The main cause of all diseases and ageing of a person
The main, if not the only cause of the deficit of free energy, is the prosaic slagging of the organization, which, in addition, serves as the source and root cause of all diseases.
The body of an ordinary person retains the particles of dead cells, protein and fat mass - it cluttered intercellular spaces and literally farcical lymphatic and blood vessels. This garbage interferes with the normal functioning of the body – it prevents the “communication” of cells, reducing the strength of electrical signals transmitted by them to each other.
Such global problems as overweight, disease, aging, depression, pessimism, lack of vitality owe their origin to miraculous ignorance.
And the reason is elementary - improper nutrition. But even strict vegetarianism will not lead to anything if you do not know and observe the principles of proper nutrition. And these principles are actually very simple, and they were developed not by the luminaries of science, but by Nature itself.
Digestion is arranged in a special way: To assimilate products, it is necessary that they act separately, sequentially, without mixing with each other. If this rule is violated, the food is not digested and begins to rot, clogging and poisoning the entire body. Products subjected to heat treatment are truly extreme load for the body, since almost everything valuable in them is destroyed.
In nature, no living creature prepares food on fire. Cooking appeared relatively recently, but the digestive tract was formed for millions of years.
People diligently observe external hygiene, and few people think about internal hygiene. Meanwhile, inside the body of an ordinary person there is a whole warehouse of garbage - you can not see it, but by weight several (sometimes tens) kilograms will be accumulated. Excretory systems do not have time to cope with waste, and the body is forced to dissipate all this dirt wherever possible. As a result, the body begins to clog very quickly and resembles old plumbing that has never been cleaned.
The reserves of the body are huge, so a person sometimes manages to last up to seventy or even more years. But everything comes to an end. Already being in the middle of life, a person begins to experience the consequences of slagging: illness, overweight, lethargy, and in general, forces are not the same and everything is not the same as before, in youth.
The thing is that the human energy body reacts sensitively to the clogging of its “channel”. Chakras are blocked, energy channels are narrowed, the flow of energy turns into a weak stream, which leads to a loss of vitality. The weakening of energy, in turn, entails pathological disorders in the physical body. This is a vicious cycle. If you do not own your body, how can you own reality?
But you can return to the former vivacity and even gain such health that you have never had! This will require turning a dead kitchen into a living one.
What do you got there, stoves, pots, pans? If you want to rid your body of garbage, and add to your free time many hours that were previously lost near the stove, then soon all these devices for killing food will disappear from your kitchen.
The first thing to do is to clean your liver.This should be done gradually, in several stages:
If you immediately go to the use of exclusively natural products, you can simply not withstand sudden changes, and the body needs time to rebuild.
The principle of consistent nutrition It consists in not eating everything at once, but equipping one kind of food, then another and so on. First of all, eat what is absorbed faster. When food passes through the gastrointestinal tract in separate layers, this greatly facilitates its digestion and reduces the amount of harmful waste. You can drink only fifteen minutes before meals or two hours after meals. In the opposite case, gastric juice is diluted, and food is not absorbed, but simply rots.
The second stage, to which it is desirable to proceed as soon as possible, is feedingNot only do they consume the food, but they only combine with each other. Although, in truth, almost all of them are incompatible. The time and conditions of digestion of different products are very different, therefore, if they are mixed, inevitably arise “waste of production”, which, without having time to be excreted, are deposited in the body in the form of fat and toxins. The only thing that goes with almost everything is fresh greenery. Therefore Ideally, the amount of food consumed per meal should be kept to a minimum..
A number of products should be gradually eliminated from your diet. This is first of all:
Eating white flour products of the highest grade is like buying starch in a store and wrapping it with a spoon at lunch.
The liver is clogged with a fuel oil mass, starch settles in the body in the form of mucus, the walls of the intestines are clogged with plaque.
Grains also contain a very poorly balanced protein. Oddly enough, it is better to eat meat than cereals and pasta.
And milk. It contains casein, thanks to which animals grow horns and hooves. Milk in the human body turns into xerogel - this is something like carpentry glue.
Such eerie descriptions can be continued for a very long time.
How does a person manage to live with all this and still feel more or less healthy? The thing is, He simply does not know what real health is – he has not experienced it since birth.. Therefore, you do not need to give template excuses like “everyone has been eating like this for centuries”, of course, if you do not want to have the same problems as everyone else.
Eventually Only natural products should remain in the diet:
And no heat treatment, all raw. (Just don’t call peanuts nuts – these are beans, and not very useful.)
But a sharp transition from the usual products to raw vegetables and fruits will not lead to anything good.The body needs time to get used to and rebuild.
Therefore, the transition should be done gradually, reducing the share of boiled plant foods in your diet and increasing the share of raw.
If a person has been eating mainly processed food all his life, then his microflora is adapted to such a diet. A sharp transition is possible in principle, but this is for those who have good health.
Microflora is completely rebuilt in the course of the year. By the end of this period, no more processed food should remain in the diet.
It may seem that switching to raw food is extremely difficult. What to eat, for example, in winter?
In the ration plug in sprouts Wheat, corn, beans, chickpeas and masha.
The preparation technology is very simple:
Corn and beans (preferably take red - it is more useful) should be soaked for a day and germinate the same or longer, sometimes washing.
Wheat and corn can be eaten raw.Wheat sprouts have exclusively healing properties. You need to chew them carefully (at least two tablespoons a day), but if a rubber-like substance is formed in the mouth, then this variety is not suitable and you need to look for another.
Beans, Unfortunately, in its raw form, the taste is not very pleasant. You will have to throw them into boiling water and only bring the water to a boil. Mash is enough just to pour boiling water and leave for ten minutes.
How to cook live water
1. First, you need to bring the water to a boil. "white key" in a five-liter enameled pan and quickly cool in a cold bath. This is the first stage of structuring. Such water is already an order of magnitude more useful, in comparison with just boiled.
2. Put five or seven stones of black flint in a pan, which you can buy in a pharmacy, cover with gauze and leave for two days. Then carefully pour the water into another container, and the lower layer of two to four centimeters should be thrown away, because the flint precipitates pathogenic microorganisms and foreign chemical elements.
Silicon water already has healing properties - it is even more structured and saturated with silicon - the most necessary microelement, with a lack of which almost all the rest are not absorbed in the body.
3. Put the resulting water in the freezer. As soon as the first ice is formed on the surface and near the walls of the pot, the water is poured into a plastic container, which is again put in the freezer. The first ice is thrown away, thus getting rid of heavy water. Heavy water contains isotopes of hydrogen deuterium and tritium, freezes at a temperature of +3 ° C and is unfavorable for the body.
The last freeze should be made in a plastic container, because the enamel on the pan can crack. When the water freezes by two-thirds, a hole should be made in the ice and the remaining water should be poured out - this "brine" contains all undesirable impurities. Now it remains to wait until the ice melts at room temperature, resulting in melt water of the highest quality, which is also called protium, because cleared of heavy isotopes.
4. Finally, if you have a ring-shaped magnet or a magnetic funnel, pass water through it. to further strengthen the structure. The resulting water has healing properties - it cleanses the body and with prolonged use eliminates a number of diseases. The period of storage of its properties is limited - about seven hours. You will not buy such water anywhere and for any money.
A question may arise:But how are there raw foods that need to be cooked, for example, potatoes, zucchini? Then counter-question: Should I eat it?
Vegetables with a high content of starch do not give the body anything but empty calories and mucus - this is where the disease, called the cold, comes from.
It is simply impossible to get fat from raw food, regardless of the number of calories eaten.
As the transition to raw food may occur one or more cleansing crises, during which there is an exacerbation of old diseases. Do not worry and try to somehow treat painful manifestations. They indicate that the body finally gets rid of the garbage accumulated over the years, and is rebuilt to a normal mode of operation. The only measure that will be useful during a crisis is to fast on distilled (boiled) water for one or more days.
The main thing is not to worry. The body will cleanse and return to normal. But he needs help. Be sure to include seaweed, flower pollen and flaxseed oil in the diet, which will allow during the transition period to compensate for the temporary shortage of necessary substances. published
© Vadim Zeland
P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!
Source: artsyroed.narod.ru/
The body of an ordinary person retains the particles of dead cells, protein and fat mass - it cluttered intercellular spaces and literally farcical lymphatic and blood vessels. This garbage interferes with the normal functioning of the body – it prevents the “communication” of cells, reducing the strength of electrical signals transmitted by them to each other.
Such global problems as overweight, disease, aging, depression, pessimism, lack of vitality owe their origin to miraculous ignorance.
And the reason is elementary - improper nutrition. But even strict vegetarianism will not lead to anything if you do not know and observe the principles of proper nutrition. And these principles are actually very simple, and they were developed not by the luminaries of science, but by Nature itself.
Digestion is arranged in a special way: To assimilate products, it is necessary that they act separately, sequentially, without mixing with each other. If this rule is violated, the food is not digested and begins to rot, clogging and poisoning the entire body. Products subjected to heat treatment are truly extreme load for the body, since almost everything valuable in them is destroyed.
In nature, no living creature prepares food on fire. Cooking appeared relatively recently, but the digestive tract was formed for millions of years.
People diligently observe external hygiene, and few people think about internal hygiene. Meanwhile, inside the body of an ordinary person there is a whole warehouse of garbage - you can not see it, but by weight several (sometimes tens) kilograms will be accumulated. Excretory systems do not have time to cope with waste, and the body is forced to dissipate all this dirt wherever possible. As a result, the body begins to clog very quickly and resembles old plumbing that has never been cleaned.
The reserves of the body are huge, so a person sometimes manages to last up to seventy or even more years. But everything comes to an end. Already being in the middle of life, a person begins to experience the consequences of slagging: illness, overweight, lethargy, and in general, forces are not the same and everything is not the same as before, in youth.
The thing is that the human energy body reacts sensitively to the clogging of its “channel”. Chakras are blocked, energy channels are narrowed, the flow of energy turns into a weak stream, which leads to a loss of vitality. The weakening of energy, in turn, entails pathological disorders in the physical body. This is a vicious cycle. If you do not own your body, how can you own reality?
But you can return to the former vivacity and even gain such health that you have never had! This will require turning a dead kitchen into a living one.
What do you got there, stoves, pots, pans? If you want to rid your body of garbage, and add to your free time many hours that were previously lost near the stove, then soon all these devices for killing food will disappear from your kitchen.
The first thing to do is to clean your liver.This should be done gradually, in several stages:
- consistent feeding,
- separate food, refusal of a number of products,
- raw food.
If you immediately go to the use of exclusively natural products, you can simply not withstand sudden changes, and the body needs time to rebuild.
The principle of consistent nutrition It consists in not eating everything at once, but equipping one kind of food, then another and so on. First of all, eat what is absorbed faster. When food passes through the gastrointestinal tract in separate layers, this greatly facilitates its digestion and reduces the amount of harmful waste. You can drink only fifteen minutes before meals or two hours after meals. In the opposite case, gastric juice is diluted, and food is not absorbed, but simply rots.
The second stage, to which it is desirable to proceed as soon as possible, is feedingNot only do they consume the food, but they only combine with each other. Although, in truth, almost all of them are incompatible. The time and conditions of digestion of different products are very different, therefore, if they are mixed, inevitably arise “waste of production”, which, without having time to be excreted, are deposited in the body in the form of fat and toxins. The only thing that goes with almost everything is fresh greenery. Therefore Ideally, the amount of food consumed per meal should be kept to a minimum..
A number of products should be gradually eliminated from your diet. This is first of all:
- grains,
- cereals
- white flour products,
- yeast bread,
- milk,
- canned food.
Eating white flour products of the highest grade is like buying starch in a store and wrapping it with a spoon at lunch.
The liver is clogged with a fuel oil mass, starch settles in the body in the form of mucus, the walls of the intestines are clogged with plaque.
Grains also contain a very poorly balanced protein. Oddly enough, it is better to eat meat than cereals and pasta.
And milk. It contains casein, thanks to which animals grow horns and hooves. Milk in the human body turns into xerogel - this is something like carpentry glue.
Such eerie descriptions can be continued for a very long time.
How does a person manage to live with all this and still feel more or less healthy? The thing is, He simply does not know what real health is – he has not experienced it since birth.. Therefore, you do not need to give template excuses like “everyone has been eating like this for centuries”, of course, if you do not want to have the same problems as everyone else.
Eventually Only natural products should remain in the diet:
- fresh, ice cream or dried vegetables and fruits,
- seaweed,
- nuts,
- seeds,
- honey
And no heat treatment, all raw. (Just don’t call peanuts nuts – these are beans, and not very useful.)
But a sharp transition from the usual products to raw vegetables and fruits will not lead to anything good.The body needs time to get used to and rebuild.
Therefore, the transition should be done gradually, reducing the share of boiled plant foods in your diet and increasing the share of raw.
If a person has been eating mainly processed food all his life, then his microflora is adapted to such a diet. A sharp transition is possible in principle, but this is for those who have good health.
Microflora is completely rebuilt in the course of the year. By the end of this period, no more processed food should remain in the diet.
It may seem that switching to raw food is extremely difficult. What to eat, for example, in winter?
In the ration plug in sprouts Wheat, corn, beans, chickpeas and masha.
The preparation technology is very simple:
- Early in the morning, the seeds are soaked in water.
- In the evening, they fall asleep in a badge or sieve, are washed and covered with wet gauze.
- In the morning you will see live food.
Corn and beans (preferably take red - it is more useful) should be soaked for a day and germinate the same or longer, sometimes washing.
Wheat and corn can be eaten raw.Wheat sprouts have exclusively healing properties. You need to chew them carefully (at least two tablespoons a day), but if a rubber-like substance is formed in the mouth, then this variety is not suitable and you need to look for another.
Beans, Unfortunately, in its raw form, the taste is not very pleasant. You will have to throw them into boiling water and only bring the water to a boil. Mash is enough just to pour boiling water and leave for ten minutes.
How to cook live water
1. First, you need to bring the water to a boil. "white key" in a five-liter enameled pan and quickly cool in a cold bath. This is the first stage of structuring. Such water is already an order of magnitude more useful, in comparison with just boiled.
2. Put five or seven stones of black flint in a pan, which you can buy in a pharmacy, cover with gauze and leave for two days. Then carefully pour the water into another container, and the lower layer of two to four centimeters should be thrown away, because the flint precipitates pathogenic microorganisms and foreign chemical elements.
Silicon water already has healing properties - it is even more structured and saturated with silicon - the most necessary microelement, with a lack of which almost all the rest are not absorbed in the body.
3. Put the resulting water in the freezer. As soon as the first ice is formed on the surface and near the walls of the pot, the water is poured into a plastic container, which is again put in the freezer. The first ice is thrown away, thus getting rid of heavy water. Heavy water contains isotopes of hydrogen deuterium and tritium, freezes at a temperature of +3 ° C and is unfavorable for the body.
The last freeze should be made in a plastic container, because the enamel on the pan can crack. When the water freezes by two-thirds, a hole should be made in the ice and the remaining water should be poured out - this "brine" contains all undesirable impurities. Now it remains to wait until the ice melts at room temperature, resulting in melt water of the highest quality, which is also called protium, because cleared of heavy isotopes.
4. Finally, if you have a ring-shaped magnet or a magnetic funnel, pass water through it. to further strengthen the structure. The resulting water has healing properties - it cleanses the body and with prolonged use eliminates a number of diseases. The period of storage of its properties is limited - about seven hours. You will not buy such water anywhere and for any money.
A question may arise:But how are there raw foods that need to be cooked, for example, potatoes, zucchini? Then counter-question: Should I eat it?
Vegetables with a high content of starch do not give the body anything but empty calories and mucus - this is where the disease, called the cold, comes from.
It is simply impossible to get fat from raw food, regardless of the number of calories eaten.
As the transition to raw food may occur one or more cleansing crises, during which there is an exacerbation of old diseases. Do not worry and try to somehow treat painful manifestations. They indicate that the body finally gets rid of the garbage accumulated over the years, and is rebuilt to a normal mode of operation. The only measure that will be useful during a crisis is to fast on distilled (boiled) water for one or more days.
The main thing is not to worry. The body will cleanse and return to normal. But he needs help. Be sure to include seaweed, flower pollen and flaxseed oil in the diet, which will allow during the transition period to compensate for the temporary shortage of necessary substances. published
© Vadim Zeland
P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!
Source: artsyroed.narod.ru/