Soup with chanterelles and hazelnuts and 2 more delicious recipe

Soup with chanterelles and hazelnuts
You will need:
500-800 g of chanterelles
3 small potatoes
1 medium onion
1 small carrot
a handful of hazelnuts
1 tbsp vegetable oil
1 tbsp. cream
¼ Tbsp. white wine
½ -1 tbsp. beef broth
salt, black pepper
¼ Tsp garlic powder
dried thyme
Peel the potatoes and boil until tender. Nuts fry on a dry pan, cool and clean from the husk. Chanterelles, rinsed under running water. Onions and carrots cut into cubes.
In a deep saucepan heat the oil, add the onion and fry until transparent. Add the garlic powder. Add carrots, continue braising, stirring occasionally. Chanterelles, chop and add to vegetables. Simmer until all the liquid evaporates.
Pour the wine to the vegetables and stir a lot to keep it on the heat to evaporate the wine.
Add the cream, bring to a boil. Season with salt and pepper.
Pour the whole mass in a blender, add thyme, nuts and blend. Serve hot.
Mushroom cream-soup with champignons

200 gr of mushrooms
1 carrot
0.5 onions
1-2 potatoes
70-100 grams processed cheese (I have a mushroom taste)
100 gr of milk or cream
tbsp vegetable oil (for frying)
a bunch of dill
salt, freshly ground black pepper — to taste
Potatoes cut into medium dice, add water and put to boil. Cook the potatoes for 5-7 minutes after boiling.
Meanwhile, cook zazharku. To do this, slice the mushrooms, finely chop onion, carrot grate on a coarse grater. Add a little vegetable oil and fry the mushrooms and vegetables for 3 minutes, occasionally stirring them. Add zazharku in the soup and cook it another 7-10 minutes.
Add to soup with small pieces of melted cheese, milk or cream. Bring to boil and remove from heat.
Add to the soup chopped dill, cover it with a lid and let stand at least 10 minutes.
Vegetable cream soup with baked eggplant and tomatoes

Tomatoes with eggplant, cream and herbs — this combination has no equal!
You will need:
3-4 medium eggplant
1 tomato
1 small onion
2 cloves of garlic
250 ml of 20% cream
1 jar of natural yoghurt
1 tsp dried Provence herbs
olive oil
salt, pepper
How to cook:
The eggplant cut off the stem, cut them in half lengthwise, sprinkle with salt and leave for half an hour. And if the eggplants are young and not bitter, bake them whole. Grease the form of olive oil, put the eggplant and tomato, sprinkle with salt, Provencal herbs and bake until tender. I baked it for an hour at 150 gr. Be sure to save the juice from the roasted vegetables.
Onions and garlic fry in olive oil until Golden brown. They do not have much to shred, so how are we going to turn this into a puree. Peel eggplant and tomato, put in blender, add onion, garlic, the juice from the roasted vegetables and puree them in a smoothie. Then add the yogurt, whisk again, and then wipe the puree through a fine sieve.
Put on medium heat and pour in slightly warmed cream, then season to taste.
Source: koko.by
Source: /users/1077
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