This student — hell of a squirt, but he's incredibly lucky!

We had a University lecturer Ivan Ignatyevich Baranowski who loved to catch students cheating. Straight nose had. At each exam, he jumped up, rushed to write off and with a triumphant look on his face took away his crib, and then expelled. And there was Ivan Ignatievich habit of reading a newspaper, while writing all this, and periodically peek out from behind her.

And all the students in the exam have Baranovsky tried to sit on the last rows, in the timid hope not to run into him. But one of the exams my friend Oleg took and brazenly sat down at the Desk, standing directly in front of the teacher. All got tickets, sit, write diligently. After a few minutes Ivan Ignatyevich kicked a couple of people. The remaining have even to move once again was afraid to, and they are not removed from the audience.

Ivan Ignatyevich was peacefully sitting and reading his newspaper, only occasionally dropping it and having glanced at the Cabinet with his gaze. And here Oleg, sitting at the first Desk, carefully pulled from under the Desk a thick outline, opened to the desired page and placed directly on the table to Ivan Ignatievich! And then began calmly to roll out a response to the ticket.

Some sixth sense Baranowski sensed something was wrong. He lowered his newspaper directly on the summary lying before him, and looked at Oleg. The student looked at him and became more intellectual activity to depict something cerka on the sheet. Oleg Ignatyevich picked up the newspaper, my companion again began to write. So repeated several times. The office has slowly started to laugh.

Baranowski quickly lowered the newspaper and looked at Oleg in the face. He answered deadpan look of injured innocence. The teacher got up, walked around Oleg, anything criminal did not see, sat on his seat and opened the newspaper. Oleg silently turned the page of his notes. In the office there was the sound of sobbing.

Ivan Ignatyevich threw the newspaper on the table, walked up to Oleg and began to search it. Of course, he could not be found. This scene was repeated several times until the end of the exam. For a couple of minutes before the end, Oleg has managed to take over a newspaper Baranovsky your outline and hide it in a briefcase. When Oleg went to take a job, Oleg Ignatyevich broke down and asked him:

— Sidorov, you wrote off?

— No, Ivan Ignatievich, how could you think such a thing?! You several times all my stuff is revised and a cheat sheet not found!

— I am sure that you cheated, Sidorov! But how did you do it?

— No, I didn't cheat... Ask away... the guys continued to make excuses Oleg.

Let's Sidorov. You tell me how you managed it, and I will give you "excellent"!

Told still Oleg about his trick. Baranowski had to answer for his words and paint him in the record book five.



See also

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