7 tips on how to get rid of wrinkles and prevent the emergence of new
Thirty three million seven hundred fifty five thousand seven hundred one
With age we become wiser, gain a lot of useful experience that makes our life brighter and richer. A wrinkle is a small minus, to deal with which is easy. It is important to know a few secrets.
Especially for those who are not going to age in the next 10, 20, 50 years, the Website has prepared a list of win 7 tips on how not to get wrinkles. And we will talk not about expensive creams and Spa treatments.
Before bed place them under the pillow hand
This simple technique helps to avoid wrinkles in the chest area. If you are accustomed all his life to sleep on my stomach, to adapt is not so simple. But after a few weeks of these "training sessions" you will notice that not only the skin, but overall health has improved significantly.
Studies have shown that in this position the man quickly poured. But for those who are sometimes plagued by back pain, this secret will be an indispensable remedy for all ailments.
Surround yourself with things
This advice may seem a little strange. But he's really effective when it comes to the prevention of premature wrinkles. The fact that a lot of wrinkles on our bodies appears because during sleep we change a lot of poses (many of which are not very comfortable).
Try to go to sleep, surround your body with high stacks of things: the Laundry baskets, books, or anything non-fragile.
Place them under the knees pillow
Placing a knee pillow, we create a difference between the level of the legs and the body, thereby improving blood flow.
This advice helps to not only get rid of wrinkles, but also from tension or pain in my knees and especially useful for those who do a lot of walking.
Place a towel under your head
Head while sleeping should also be in a comfortable position. It is best to sleep on an orthopedic pillow, but, if not, an ordinary suit and a towel, twisted roll.
Choose the right mattresses
As much as we might like to sleep on soft mattresses, scientists have long come to the conclusion thathard, but elastic mattress better maintain back health, promote proper blood circulation and prevent the formation of early wrinkles.
Choose the right underwear
This advice will help all women as long as possible to enjoy the youthfulness of your body. Few people know that almost all of the modern lingerie stores you can find special "bra from wrinkles". It is similar to the bra for training, but usually is sewed from soft and pleasant for skin cotton.
In addition, the cleavage this bra is equipped with special inserts made of wool that does not absorb moisturizer and thereby leave your skin unprotected. Of course, you can't wear this bra every day, but sleeping in it is very useful.
Hydration and more hydration!
All ingenious is simple: make it a rule every morning and before bed, apply moisturizer on the problem areas of the body. It is proved that in 90% of cases of premature wrinkles due to lack of moisture.
Illustrator Natalia Kulakova specifically for the Website
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With age we become wiser, gain a lot of useful experience that makes our life brighter and richer. A wrinkle is a small minus, to deal with which is easy. It is important to know a few secrets.
Especially for those who are not going to age in the next 10, 20, 50 years, the Website has prepared a list of win 7 tips on how not to get wrinkles. And we will talk not about expensive creams and Spa treatments.
Before bed place them under the pillow hand
This simple technique helps to avoid wrinkles in the chest area. If you are accustomed all his life to sleep on my stomach, to adapt is not so simple. But after a few weeks of these "training sessions" you will notice that not only the skin, but overall health has improved significantly.
Studies have shown that in this position the man quickly poured. But for those who are sometimes plagued by back pain, this secret will be an indispensable remedy for all ailments.
Surround yourself with things
This advice may seem a little strange. But he's really effective when it comes to the prevention of premature wrinkles. The fact that a lot of wrinkles on our bodies appears because during sleep we change a lot of poses (many of which are not very comfortable).
Try to go to sleep, surround your body with high stacks of things: the Laundry baskets, books, or anything non-fragile.
Place them under the knees pillow
Placing a knee pillow, we create a difference between the level of the legs and the body, thereby improving blood flow.
This advice helps to not only get rid of wrinkles, but also from tension or pain in my knees and especially useful for those who do a lot of walking.
Place a towel under your head
Head while sleeping should also be in a comfortable position. It is best to sleep on an orthopedic pillow, but, if not, an ordinary suit and a towel, twisted roll.
Choose the right mattresses
As much as we might like to sleep on soft mattresses, scientists have long come to the conclusion thathard, but elastic mattress better maintain back health, promote proper blood circulation and prevent the formation of early wrinkles.
Choose the right underwear
This advice will help all women as long as possible to enjoy the youthfulness of your body. Few people know that almost all of the modern lingerie stores you can find special "bra from wrinkles". It is similar to the bra for training, but usually is sewed from soft and pleasant for skin cotton.
In addition, the cleavage this bra is equipped with special inserts made of wool that does not absorb moisturizer and thereby leave your skin unprotected. Of course, you can't wear this bra every day, but sleeping in it is very useful.
Hydration and more hydration!
All ingenious is simple: make it a rule every morning and before bed, apply moisturizer on the problem areas of the body. It is proved that in 90% of cases of premature wrinkles due to lack of moisture.
Illustrator Natalia Kulakova specifically for the Website
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via www.adme.ru/zhizn-nauka/4-produkta-kotorye-menyayut-lico-do-neuznavaemosti-1504015/