Professor Carl dzherassi — People will stop having sex for procreation
Sixty nine million one hundred seven thousand two hundred eighty four
By 2050, children will be born through artificial insemination, and sex in the lives of people will remain only as a pastime for fun and without consequences. This forecast was made by the famous American scientist Carl dzherassi.
One of the inventors of oral contraceptives, 91-year-old Professor Carl dzherassi from Stanford University, predicts that within a few decades the science and fundamental change in the basic values of humanity will lead to a natural result: sex is for reproduction of the kind will no longer be required.
Now if in vitro fertilization (IVF) resorted to only people who have any medical contraindications for conception naturally (and their number is relatively large), then by 2050 this will become ubiquitous.
According to Professor dzherassi, "cons" such a forecast is no – one just "pros". Scenario reproductive path of humanity will be the following: young women and men, being in better physical shape, will be mass to freeze their eggs and sperm and then undergo sterilization. After that, they no longer have to worry about "appropriate" time for conception and a ticking biological clock, but can fully focus on my career and other things. Sex will remain only as a way of pleasure, but of pregnancies, and especially unwanted it's of lead will not. Accordingly, disappears, and the phenomenon of abortion.
Carl dzherassi entered the history of science and medicine with his invention of the world's first prototype of oral contraceptives in 1951. Along with several colleagues dzherassi opened a progestin (progestin norethindrone), which in contrast to progesterone (progesterone), valid even after oral administration and is much more effective than the natural hormone.
Progesterone is produced by the body of pregnant women and helps the embryo implant in the uterus. The tool works as a contraceptive, causing the body to believe that a pregnancy: thus, in the body triggers a natural protective reaction, preventing the subsequent fertilization.
The new drug was developed while the cure neurological disorders and to help infertile women. In result, it created a new word for contraception. Dzherassi, besides known as the author of several books, including poetry collections and fiction novels.
Nevertheless, his prediction on the future scheme of procreation does not belong to the category of fiction: States of the West, this path looks quite real. However, even there, as well as in third world countries and in places where the influence of religion on life remains very strong, talking about one hundred percent transition to IVF and sterilization is not necessary.
Source: /users/1077
By 2050, children will be born through artificial insemination, and sex in the lives of people will remain only as a pastime for fun and without consequences. This forecast was made by the famous American scientist Carl dzherassi.
One of the inventors of oral contraceptives, 91-year-old Professor Carl dzherassi from Stanford University, predicts that within a few decades the science and fundamental change in the basic values of humanity will lead to a natural result: sex is for reproduction of the kind will no longer be required.
Now if in vitro fertilization (IVF) resorted to only people who have any medical contraindications for conception naturally (and their number is relatively large), then by 2050 this will become ubiquitous.
According to Professor dzherassi, "cons" such a forecast is no – one just "pros". Scenario reproductive path of humanity will be the following: young women and men, being in better physical shape, will be mass to freeze their eggs and sperm and then undergo sterilization. After that, they no longer have to worry about "appropriate" time for conception and a ticking biological clock, but can fully focus on my career and other things. Sex will remain only as a way of pleasure, but of pregnancies, and especially unwanted it's of lead will not. Accordingly, disappears, and the phenomenon of abortion.
Carl dzherassi entered the history of science and medicine with his invention of the world's first prototype of oral contraceptives in 1951. Along with several colleagues dzherassi opened a progestin (progestin norethindrone), which in contrast to progesterone (progesterone), valid even after oral administration and is much more effective than the natural hormone.
Progesterone is produced by the body of pregnant women and helps the embryo implant in the uterus. The tool works as a contraceptive, causing the body to believe that a pregnancy: thus, in the body triggers a natural protective reaction, preventing the subsequent fertilization.
The new drug was developed while the cure neurological disorders and to help infertile women. In result, it created a new word for contraception. Dzherassi, besides known as the author of several books, including poetry collections and fiction novels.
Nevertheless, his prediction on the future scheme of procreation does not belong to the category of fiction: States of the West, this path looks quite real. However, even there, as well as in third world countries and in places where the influence of religion on life remains very strong, talking about one hundred percent transition to IVF and sterilization is not necessary.
Source: /users/1077
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