18 "convincing" reasons never to visit Poland

Thirty five million four hundred sixty two thousand seven hundred fifty three

You will encounter the first difficulties already at the stage of planning the trip to Poland! What to choose — city with beautiful architecture and unique history, and maybe a fresh breath of the Baltic sea, the cleanest beaches and beautiful sunsets, or is it the majestic mountains? You certainly need the extra mental anguish?!

Site have identified 18 good reasons why you should not even close to admit the idea of a trip to Poland.

Walking all day through the cobbled streets of the Old town — so long, and shoes to wear down at the heels

Gdansk (Gdańsk)

Crooked house in Sopot — we've seen architecture and interesting

Sopot (Sopot)

Europe's longest wooden pier — Eka Prodigy... Twenty million eight hundred twenty five thousand eight hundred ninety two

Sopot (Sopot)

Typical landscapes are cold almost all year round the Baltic sea — it is true for everybody! Fifty seven million one hundred twenty seven thousand two hundred seventy five

Gdynia (Gdynia)

capital of Poland. Cozy, welcoming, with a lovely historical centre. Just not worth it to go! Suddenly like that? Fifty nine million four hundred fifty six thousand seventy six

Warsaw (Warszawa)

Beautiful architecture, museums, a breath of history from this culture shock can happen! Well, why are you such strong emotions?! Eight million three hundred seventy four thousand five hundred fifty three

Krakow (Kraków)

A real underground Kingdom with lakes, sculptures and chandeliers made of salt — so what's so surprising? One million ninety six thousand seven hundred twenty six

Wieliczka (Wieliczka), salt mines

Prices at ski resorts Pollenize than in Germany or Austria. Weigh as follows — is it worth saving? Twenty nine million three hundred thousand seven hundred fourteen

Zakopane, High Tatras (Zakopane, Vysoké Tatry)

2 hours walking among commonplace mountain scenery, to see the fields of flowering crocuses? You can, of course, are horses... And suddenly seasick? Fourteen million four hundred thirty six thousand five hundred twenty

Zakopane. Dolina Chochołowska (Zakopane, Dolina Chochołowska)

Can well them, these mountain lakes? Better to stay home on the couch

High Tatras, Morskie Oko (Vysoké Tatry, Morskie Oko)

Buildings of the Old town are illuminated in the evening and night, but unless there are people who will like it? Sixty six million eight hundred forty eight thousand six hundred sixty

Toruń (Toruń)

Frombork is a real gem, but is it worth to go for this beauty as much as the North of Poland, almost to the border with Russia? Twenty nine million sixty five thousand four hundred thirty

Frombork (Frombork)

Well, I think, the castle of the Teutonic knights, one of the biggest brick castles in the world, something we have not seen? Fifty eight million three hundred eighty two thousand eight hundred twenty nine

Malbork (Malbork)

Buffalo the Buffalo

Belovezhskaya Pushcha (Białowieża)

Another danger in Poland — the risk to get used to the fact that you smile passers-by and kindly greet: "Researches good"

Wroclaw (Wrocław)

Cosy hotels where you will be welcomed even in the middle of the night, — a reason not even to think about the trip to Poland! To good quickly you get used

Hotel in Torun, located in a building of the XIII century, near the ruins of the Teutonic castle

A delicious and hearty Polish cuisine — good reason to abandon the idea of the trip
into this country. You need extra pounds after the holidays? Thirty million one hundred fifty two thousand seven hundred seven

The famous Polish Zurek soup sourdough rye flour

The last and main reason — you leave in Poland my heart, and it will call you again and again

Sixty eight million four hundred fourteen thousand two hundred fourteen

Poland, The High Tatras (Poland, Vysoké Tatry)

Photos on the preview depositphotos.com

See also
17 "compelling" reasons never to visit India
16 reasons never to visit Portugal
16 good reasons to love Australia from afar

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