How to cook pkhali of red beans and a delicious walnut sauce satsivi
PHALI (from red beans and cabbage)
Dish suitable not only for fasting.
Boil red beans beans: 1 Cup (boiled in 1 hour or slightly more, the broth is not drained, it may be useful if a mass seems too dry), then boiled beans mince.
Grind walnuts (1 and 2 cups better — the number is variable). Chop the garlic — 1-2 tooth.
Chop small cubes 2 medium size onion bulbs. Mix beans, nuts, onions, salt to taste, add 1-2 tbsp wine (Apple cider) vinegar and a lot of stir again.
Put in on a dish or rolled into the form of meatballs.
Decorate with nuts or pomegranate seeds. If you like the flavors of Georgian cuisine, then before you add a lot of vinegar, you can dissolve 1 teaspoon of seasoning hops-suneli. Instead of vinegar, use fresh pomegranate juice.
Phali from cabbage is prepared similarly, only instead of beans need to take a small forks cabbage to disassemble the leaves, boil, squeeze. Continue to do both in the recipe pkhali from the beans.
In the same way you can prepare pkhali from a boiled beet. The number of kernels, usually for 500g of vegetables is 1 Cup.
Onions chopped into small cubes and simmer in a thick-walled pot, in vegetable oil until transparent (do not fry, and to extinguish).
When the onion is ready add the ground walnuts (1 - 2 cups) and a little put out, add salt (pepper, add garlic to taste).
Gingerbread men: recipe of Christmas cookies that kids will love!Golden drink of youth and beauty
Add hot boiled water (to desired thickness, remembering that when the sauce cools, it will become thicker than it was hot), add 2 tablespoons of wine vinegar (but you can Apple), which is pre-diluted 2H spoons hops-suneli.
Cook at a low boil for about 15-20 minutes. Cool. You can prepare in advance (per day for example). Can be made from hazelnuts.
Cook with love,
Source: bufetum.livejournal.com/49059.html
Dish suitable not only for fasting.
Boil red beans beans: 1 Cup (boiled in 1 hour or slightly more, the broth is not drained, it may be useful if a mass seems too dry), then boiled beans mince.
Grind walnuts (1 and 2 cups better — the number is variable). Chop the garlic — 1-2 tooth.

Chop small cubes 2 medium size onion bulbs. Mix beans, nuts, onions, salt to taste, add 1-2 tbsp wine (Apple cider) vinegar and a lot of stir again.
Put in on a dish or rolled into the form of meatballs.
Decorate with nuts or pomegranate seeds. If you like the flavors of Georgian cuisine, then before you add a lot of vinegar, you can dissolve 1 teaspoon of seasoning hops-suneli. Instead of vinegar, use fresh pomegranate juice.
Phali from cabbage is prepared similarly, only instead of beans need to take a small forks cabbage to disassemble the leaves, boil, squeeze. Continue to do both in the recipe pkhali from the beans.
In the same way you can prepare pkhali from a boiled beet. The number of kernels, usually for 500g of vegetables is 1 Cup.
Onions chopped into small cubes and simmer in a thick-walled pot, in vegetable oil until transparent (do not fry, and to extinguish).

When the onion is ready add the ground walnuts (1 - 2 cups) and a little put out, add salt (pepper, add garlic to taste).
Gingerbread men: recipe of Christmas cookies that kids will love!Golden drink of youth and beauty
Add hot boiled water (to desired thickness, remembering that when the sauce cools, it will become thicker than it was hot), add 2 tablespoons of wine vinegar (but you can Apple), which is pre-diluted 2H spoons hops-suneli.
Cook at a low boil for about 15-20 minutes. Cool. You can prepare in advance (per day for example). Can be made from hazelnuts.
Cook with love,
Source: bufetum.livejournal.com/49059.html
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