Is it possible to save money on products

Many of you have probably noticed that prices for organic products are usually above average. The reason is simple – to grow such vegetables and fruits are more expensive, store them for a long time impossible. So, it turns out that the average eco-products is 20 percent more expensive. Is there a way to make the cost of food a little less tangible for the budget?
Many may resent how it is to save on your health? Other objects: but where to go if we have expensive products to 40 times faster than in the EU? Where is the Golden middle? This article will tell you about some simple ways to save on the purchase of products.
All by yourself
First saving option may be already familiar to the Russian reality the phenomenon of growing their own vegetables in the garden or at the cottage. It is suitable for those who love to spend time on earth, to care for the plantings. And for those who have enough time on it.
You can also ask the grandmother and other relatives to share the harvest. And you can buy food in the nearest village, agreeing with someone local. This option is great for those who drink milk and consume eggs is to find a farm with a cow and a chicken near the city easy. You can also agree to "supply" you with vegetables, berries and mushrooms. Usually the cost of these products is not so high, and you'll be one hundred percent sure in their quality. In this case, the complexity is only one – have to drive out of town to pick them up. Once a week to go you can, but it is not always convenient.
Green shopping
Many have seen that in big cities of Russia began to appear in specialty stores and supermarkets, offering a wide range of bio-products. However, the prices are not very nice bite. The potential savings here is this: keep track of stocks and sales, in fact probably closer to the evening, for some products price tags are changed to more attractive. If you are going to eat the product today then you.
Another option would be the loyalty card for such shopping, but honestly, the big discounts, you will be able to.
The market
You can go to the market, where the opportunity to buy non-GMO products is higher than in the normal supermarket. The market prices are often lower than in the store. There you can try haggling with sellers, especially if you come to the same tray regularly. The trip to the market, there is one significant drawback – they are open 24 hours a day. Therefore, for those who spend a lot of time at work, it is not very convenient. A solution could be to buy food for the week ahead on the weekend, but eco-products are kept smaller, so in any case have to visit any more stores.
For advanced
Many Russians are already moving to order food over the Internet. This option is suitable not for everyone, because not all trusted online shopping. However, now a lot of Internet portals which provide delivery service of fresh foods on the house. This saves time, effort and money. Yes, because the Internet trade does not need to rent premises and pay sellers.
Secondly, you can find a special promotional code for a discount in such stores (. Promotional codes or coupons are free of charge, because it is one of the ways an online store to make a statement and to attract buyers. Discounts can be up to 30%, sometimes the coupon can get free shipping of purchases, it's also a nice bonus.
Thus, you can save even on the purchase of eco-products, the main approach to this issue wisely. We wish you good health and best purchases!
Source: /users/1077