Sweet sugar Museum
Sugar was known to man since ancient times. Home to sugar is India. In different countries this substance has been extracted in many different ways: the Chinese have made sugar from sorghum, the Egyptians — from the bean, Canadians – from maple juice, and poles – birch, Lithuanians – from parsnip roots, in Belarus — from parsley. In India have found a way to get sugar from cane.
For making sugar cut stalks of sugar cane prior to their flowering. Cut the stalks are crushed and the juice extracted. The juice contains about 18% sugar and about 80% water. Then to the juice, add slaked lime and heated to 70°C, then filtered and evaporated to crystallization. At the moment, is one of the main ways to get sugar. Leading position in the world in production and export of sugar is Brazil, India and China.
Also sugar is produced from sugar beet. It was in Berlin in 1747, German chemist Andreas Sigismund Marggraf discovered with the help of a microscope sugar crystals in thin slices of beet roots, which led eventually to the emergence of the sugar beet industry.
Source: /users/155

For making sugar cut stalks of sugar cane prior to their flowering. Cut the stalks are crushed and the juice extracted. The juice contains about 18% sugar and about 80% water. Then to the juice, add slaked lime and heated to 70°C, then filtered and evaporated to crystallization. At the moment, is one of the main ways to get sugar. Leading position in the world in production and export of sugar is Brazil, India and China.

Also sugar is produced from sugar beet. It was in Berlin in 1747, German chemist Andreas Sigismund Marggraf discovered with the help of a microscope sugar crystals in thin slices of beet roots, which led eventually to the emergence of the sugar beet industry.

Source: /users/155