8 people who overrode the system

Finding flaws in the law can not only scammers, but enterprising people. In many countries, the search for loopholes in the system has long been a national pastime.
AdMe. EN gathered 8 examples of how playing by the rules, you can bypass bans.
Free rent

For over 6 years couple with 2 children lives in one of the prestigious districts of new York absolutely for free. When Zachary Bennett and Karen Rules moved into the building, all 9 floors were residential, but over time all the other apartments were converted into offices. In 2010, introduced a "loft Law" by which tenants are not required to pay rent if you live in the building illegally transferred to commercial. This law and have used steam, thus saving more than $ 400 thousand
Letters to the USSR

In the early 1980s, one researcher from Italy, began to write letters to famous Soviet dissident. He wrote them with a single purpose — to make money. Every letter he was insured and sent registered mail. Needless to say, the addressee of a letter is not received, and after some time the scientist got an insurance payment. The year it came out around $ 16 thousand in net profit.
A house for $16

In June 2011, American Kenneth Robinson moved in the house value of $ 340 thousand, paying him $ 16. Managed it to him through the law "illegal possession". The man found the house, which left the owner unable to pay the loan, and the company engaged in a mortgage, went bankrupt. Paying in the local court $ 16, he wrote a statement that the building is abandoned, and presented to him their rights. 8 months later he left home, because their property rights filed one of the banks.
The maze at the bar

From 1 April 2017 in India has enacted a law prohibiting the sale of alcohol at less than 500 meters from the Federal and regional highways. Many bars were closed, but not Aswaria Bar. The owner built before its establishment the maze, thus increasing the walking distance to the building from 250 to 520 metres. This allowed us to keep the business, you only have to pay a fine for carrying a sign in a bar. Although it is possible that such a difficult path ventured from the institution drinkers.

During the great depression in the United States many families because of high land tax and the lack of available land was not able to purchase their own homes. The problem of a roof over your head was solved a non-trivial way: the law of personal property is not taxed, and therefore you can build a house on the water and not pay taxes. So, Seattle and many other cities of America overgrown houses on rafts and boats.
The new religion

From 1 July 2008 in the Netherlands there is a ban on Smoking in public places. However, you can smoke in the bar Lindeboom, who are not yet ready to abandon this pernicious habit. And all because after the introduction of the act, the owner re-registered the bar in the Church, and the Smoking is declared the main form of worship. The Church is open to anyone 18 years or older.
Private loan agreement

In 2008, Russia received a letter from one of the well-known banks with a proposal to register a credit card. Reading the fine print in the enclosed survey, he saw that instead of the promised 12% annual rate is 45 %. After that he made changes to the questionnaire, for which interest is not paid to the Bank, and has issued a credit card. When after 2 years the Bank sued the customer in court, he filed a counterclaim. After litigation, the conflict was closed by the withdrawal of mutual claims.
Principality in Australia

In 1969 in Australia was introduced quotas on grain sales, which threatened the ruin of large farmers, because most of the crop remained unsold. Farmer Leonard Wesley found the current law of the XV century, which came from the Commonwealth and declared its territory and land 4 more farmers of the province of great Britain, sworn allegiance to Queen Elizabeth. So was formed the thriving Principality of Hutt river with its own currency, anthem and ruler.
See also
In Turkey came up with the law for grandmothers dreamed of entire world
8 laws that the British Queen could violate
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-kultura/8-zakonov-kotorye-britanskaya-koroleva-mozhet-narushat-1500315/
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