Raw food - features of gastronomic fashion
Raw food is the key to a healthy and energetic lifestyle. The essence of the method is to exclude transfomed ingredients, dairy and gluten-containing products from the diet. When foods are heated above 45 degrees, they lose vitamins, minerals and important enzymes that help them digest and absorb. Fresh vegetables, fruits, meat, eggs, fish give the body more energy, give a healthy color to the face and contribute to the burning of extra pounds. An important feature of raw products is the prevention of arthritis, heart disease, reducing the acidity of the body. The number of raw foods in the diet should be increased gradually, because cardinal changes may not like the intestine. First, you need to add fruits to the diet, then vegetables and freshly squeezed juices. In order to feel a surge of energy, it does not necessarily become a raw fooder, it is enough to eat 50% of such products. After a few weeks, your body will thank you.
Source: estet-portal.com
Source: estet-portal.com
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