to look good for their funeral.
The man went to the tailor and told him their wishes about the costume. He took out his meter and took measurements.
— So, shoulders — 50 inches, collar — 19 inches…
The man killed the tailor:
I'm sorry, but all my life I bought a shirt with a collar 17 inches!
The old tailor again measured it and said:
— No, 19 centimeters!
— I said: collar 17 inches. I like to wear!
— Okay, okay, as you wish. Just to tell you that you will still burst your eyes and start ringing in the ears!
via factroom.ru
One man almost all his life felt very bad. Constantly he thought his eyes might burst, and he was pursued by an unbearable ringing in my ears. Promaxis several years, the man still went to the doctor. He found the cause of the disease, but advised in any case to do an appy. The man went into surgery, but she did not deliver him from his torment.
He turned to another doctor who advised the man to remove all his teeth. But it did not help the sufferer. The third doctor also shrugged and said that the man had his tonsils out. However, this did not improve his condition. Then the man went to an elderly distinguished doctor. The doctor carefully examined him, read the history and said:
— Dear, I can't do anything to help you. The reason for your illness is not clear to me, but I can just say that you have to live not more than six months. Sorry, but it's true.
Coming out of the clinic, the man thought, "Well... since I have left only a few months, then I just have to hold them so I was good." The man's whole life was distinguished extraordinary stinginess, and never spend too much money on themselves and entertainment. So he went round the world trip, and then bought a luxurious house and a cool car. He even dared to order a suit from the most expensive tailor in the city to look good for their funeral.
The man went to the tailor and told him their wishes about the costume. He took out his meter and took measurements.
— So, shoulders — 50 inches, collar — 19 inches…
The man killed the tailor:
I'm sorry, but all my life I bought a shirt with a collar 17 inches!
The old tailor again measured it and said:
— No, 19 centimeters!
— I said: collar 17 inches. I like to wear!
— Okay, okay, as you wish. Just to tell you that you will still burst your eyes and start ringing in the ears!
via factroom.ru
Brother came home drunk and he also surrendered himself with giblets...
"Ask that man a juice box to open»