9 of harmful things that have become a habit. Enough to destroy your body!
Often our days are similar to one another. Waking up in the morning, we operate on autopilot, immersed in the routine of a new day.
However, there are certain things that are very important and you need to pay attention, because daily habits determine our health.
Habits that harm the health
Wow, now reconsider their habits and diet. And a sedentary lifestyle — just to the point!
If you've noticed, for such sins? Please share with us in the comments and with your friends on social networks!
The author of the article
The editors of "Site" Is a real creative laboratory! The true team of associates, each a specialist in their field, United by a common purpose: to help people. We create content that's really worth sharing, and a source of inexhaustible inspiration are our favorite readers!
However, there are certain things that are very important and you need to pay attention, because daily habits determine our health.
Habits that harm the health
- Improper breathing
Without thinking, we breathe deeply, but it would be far better to breathe using the stomach or diaphragm. Such breathing will be deeper. It will help to relieve stress, lower blood pressure and increase endurance.
- Too frequent training
If you push yourself to physical exercise six days a week, what harm it would do more than good. Strong strain will cause fatigue and reluctance to exercise. However, more moderate workout, for example, four days a week, will give good results to help you to lose weight and gain good physical shape, with not overloading the body.
- Wrong shoes
Hard to believe, but because of mismatched shoes you can feel the heaviness in the joints and pain in the neck. Approach to the selection of shoes more carefully. And if your doctor advises you to find the shoes better, do it! Replace the joints will be much harder than replacing the boots.
- Excessive hygiene
Contrary to popular belief, frequent hygiene is not such a useful thing for your body. Daily shampooing leads to the fact that the skin begins to produce more sebaceous secretion. Taking a shower with soap and water two times a day dries the skin and destroys its protective layer.
- The use of antibacterial soap
There is no convincing evidence that use of antibacterial soap is so useful. This potent tool has considerable disadvantages: aggressive effect on the skin, the reduction of local immunity.
- Wash
Your clothes may not be as clean as you think! If the washing machine to wash rarely or never wash, it breeds fungus and mold. About the harm which says a lot. Regularly cleanse all the parts of machines (gum, ear, inner drum), to enjoy the freshness and purity.
- Short sleep
If you have a habit to sleep less than 7 hours a day, it can make memory problems, and decreased tone of the skin, emotional instability and disturbance of functionality of an organism. Remember that you should not skimp on sleep and all the time that you have enough sleep, have already caused irreparable damage.
- A sedentary lifestyle
During sleep, the load on the spine is equivalent to approximately 50 kg in a standing position to 100 kg, and sitting down to 220 lbs! Just imagine the load you're putting your spine, eliminating physical activity during the day. Even the walk from the office into the corridor and back is much better than nothing.
- A strict diet
You decided to lose weight or simply to get your fitness in order through diet? Before moving on to a new power system, first make sure that it will not harm your body, especially if you exclude from the diet all carbohydrates or fats. The body needs all groups of substances. Carbohydrates give energy to the muscles, fats affect mental sharpness, and proteins — the building material of tissues.
Wow, now reconsider their habits and diet. And a sedentary lifestyle — just to the point!
If you've noticed, for such sins? Please share with us in the comments and with your friends on social networks!
The author of the article
The editors of "Site" Is a real creative laboratory! The true team of associates, each a specialist in their field, United by a common purpose: to help people. We create content that's really worth sharing, and a source of inexhaustible inspiration are our favorite readers!
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