Men and women choose the house different
Eighty million five hundred thirty five thousand seven hundred thirty seven
According to the survey of one of real estate agencies, husbands and wives approach to the selection of housing from different points of view.
Consumer experts interviewed more than two thousand buyers under the age of 35 years. It turned out that 80% of men closeness to work was the main priority. For women, the main thing was the number of bedrooms is 53% and proximity to good school – 35%.
Sixty-one percent of respondents said the disparity in priorities when choosing a home has led to tensions, scandals, and even divorce. The only thing agreed husbands and wives when buying property what legal paperwork is the most stressful part of this event.
Sarah Willingham: "This study has revealed some interesting facts about the different approaches that make men and women when buying a home. Obviously, for men, an improved lifestyle is the top priority, saving time on the way to work is for them a very important factor. Women think more about family, creating a real home."
Source: nauka24news.ru/
According to the survey of one of real estate agencies, husbands and wives approach to the selection of housing from different points of view.
Consumer experts interviewed more than two thousand buyers under the age of 35 years. It turned out that 80% of men closeness to work was the main priority. For women, the main thing was the number of bedrooms is 53% and proximity to good school – 35%.
Sixty-one percent of respondents said the disparity in priorities when choosing a home has led to tensions, scandals, and even divorce. The only thing agreed husbands and wives when buying property what legal paperwork is the most stressful part of this event.
Sarah Willingham: "This study has revealed some interesting facts about the different approaches that make men and women when buying a home. Obviously, for men, an improved lifestyle is the top priority, saving time on the way to work is for them a very important factor. Women think more about family, creating a real home."
Source: nauka24news.ru/
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