How to learn to save on food
Each of us, in one way or another, encountered food from the dining room. And those who lived in the USSR often compare that food with modern. Someone says that he has never tried the best dishes in his life, and someone sees nightmares with “state” cutlets and mashed potatoes. Memories are all different. Most likely, the fact is that everyone had different dining rooms, and some catering saved less than others.
Editorial "Site" Remembers how everything worked in the Soviet canteens, what they saved and what they did. economy It can even fit a modern housewife.
In fact, everything depended on the dining room and its staff. Times have been tough and cooks are people too. So they tried to grab more, sometimes taking home the lion's share of food. This has affected the quality of the food. But it wasn't everywhere. My uncle, who in the eighties traveled a lot on business trips, said that sometimes you could come across delicious food, for example, in the cafeteria of a small shop in a remote region of the country.
Not always and not everywhere people were conscientious, so there were cunning economyThey were used everywhere in the USSR. To be honest, some of them even now can be useful to the modern hostess.
Saving secrets
Times are different now, so it is unlikely that all these tricks will be useful to you, but to learn such things is always interesting. People were able to survive and find a way out of the most difficult situations. And they lived pretty well. So there's a lot to learn.
There are many interesting facts. For example, did you know which diets were popular among Soviet women? If not, see if there is something to learn for yourself.
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Photo by depositphotos preview.

Editorial "Site" Remembers how everything worked in the Soviet canteens, what they saved and what they did. economy It can even fit a modern housewife.
In fact, everything depended on the dining room and its staff. Times have been tough and cooks are people too. So they tried to grab more, sometimes taking home the lion's share of food. This has affected the quality of the food. But it wasn't everywhere. My uncle, who in the eighties traveled a lot on business trips, said that sometimes you could come across delicious food, for example, in the cafeteria of a small shop in a remote region of the country.
Not always and not everywhere people were conscientious, so there were cunning economyThey were used everywhere in the USSR. To be honest, some of them even now can be useful to the modern hostess.

Saving secrets
- smetana
To spend less sour cream, it was diluted with kefir in a ratio of 4 to 1. And after all, good savings are obtained, and the taste of dishes does not suffer much from this. Besides, fewer calories. - Garlic
To improve the taste of low-grade meat cutlets, a large amount of garlic was added to them. Let’s say, this is not the best life hack that you can come up with, but even now for many, the issue of saving is acute. So such a tool can be useful in extreme cases.
DepositPhotos - broth
In order to cook a delicious soup, you do not need selective meat. Here, for example, in the canteen bony broth was cooked. Even my grandmother brewed soups in such a broth. As an economy option will do. - Boiled food
If you remember, Soviet canteens served a minimum number of fried dishes. There are two explanations for this: concern for the health of visitors and savings. Cooking potato casseroles and steam cutlets was much more profitable than fries and fried chops. You do not need to use vegetable oil. In addition, cooked food does not cause increased appetite. It may have been a common attempt to save money, but I think it worked for everyone. Now from all the TV screens and pages on the Internet, we hear only that fried is harmful. Was that saving so bad?
DepositPhotos - Free bread.
In the canteens, bread was given for free or sold at a very low price. Many people took 3-4 pieces in one meal, so saturated much faster with a smaller amount of food. It is not so good for health, so it is better to leave this trick in the past. - Pyureshka
Everyone knows mashed potatoes. Someone hated him, and someone still remembers with nostalgia. To make the puree more delicate to taste, the cooks diluted it with water. It worked well if you added the water left over after cooking the potatoes. When there is nothing to add to the mash, this trick is very helpful.
DepositPhotos - Coffee.
Or to be more precise, a coffee drink made of chicory. Instead of coffee, they used it. This method is still good, because chicory is much more useful for the heart, because it contains potassium. And the price doesn't bite that much. - omelet
Eggs are a strange thing. If you eat two eggs, the feeling of hunger appears immediately, but if you add milk and make an omelet from the same two eggs, you barely have the strength to cope with it. A special Soviet omelet was prepared quite simply: mix the egg with 30 ml of milk, add a pinch of salt and slowly stir, do not beat. Then pour in the oiled form and bake in the oven. Here's a hearty dish.
DepositPhotos - Fish day
Everyone remembers this fish day. Every Thursday instead of meat fish. This not only helped to save the budget, but also stimulated the fishing industry of the country. Today, such a life hack as one fish day a week, can also be used, because fish is a very useful product. - Abundance of vegetables
That’s exactly what you should learn from Soviet chefs, is the art of cooking a thousand and one dishes from ordinary beets. And every one of them will be delicious and useful. It saves money in your wallet. The basis of many dishes in the dining room were cabbage, carrots, beets, onions and potatoes. Yes, they were cheap, but this is no less useful.
Times are different now, so it is unlikely that all these tricks will be useful to you, but to learn such things is always interesting. People were able to survive and find a way out of the most difficult situations. And they lived pretty well. So there's a lot to learn.
There are many interesting facts. For example, did you know which diets were popular among Soviet women? If not, see if there is something to learn for yourself.
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Photo by depositphotos preview.