Is it possible friendship between a man and a woman
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If we men and women are from different planets - this explains the view that men and women can't be friends. The reason for it is sexual attraction that can occur between a heterosexual man and woman. Jealousy poisons many rational people, when their significant other befriends someone of the opposite sex. A friendship like that just can't be, right? Wrong, experts on relationships say that the belief that men and women can't be friends comes from the era when women stayed home and men went to work. Now they work together and have common interests. This cultural shift has forced psychologists and sociologists to recognize that men and women successfully can be close friends. Moreover, there are good reasons for such a friendship.
Society has long singled out romance as the prototype of relations between man and woman, and all because it brings children and supports the life-cycle. We have rules of action in a love relationship-flirting, romance, marriage, birth of children.
The media supports this version of the development of relations, arguing that sex always prevails in the relationship and the friendship becomes impossible. There are many examples in film and literature about how to end the friendship between the main characters after sex, imposes on us the view that romantic relationship more natural.
There are clear differences between male and female friendship. Women spend most of their time discussing thoughts and feelings, while men are much more socially oriented. Men gather for sports or talk about the stock price; rarely discuss feelings or personal reflections. Women expect friendship from a more emotional and frustrated if you don't get it. Whatever the problems in friendship between a man and a woman, researchers agree that to succeed as friends, both genders have to openly and honestly negotiate. Is it sexual attraction and where the limits beyond which not to go? This question will loom on the horizon if friends constantly ignore it. So, psychologists have recognized that men and women can be friends. But do we believe them?
Source: /users/1077
If we men and women are from different planets - this explains the view that men and women can't be friends. The reason for it is sexual attraction that can occur between a heterosexual man and woman. Jealousy poisons many rational people, when their significant other befriends someone of the opposite sex. A friendship like that just can't be, right? Wrong, experts on relationships say that the belief that men and women can't be friends comes from the era when women stayed home and men went to work. Now they work together and have common interests. This cultural shift has forced psychologists and sociologists to recognize that men and women successfully can be close friends. Moreover, there are good reasons for such a friendship.
Society has long singled out romance as the prototype of relations between man and woman, and all because it brings children and supports the life-cycle. We have rules of action in a love relationship-flirting, romance, marriage, birth of children.
The media supports this version of the development of relations, arguing that sex always prevails in the relationship and the friendship becomes impossible. There are many examples in film and literature about how to end the friendship between the main characters after sex, imposes on us the view that romantic relationship more natural.
There are clear differences between male and female friendship. Women spend most of their time discussing thoughts and feelings, while men are much more socially oriented. Men gather for sports or talk about the stock price; rarely discuss feelings or personal reflections. Women expect friendship from a more emotional and frustrated if you don't get it. Whatever the problems in friendship between a man and a woman, researchers agree that to succeed as friends, both genders have to openly and honestly negotiate. Is it sexual attraction and where the limits beyond which not to go? This question will loom on the horizon if friends constantly ignore it. So, psychologists have recognized that men and women can be friends. But do we believe them?
Source: /users/1077