9 favorite things from the past that came back to us in a new guise

Not all items leave us forever, it is no wonder that say that all new is well forgotten old. But forget the favorite things not necessarily, especially now that available to their modern counterparts.
The website has found you several examples of how nostalgia visits not only ordinary users, but also developers.

This virtual pet was created 21 years ago in Japan, so there is nothing surprising in the fact that the rebirth he experienced there. Compared to the version of 1996, the modern Tamagotchi is slightly decreased in size and acquired new functions. The toy came color display, and it can be paused, so you don't need to fear "death" the ward due to the fact that he forgot to feed three in the morning. For sale new Tamagotchi is only in Japanese stores, but it is no problem to purchase online.
Instant camera print

Despite the fact that in our time no need to wait for hours (or days) until your photos will print cameras instant print is still popular. The principle of operation of modern cameras has remained the same, but they are compact in size and the availability of new functions, which is particularly pleasing the fans to do selfi.
Nokia 3310

The famous "indestructible" Nokia did the modern version: it is equipped with a modest 2-megapixel camera, an MP3 player and a slot for a memory card. Apparently, the manufacturer expects that users will buy a phone mainly because feelings of nostalgia and attractive price — only € 49.
Game console NES

Eight-bit gaming console Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) was very popular in the second half of the 1980s to the early 1990s. In Russia it is known as Dendy. Eventually the NES was replaced by the more advanced consoles, but in 2016 it was re-released. The updated version does not require the cartridges it includes 30 built-in games: Pac-Man, Super Mario Bros.,The Legend of Zelda, Ice Climber and others.
Cassette player

A player can buy now, but over time it will become a real rarity, because most companies officially ceased production of such devices and the cassettes. They are produced in small batches, mostly in China, especially for fans of retro. But there is a more modern option that will appeal to those who long for the past. This MP3 player looks almost as same as real cassette player, but, unlike "big brother", it will not become obsolete in the near future.
Portable console

In our time, there is no need to buy a portable gaming device, because you can just install the game on your smartphone or tablet. But the good old Game Boy available today. And there is also his rather unexpected version — in the form of cups with a display that turns on as soon as in a mug pour a hot beverage (batteries are not needed). Unfortunately, to play while drinking coffee or tea, you do not get display performs only a decorative function. But such a gift will surely be appreciated by all lovers of retro gadgets.
Multicolor pen

Of course, pens of several colors there are now. But progress does not stand still, and now you can buy the pen with 5-8 flowers, and with 16 million colors in a compact body. This was made possible thanks to a special technology that allows you to scan any object and then mixed the ink to get the desired color. You do nothing — a smart pen can do it myself, will only use it properly and in time to replace the ink cartridge.
Virtual reality glasses

Devices for viewing three-dimensional images are experiencing a rebirth, and now, instead of photos, you can use your smartphone. Google developers have created a cross between a stereoscope and a virtual reality helmet called Google Cardboard. This device will allow you to view movies, panoramic photos, to see the Earth from the height of bird flight and even to visit the exhibition where you can explore each subject from different angles — almost as much as in real life.

With the advent of smartphones, the once highly popular folding phones is gone, but as it turned out, not forever. In 2014, Samsung has unveiled a prototype smartphone Galaxy X which can be decomposed like books, thus turning into a tablet. The exact release date is an unusual gadget is not named, but rumored to be working on the device close to completion, and it will be released in the second half of 2017. In addition, on a flexible working gadgets of LG and Lenovo.
Photo on preview, Wikipedia Commons, Eddie Keogh / Reuters
See also
13 images that will return you to your 2007
25 things from the 90's, I dreamed of all the girls
18 things that the younger generation will not be able to understand
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