Diet for 2 months - slowly and effectively
Slow weight loss, unlike rapid, does not have a negative effect on the skin, hair and nails, and a healthy diet can turn during this time into a useful habit.
To say that the diet for 2 months does not require absolutely no effort, but to starve during this period will not have for sure.
The following menu and rules leave no doubt:
Diet rules for 2 months.
The basic principles of this diet are:
- eating small portions several times a day;
- plentiful drink. As difficult as it may seem to you, you should exclude drinks containing sugar (for example, sweet tea), soda and alcohol. In extreme cases, you can drink a little dry wine. But cocktails, beer and, of course, drinks with a high alcohol content should be forgotten at this time.
Approximate menu for 8 weeks:
Morning (6:00-12:00)
You can eat a variety of low-fat dairy products: cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream, kefir or yogurt. Especially do not limit yourself, the main thing is to satisfy the feeling of hunger and at the same time not to eat too much at a time: it is better to eat often at intervals of 2-2.5 hours.
Day (12:00-15:00)
Meat menu: boiled chicken, rabbit steamed or baked turkey. From adding salt to the finished dish it is better to completely abandon. Advice "experienced": try to expand the menu with chicken broth. Do not be afraid to eat it with onions, carrots and greens. Tested in practice: despite popular belief, these supplements do not affect the effectiveness of the diet.
Afternoon time (15:00-18:00)
Fish menu. Best suited boiled or steamed hake, cod and other similar low-fat varieties. If desired, you can sometimes diversify the diet with salted fish, for example, trout or salmon.
Evening (after 18:00)
Fruit and vegetable menu.
You will not have to give up food in the evening. Basic rules: eat only raw vegetables and fruits (any) and do not overeat before bedtime. You can make a salad and even fill it with olive oil.
During the entire time of dieting is allowed to eat only the above products and exclude all others. This can, in turn, lead to a lack of vitamins and minerals: they must be taken additionally for 2 months.
Please note: a diet for 2 months has contraindications: diseases of the stomach, intestines or kidneys. In this case, the consultation of a doctor is mandatory. Perhaps he will recommend more suitable products for such problems. Do not neglect a visit to the doctor, because health is much more important than a beautiful figure.
Source: dieta-dieta.ru
To say that the diet for 2 months does not require absolutely no effort, but to starve during this period will not have for sure.

The following menu and rules leave no doubt:
Diet rules for 2 months.
The basic principles of this diet are:
- eating small portions several times a day;
- plentiful drink. As difficult as it may seem to you, you should exclude drinks containing sugar (for example, sweet tea), soda and alcohol. In extreme cases, you can drink a little dry wine. But cocktails, beer and, of course, drinks with a high alcohol content should be forgotten at this time.
Approximate menu for 8 weeks:
Morning (6:00-12:00)
You can eat a variety of low-fat dairy products: cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream, kefir or yogurt. Especially do not limit yourself, the main thing is to satisfy the feeling of hunger and at the same time not to eat too much at a time: it is better to eat often at intervals of 2-2.5 hours.
Day (12:00-15:00)
Meat menu: boiled chicken, rabbit steamed or baked turkey. From adding salt to the finished dish it is better to completely abandon. Advice "experienced": try to expand the menu with chicken broth. Do not be afraid to eat it with onions, carrots and greens. Tested in practice: despite popular belief, these supplements do not affect the effectiveness of the diet.
Afternoon time (15:00-18:00)
Fish menu. Best suited boiled or steamed hake, cod and other similar low-fat varieties. If desired, you can sometimes diversify the diet with salted fish, for example, trout or salmon.
Evening (after 18:00)
Fruit and vegetable menu.
You will not have to give up food in the evening. Basic rules: eat only raw vegetables and fruits (any) and do not overeat before bedtime. You can make a salad and even fill it with olive oil.
During the entire time of dieting is allowed to eat only the above products and exclude all others. This can, in turn, lead to a lack of vitamins and minerals: they must be taken additionally for 2 months.
Please note: a diet for 2 months has contraindications: diseases of the stomach, intestines or kidneys. In this case, the consultation of a doctor is mandatory. Perhaps he will recommend more suitable products for such problems. Do not neglect a visit to the doctor, because health is much more important than a beautiful figure.
Source: dieta-dieta.ru