The technique of "balance Model": identify what area of life you have in short supply
Maybe I as a person born in October, Libra Zodiac sign, in everything and always looking for harmony and balance, and keenly felt their absence.
However, to measure the balance and harmony in our lives is quite difficult.
There are many different methods and techniques, but none satisfied my criteria fully informed.
And now, learning of Positive psychotherapy I learned about a great tool that surprised me in its simplicity and was pleased with its wholeness and complexity.
I want to share with you this tool of psychological assistance and self-help.
This model, as I have said, came to us from a Positive psychotherapy of Nossrat Pezeshkian and it looks like this:
It all of our lives, conventionally, divided into four areas:
1) body/health,
2) activities/achievements,
3) contacts/communication,
4) the meaning/future/fantasy.
Variants of this model are many, and the more I use it, the more possibilities I see.
I use "a Model of balance" and with clients, and in their own lives, to decide that now it is happening and what needs to change.
Now tell you what you need to do to understand what is happening with the balance in your life, but rather, in General, with your life, where does the time and effort, which areas remain in short supply, some way to escape from problems you have chosen.
Take a sheet of A4 paper, draw on it a coordinate system like this:
Further, consider how much effort, time and energy you put into each of the 4 areas of your life, assuming that you have 100%
Results put that to scale, on the line of the abscissa and ordinate.
— The body and health on the positive portion of the ordinate axis,
— then on the positive portion of the x — axis is the activity and achievements
next to negative segment of the y — axis the contacts and communication,
— and finally, on the negative segment of the x-axis — meaning, future and fantasy.
Connect all the dots and get the diamond, most likely, not isosceles.
Like this, perhaps
Or this:
How to understand what it all means?
The first is to see exactly how you distribute your power that occupies a dominant position that is in short supply.
There are cultural peculiarities which build in a greater degree our model.
The vast majority of my clients overload two areas — operation and sense of the rhombus turns out stretched horizontally and squished vertically.
And, if you think that everything is correct and understandable, we have a long time in the country, I mean, the Soviet Union, where we all come, work was the main meaning of life.
But to reason, to think, to live in the future, the light, of course, was also accepted.
The younger generation is not so strongly fixed in this model, attitude to health, fortunately began to change for the better.
What else can be understood using the Model of balance?
Your diamond can reflect the current situation or strategy.
If You just got a job, then most likely, the field will be overloaded, and it is clear we need to adapt to the new environment, and this requires time and effort.
If in your work there are no significant changes, and reloading the same, it rather speaks about the priorities in life, and perhaps the flight into work, labour dependence, workaholism.
Then it makes sense to sort out this what I'm running from? Communicating with wife/husband, which no longer satisfy me, from loneliness and feelings of uselessness in your personal life?
Here you need to understand and accept that running away, avoiding never establish harmony and balance.
You can run away in fantasy, addiction, numerous connections, or simply in empty communication.
The flight, at first, might be a way out, gives you the opportunity to rest from the conflict, to step back and think. But if the problem is not solved, and the flight becomes habitual, it becomes a problem.
There is another aspect in working with the Model balance, it is more motivational than just explaining.
If You have a Packed field of activity, then You can channel her resources — money, fame, a sense of self-worth, self-confidence as a specialist, as you put it.
At the same time, if the sphere of the body such as the deficit, you have not invested effort, time — not cared adequately, treated when sick, did not pay attention to bodily symptoms, not pampered with massage and fitness, in that moment, when it happens stress, crisis, this sector can give the first.
And then the body not only will help, but on the contrary, ballast.
I talked only about some aspects of the work with the Model balance, it is actually much more. Anyone wanting to know more, refer to the works Pezeshkian and his followers.
As for the harmony in our lives. I think that when you care about all aspects of your life, then harmony comes to you along with well-being.published
Author: Kolobovskaya Lyudmila
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.b17.ru/article/model_balansa/
However, to measure the balance and harmony in our lives is quite difficult.
There are many different methods and techniques, but none satisfied my criteria fully informed.

And now, learning of Positive psychotherapy I learned about a great tool that surprised me in its simplicity and was pleased with its wholeness and complexity.
I want to share with you this tool of psychological assistance and self-help.
This model, as I have said, came to us from a Positive psychotherapy of Nossrat Pezeshkian and it looks like this:

It all of our lives, conventionally, divided into four areas:
1) body/health,
2) activities/achievements,
3) contacts/communication,
4) the meaning/future/fantasy.
Variants of this model are many, and the more I use it, the more possibilities I see.
I use "a Model of balance" and with clients, and in their own lives, to decide that now it is happening and what needs to change.
Now tell you what you need to do to understand what is happening with the balance in your life, but rather, in General, with your life, where does the time and effort, which areas remain in short supply, some way to escape from problems you have chosen.
Take a sheet of A4 paper, draw on it a coordinate system like this:

Further, consider how much effort, time and energy you put into each of the 4 areas of your life, assuming that you have 100%
Results put that to scale, on the line of the abscissa and ordinate.
— The body and health on the positive portion of the ordinate axis,
— then on the positive portion of the x — axis is the activity and achievements
next to negative segment of the y — axis the contacts and communication,
— and finally, on the negative segment of the x-axis — meaning, future and fantasy.
Connect all the dots and get the diamond, most likely, not isosceles.
Like this, perhaps

Or this:

How to understand what it all means?
The first is to see exactly how you distribute your power that occupies a dominant position that is in short supply.
There are cultural peculiarities which build in a greater degree our model.
The vast majority of my clients overload two areas — operation and sense of the rhombus turns out stretched horizontally and squished vertically.
And, if you think that everything is correct and understandable, we have a long time in the country, I mean, the Soviet Union, where we all come, work was the main meaning of life.
But to reason, to think, to live in the future, the light, of course, was also accepted.
The younger generation is not so strongly fixed in this model, attitude to health, fortunately began to change for the better.
What else can be understood using the Model of balance?
Your diamond can reflect the current situation or strategy.
If You just got a job, then most likely, the field will be overloaded, and it is clear we need to adapt to the new environment, and this requires time and effort.
If in your work there are no significant changes, and reloading the same, it rather speaks about the priorities in life, and perhaps the flight into work, labour dependence, workaholism.
Then it makes sense to sort out this what I'm running from? Communicating with wife/husband, which no longer satisfy me, from loneliness and feelings of uselessness in your personal life?
Here you need to understand and accept that running away, avoiding never establish harmony and balance.
You can run away in fantasy, addiction, numerous connections, or simply in empty communication.
The flight, at first, might be a way out, gives you the opportunity to rest from the conflict, to step back and think. But if the problem is not solved, and the flight becomes habitual, it becomes a problem.
There is another aspect in working with the Model balance, it is more motivational than just explaining.
If You have a Packed field of activity, then You can channel her resources — money, fame, a sense of self-worth, self-confidence as a specialist, as you put it.
At the same time, if the sphere of the body such as the deficit, you have not invested effort, time — not cared adequately, treated when sick, did not pay attention to bodily symptoms, not pampered with massage and fitness, in that moment, when it happens stress, crisis, this sector can give the first.
And then the body not only will help, but on the contrary, ballast.
I talked only about some aspects of the work with the Model balance, it is actually much more. Anyone wanting to know more, refer to the works Pezeshkian and his followers.
As for the harmony in our lives. I think that when you care about all aspects of your life, then harmony comes to you along with well-being.published
Author: Kolobovskaya Lyudmila
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.b17.ru/article/model_balansa/