10 Luxury Actresses Who Became Famous for Their Roles

All girls who dream of becoming actresses, for sure, imagine themselves brilliant on the screen beauties. But acting is much deeper and not limited to the roles of princesses.
Website gathered 10 charming actresses who became famous for the roles of wackos, so that you admire their beauty and talent of reincarnation.
The Big Bang Theory
The Big Bang Theory

Maim Bialik woke up world famous after joining the team of the mega-popular sitcom “The Big Bang Theory”. Today, the actress is associated with the role. Sheldon Cooper's unpretentious but intelligent girlfriend.
Interestingly, in the series, Amy works as a neuroscientist, and actress Maim Bialik actually has a doctorate in neuroscience.
The Duff

The plot of the picture is quite trivial: another school story about those who are popular among peers, and about those who are not noticed in their youth due to inconspicuous external data.
May Whitman marvellously became a heroine. Bianchi, an unpopular but intelligent schoolgirl, And the main role in this film brought the actress wide fame.
Game of Thrones
Game of Thrones

Role noblewoman Brienne Tart became the first serious work for British actress Gwendolyn Christie. And although the actress is famous for her tall stature (191 cm), her character is significantly different from the character: Gwendolyn is feminine and elegant, loves heels and bright makeup.
For the sake of transformation into a strong and masculine heroine, Gwendolyn had to cut her long hair, train a lot, learn to ride a horse and fight with swords.

In this film, actress Brittany Murphy played very young - at the age of 18. It is safe to say that it is the role of the ugly duckling Ty Fraser. friends and classmates of the main character performed by Alicia Silverstone - gave her a ticket to a large acting swim.
Guys don't cry.
Boys Don't Cry

In her first big role in cinema, Hilary Swank not only played a dork - she turned into a guy. In a drama about intolerance, based on real events, Swank played the role of the actress. transsexualIt has no place in this world.
A haircut, a month with stretched breasts and exhausting work on the voice – this is an incomplete list of what the actress had to go through for the first Oscar for Best Actress.
Ugly Betty.
Ugly Betty.

Released in 2006, the American series “Ugly Betty” helped to become famous for the lead actress – Latin American actress America Ferrera.
In the story, Betty Suarez, who dresses ridiculously and looks not too attractive, Getting a job at a fashion magazine. With this begins the story of badass Betty, for the role in the film about which the actress received a prestigious Emmy Award.
My terrible nanny Nanny McPhee

In this fabulous film about restless children, to cope with which only magicianEmma Thompson is not only the lead actor, but also a screenwriter.
It is worth noting that the work on the film, the actress did a colossal: Thompson took 9 years to write the script for it.
Make a wish for Wish Upon a Star

The comedy with the future star of “Charmed” was released in 1996 and was perhaps the first high-profile success of Daniel Harris. The film tells the fantastic story of how two sisters one day change bodies. hairy Harris receives the body of his popular sister Alexia, and vice versa.
Thus, the actress had to reincarnate twice: first from the beauty that she really is, in a typical “gray mouse”, and then – in a confident girl.
American family.
Modern family

The American Family sitcom has been entertaining us for the 8th season. During this time, actress Ariel Winter managed to turn from a baby into a luxurious 19-year-old girl. But we didn't see it on the screen, because Ariel's character, Unpopular and unfriended know-it-all Alex- external data does not shine.
But what efforts should the stylists of the series hide such beauty!
Girl with dragon tattoo
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

The film “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” directed by David Fincher brought the actress wild popularity and reputation of a new Hollywood star, as well as an Oscar nomination.
The pretty actress, which many colleagues consider closed, brilliantly managed to reincarnate into a self-contained life.antisocial hacker Lisbeth Salander.
Photo from Warner Bros. preview. Television/CLP
See also.
12 Actresses Who Played Their Best Roles While Pregnant
How our favorite actresses have changed since their first roles
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