Just tell him "Yes"
Twelve million five hundred seventy five thousand fifty three
After graduation, I kept computer science in the school of the middle classes. Somehow one of the lessons I needed to leave, returned and saw the following scene: next to one of the computers is the confused student, and next to her is crying from the laughter of her classmate.
In utter bewilderment I approached the couple and asked what's wrong with them. Man, otsmeyavshis and wiping the tears, said:
— You know, Andrei, while you are out, Vicki hung the computer, and she asked me to help. I walked over and saw on the screen a window that says: "Continue? Yes. No." and explained that the computer she is interested — to continue his work or not. "And what shall I answer him?" — asked Vick, so I said, "Just say Yes". Knew it, as she bent down directly to the monitor and soulful voice whispered right into it: "Yeah-Ah-Ah!".
After this story we laughed and laughed with the boy together, and vetch until the end of the lesson sat with an injured expression.
via factroom.ru
After graduation, I kept computer science in the school of the middle classes. Somehow one of the lessons I needed to leave, returned and saw the following scene: next to one of the computers is the confused student, and next to her is crying from the laughter of her classmate.
In utter bewilderment I approached the couple and asked what's wrong with them. Man, otsmeyavshis and wiping the tears, said:
— You know, Andrei, while you are out, Vicki hung the computer, and she asked me to help. I walked over and saw on the screen a window that says: "Continue? Yes. No." and explained that the computer she is interested — to continue his work or not. "And what shall I answer him?" — asked Vick, so I said, "Just say Yes". Knew it, as she bent down directly to the monitor and soulful voice whispered right into it: "Yeah-Ah-Ah!".
After this story we laughed and laughed with the boy together, and vetch until the end of the lesson sat with an injured expression.
via factroom.ru