7 historical misconceptions about the female body
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How often throughout human history the female body has been the subject of various speculation and rumors, which at times approached outright absurdity and ignorance of the female anatomy was a tool against the desire of women to be equal with men.
Here are just a few of these misconceptions:
1. The myth of менструации
Historically, for a long time, menstruation was seen as either a great blessing or as a universal evil. One common speculation was (and is) what menstruation is derived from the body of "bad" blood. Based on this approval, women were not allowed to come to the plate, were not allowed to attend religious ceremonies and perform other everyday jobs so as not to "defile" the "dirty" blood all around.
About fertilization in the period of menstruation could not be considered, as it was believed that the child from exposure to toxic blood will be born with deformities.
Contrary to this, the prominent Greek physician Galen believed that blood from menstruation is the nutrient that feeds the embryo in the uterus, then after birth is converted into breast milk.
2. Virginity restores молодость
The theory of solidism introduced the practice of an aging man. They believed that sleeping with a virgin (without any sexual contact) will make them younger. In the past doctors have prescribed Sunamitess from indigestion. In the 18th century it was believed that the breath of a virgin has healing properties. Innocent, chaste virgin was considered blessed, while having the sexual experience of ladies called the wicked and vicious.
In France of virginity even made a profitable business. According to rumors, one successful businesswoman named Madame Janus owned a house with 50 virgins who catered to rich old men who want to become younger, without joining in an intimate relationship.
3. Breasts as the female броня
In the 14th century, the French physician of king Louis X, Henri de Mondeville in his letter, explained why the female breast is exactly where it can be seen, and not in any other place. He identified three reasons: first, the chest located in the chest in order that men could find it easier to consider it; secondly, the chest gives the heart a warm, protected; third, warm chest strengthens the abdominal muscles.
Again, in 1840, English physician Astley Cooper believed that most breast protects women of the lower strata of society and allows them to "withstand the severe blows that they could get in a drunken brawl".
4. Driving destroys women's яичники
In 2013, a cleric from Saudi Arabia, Sheikh Saleh al-Lohaidan said that, according to studies, avtoledi risk to make the displacement of the pelvic bones, and as a result, damage to the ovaries that may lead to birth of unhealthy child. The followers of al-Lohaidan even published his thoughts on Twitter under the hashtag #WomensDrivingAffectsOvariesAndPelvises. This is a controversial statement was harshly criticized even by fellow cleric.
Later Saudi gynecologist Mohammed Banks disputed the claim of al-Lohaidan and confirmed that no studies on this subject have not been conducted.
Surprisingly, the priest was not the only one who made such absurd statements. Back in 2010, another religious leader from Saudi Arabia was convinced that a woman should never get behind the wheel, but she can suckle the breast milk of the driver running on her that he was her relative or husband.
5. Misconceptions Аристотеля
Despite the fact that Aristotle was one of the greatest philosophers of all time, he was also tend to err regarding ideas about the female body. For example, he refused to distinguish the vagina from the urethra, and also believed that women really are men's genitals which are in the process of birth was left inside their bodies. in Other words, women are, in the view of Aristotle, were deformed men. That is why he believed that women were not capable of producing sperm, and therefore they are passive participants in the process of "production" of children.
In the "Declaration of Aristotle", as ridiculous as that sounded, it was said that women have less teeth and sutures of the skull than that of the opposite sex. The greatest philosophers have used similar excuses to justify chauvinism in every aspect of life.
6. Educated women are not able to деторождению
In his work "Sex in education; or the opportunity for girls (1873)" Professor at Harvard medical school Edward Clark called the reason why women should not be educated. He wrote that on the shoulders of the women rests the responsibility for the promotion of the human race, and that women are inferior to men in all aspects, and higher education (especially during menstruation) eventually will destroy their brains. The blood is rushing to your brain and cast from the uterus, resulting in the woman can become sterile.
According to Clark, the only purpose of women is having children and not mental activity. For some time the publication of his work was a topic for heated debate, and opponents of female education treated them as their Bible. In the end, the ridiculous theory of Professor so and was not recognized, and more and more women began to attend colleges and universities.
7. Harm parent впечатлений
The concept of "maternal impressions" is still used by the ancient Romans, and perhaps even before they do. The idea was that the imagination of the mother can affect the development of the child growing inside of her. The Romans believed that birthmarks were the result of maternal exposure to emotional trauma.
This belief was reinforced by cases where babies were born with injury or like animals. In the 18th century, there was one extraordinary case, which later turned out to be a fraud. Then a woman named Mary Toft allegedly gave birth to rabbits, because during pregnancy she wanted to eat rabbit. In our time, beliefs about the impact of thoughts on fetal development have been refuted.
Source: /users/1077
How often throughout human history the female body has been the subject of various speculation and rumors, which at times approached outright absurdity and ignorance of the female anatomy was a tool against the desire of women to be equal with men.
Here are just a few of these misconceptions:
1. The myth of менструации

Historically, for a long time, menstruation was seen as either a great blessing or as a universal evil. One common speculation was (and is) what menstruation is derived from the body of "bad" blood. Based on this approval, women were not allowed to come to the plate, were not allowed to attend religious ceremonies and perform other everyday jobs so as not to "defile" the "dirty" blood all around.
About fertilization in the period of menstruation could not be considered, as it was believed that the child from exposure to toxic blood will be born with deformities.
Contrary to this, the prominent Greek physician Galen believed that blood from menstruation is the nutrient that feeds the embryo in the uterus, then after birth is converted into breast milk.
2. Virginity restores молодость

The theory of solidism introduced the practice of an aging man. They believed that sleeping with a virgin (without any sexual contact) will make them younger. In the past doctors have prescribed Sunamitess from indigestion. In the 18th century it was believed that the breath of a virgin has healing properties. Innocent, chaste virgin was considered blessed, while having the sexual experience of ladies called the wicked and vicious.
In France of virginity even made a profitable business. According to rumors, one successful businesswoman named Madame Janus owned a house with 50 virgins who catered to rich old men who want to become younger, without joining in an intimate relationship.
3. Breasts as the female броня

In the 14th century, the French physician of king Louis X, Henri de Mondeville in his letter, explained why the female breast is exactly where it can be seen, and not in any other place. He identified three reasons: first, the chest located in the chest in order that men could find it easier to consider it; secondly, the chest gives the heart a warm, protected; third, warm chest strengthens the abdominal muscles.
Again, in 1840, English physician Astley Cooper believed that most breast protects women of the lower strata of society and allows them to "withstand the severe blows that they could get in a drunken brawl".
4. Driving destroys women's яичники

In 2013, a cleric from Saudi Arabia, Sheikh Saleh al-Lohaidan said that, according to studies, avtoledi risk to make the displacement of the pelvic bones, and as a result, damage to the ovaries that may lead to birth of unhealthy child. The followers of al-Lohaidan even published his thoughts on Twitter under the hashtag #WomensDrivingAffectsOvariesAndPelvises. This is a controversial statement was harshly criticized even by fellow cleric.
Later Saudi gynecologist Mohammed Banks disputed the claim of al-Lohaidan and confirmed that no studies on this subject have not been conducted.
Surprisingly, the priest was not the only one who made such absurd statements. Back in 2010, another religious leader from Saudi Arabia was convinced that a woman should never get behind the wheel, but she can suckle the breast milk of the driver running on her that he was her relative or husband.
5. Misconceptions Аристотеля

Despite the fact that Aristotle was one of the greatest philosophers of all time, he was also tend to err regarding ideas about the female body. For example, he refused to distinguish the vagina from the urethra, and also believed that women really are men's genitals which are in the process of birth was left inside their bodies. in Other words, women are, in the view of Aristotle, were deformed men. That is why he believed that women were not capable of producing sperm, and therefore they are passive participants in the process of "production" of children.
In the "Declaration of Aristotle", as ridiculous as that sounded, it was said that women have less teeth and sutures of the skull than that of the opposite sex. The greatest philosophers have used similar excuses to justify chauvinism in every aspect of life.
6. Educated women are not able to деторождению

In his work "Sex in education; or the opportunity for girls (1873)" Professor at Harvard medical school Edward Clark called the reason why women should not be educated. He wrote that on the shoulders of the women rests the responsibility for the promotion of the human race, and that women are inferior to men in all aspects, and higher education (especially during menstruation) eventually will destroy their brains. The blood is rushing to your brain and cast from the uterus, resulting in the woman can become sterile.
According to Clark, the only purpose of women is having children and not mental activity. For some time the publication of his work was a topic for heated debate, and opponents of female education treated them as their Bible. In the end, the ridiculous theory of Professor so and was not recognized, and more and more women began to attend colleges and universities.
7. Harm parent впечатлений

The concept of "maternal impressions" is still used by the ancient Romans, and perhaps even before they do. The idea was that the imagination of the mother can affect the development of the child growing inside of her. The Romans believed that birthmarks were the result of maternal exposure to emotional trauma.
This belief was reinforced by cases where babies were born with injury or like animals. In the 18th century, there was one extraordinary case, which later turned out to be a fraud. Then a woman named Mary Toft allegedly gave birth to rabbits, because during pregnancy she wanted to eat rabbit. In our time, beliefs about the impact of thoughts on fetal development have been refuted.
Source: /users/1077