Anthology herring
Sixty five million five hundred ninety five thousand three hundred eighty two
The first paragraph. Herring concepts
Large bescheuerte – entirely carnivores and fish eaters: mackerel, tuna, shark, Dolphin, whale, is so predatory that many of them ceased to be fish. Medium and small scaly – herring: they are herring, horse mackerel, mackerel, then smaller – herring and sardines, and then tysyachami: sardine, sprat, anchovy, called imported anchovies. Among lysacekevan stands out the mullet, aka the mullet, it – Royal fish. Their price parameters this can leave with nothing any woman. If you bought a herring, and it was scales, so it is carp. Or sturgeon. Or – quite nasty – ruff.
Eel, Moray eel and lamprey also bashashati, but it's not even fish, snakes any: poisonous snake, and the rest, so live, so love to go on Smoking.
The second point. Names
Here are the tribe names:
In the good old days of Ogre was a famous Norwegian headless spicy salted herring named Tanya – now she's gone, all caught.
I believe that in the Indian ocean, the herring is not found in the sale, even in the most clandestine and contraband is not found. However, it is better to ask Zhirinovsky – he likes to wash boots in the Indian ocean, he should know.
The third paragraph. Genesis
Genesis herring in salt. The herring is either salted or cold smoked, but in that and in other case, salt. Herring, smoked, in contrast to herring, the exotic.
And if someone cooks a herring, one Asian. Boiled herring even Asians don't eat, so even I don't know who it still brews. Boiled herring, sounds crazy as incest in an asexual bacilli. However, one Jewish community tasted herring soup is still alive.
Salting of herring is performed in brine – hot, highly-saline solution, so that it floated the potato or the egg. Herring fits tight, but without a press. Depending on the length of stay in brine herring and mackerel are weak or salted, average salinity, and strong or kramaley.
If done spicy salting in the salamuri, the brine added spices and ready herring is extruded faeces, muddy and sharp taste of the dark liquid, giving the fish a distinctive taste and smell.
Likewise, salted herring and pilchards. Snickering West zakalyaet only balicki without heads, tails, bones and inner peace, and of course dry.
One time zakalyalas herring at home: cleanse, boneless or with bones, cut into pieces or fillets with chopped onions, flavored vinegar, wine or Apple. Thing is amusing, but short-lived storage. Yes, and in history, it is not delayed.
Smoked herring just cut and peel, but the skin does not peel.
The fourth paragraph. Sex
The boys eyes are white, and girls have red. It is important to know fans of milt and ROE. Boys usually fatter, meaty.
The fifth paragraph. Herring as national identity
Imagine the Dutchman without smoked herring is also difficult, as a Jew without before. And can you imagine a Russian feast without celadonci? And morning herring in Lebanon and Israel? Who saw American who would eat a herring – what's there to eat! – he would look at her without disgust and nausea in the sight? Or, for example, who listened to the flavor of the herring, which cooks Vietnamese? But they not only fry, but eating like this! I have not met a single Australian native, who would eat a herring. However, to be honest, I have never met any of the Australian aborigines: to us they do not deliver, and I to them will not get there.
The sixth paragraph. Social origin (class) herring
As you know, wealth is felt not by volume earn money regularly, and the frequency of occasional earnings. But because we have the size of herring is determined by income. Unlike the rest of the world, we have herring, the bigger the more expensive. The most expensive – Caspian oversized room, one that is thick in the arm and I had to wring, bend at cask salting. Expensive huge the Danube herring not because it is rare, this of course, but because of the size. Herring any cheaper than herring, and sprat and other timacagro at all cost and thirty and eighty cents per kilo.
The poor and very poor, so poselitsya, buy kilakku loose, rarely in banks (price 33 penny that spiced, in tomato sauce that the beans) and only on holidays – something podlinnosti.
And as a little zabureli people, so give him a cheeky, Yes, so fat, and not skinny. Imagine what the crocodiles devour the Kremlin and the oligarchs, between the crises.
The only exception is sprat. Sprat is the smaller, the better.
Item the seventh. Specialty and specialization.
Herring is not food and snack. Perfectly goes with vodka. Can and a beer.
The rest of the herring does not like and ignores.
Oddly enough, herring is good with tea and watermelon.
Unforgettable Leningrad sandwich for me.
It was originally done this way: chernyashka table or milk (cheapest) margarine, hard-boiled egg (not the whole, of course, but a slice from ounces to half, and then social inequality), top – one-two-three Baltic kalecki.
Served this miracle of nature in any liquor store to the standard fifty grams, wineries were at almost every tram stop in Leningrad. Both the tram and wineries and kieleckie sandwiches in St. Petersburg tireless efforts on stupidities Tanki-Cups are displaced and destroyed. We, from the Moscow nerasbavlennam, replaced the margarine with butter (because margarine is now so called), egg divide into four flat slices, release the fish head, tail and hrebinki (one fell swoop) and more than one Kielecki one sandwich is not put.
On the table can be any snacks and delicacies, but Leningrad sandwich always disappear first.
In modern Moscow cafes it is customary to serve vodka and beer or just sliced and sprinkled with onion herring or sandwiches on black bread with a piece of herring, herring ROE or Molokai: simple and almost cheap.
Now herring and its close relatives are sold pre-packaged and sliced: the wine, dill, cranberry, cream, mustard, cranberry and other sauces – handy if pressed for time or very thirsty.
But if you do not hurry, then herring should bring home, lay on a cutting Board newspaper, preferably stale – fresh paint pours. To deprive Selda tail and head, cut the abdomen, without compromising the integrity of the eggs or milt.
If the herring is in retro style, the head is not sucked and not thrown away. Cut a dorsal fin and a small one on the belly, that tail. Cut back and remove the backbone, ribs and (tweezers) small bones. Tear off each fillet with the skin and thinly, thinly slice. Seledochnitsy first to lay eggs or milk, then carefully and gently cut filei.
Summer herring decorated with green onions small cut, winter – thin openwork bulb, mugs.
My father knew how to cook only one dish – the gravy for herring. Here's how: 50-70 grams of warm boiled water, one teaspoon of sugar, mustard and vinegar – stronger, cooler, ground black pepper, vegetable oil, stir and pour herring with onions to the edges of seledochnitsy.
My grandfather Sasha could cook, except this: the herring's head incision from below is spread out slightly in the gills and stacked there, where they were in life and to cutting. Summer in her mouth like a mustache are inserted two bulky green onions in the winter – the same mustache made of two arches of onions. We now call such a composition "herring retro".
Well as an independent thing, and roast and boiled, with the steam the potatoes.
Carnival herring, along with the other butts, is one of the first and most certainly with sour cream.
A separate song – herring under a fur coat.
Recipes a lot. Simple – finely chopped to chopped herring, then layers of what anybody might like: grated boiled potatoes, hard-boiled eggs, carrots, fresh Antonovka, blanched and devoid of bitterness, the onion, the top is certainly beet, which is filled with mayonnaise.
It is desirable to protomet ready herring under a fur coat a couple of hours in the fridge.
Source: www.flgamez.ru/to_eat/restaurants/381/
The first paragraph. Herring concepts
Large bescheuerte – entirely carnivores and fish eaters: mackerel, tuna, shark, Dolphin, whale, is so predatory that many of them ceased to be fish. Medium and small scaly – herring: they are herring, horse mackerel, mackerel, then smaller – herring and sardines, and then tysyachami: sardine, sprat, anchovy, called imported anchovies. Among lysacekevan stands out the mullet, aka the mullet, it – Royal fish. Their price parameters this can leave with nothing any woman. If you bought a herring, and it was scales, so it is carp. Or sturgeon. Or – quite nasty – ruff.
Eel, Moray eel and lamprey also bashashati, but it's not even fish, snakes any: poisonous snake, and the rest, so live, so love to go on Smoking.
The second point. Names
Here are the tribe names:
- Pacific,
- Norwegian,
- Icelandic (fell victim to the mackerel war between Iceland and Britain),
- Atlantic,
- the black sea (somewhere),
- the Baltic (and this went somewhere),
- white sea (ibid.)
- Caspian (ibid.)
- Caspian hall
- Kerch (became famous after the publication of "the Master and Margarita", but I think only stayed there),
- the Danube,
- Sosva (the tugun) (Kremlin thing),
- Pribylovsky (Pribilof Islands in the North).
In the good old days of Ogre was a famous Norwegian headless spicy salted herring named Tanya – now she's gone, all caught.
I believe that in the Indian ocean, the herring is not found in the sale, even in the most clandestine and contraband is not found. However, it is better to ask Zhirinovsky – he likes to wash boots in the Indian ocean, he should know.
The third paragraph. Genesis
Genesis herring in salt. The herring is either salted or cold smoked, but in that and in other case, salt. Herring, smoked, in contrast to herring, the exotic.
And if someone cooks a herring, one Asian. Boiled herring even Asians don't eat, so even I don't know who it still brews. Boiled herring, sounds crazy as incest in an asexual bacilli. However, one Jewish community tasted herring soup is still alive.
Salting of herring is performed in brine – hot, highly-saline solution, so that it floated the potato or the egg. Herring fits tight, but without a press. Depending on the length of stay in brine herring and mackerel are weak or salted, average salinity, and strong or kramaley.
If done spicy salting in the salamuri, the brine added spices and ready herring is extruded faeces, muddy and sharp taste of the dark liquid, giving the fish a distinctive taste and smell.
Likewise, salted herring and pilchards. Snickering West zakalyaet only balicki without heads, tails, bones and inner peace, and of course dry.
One time zakalyalas herring at home: cleanse, boneless or with bones, cut into pieces or fillets with chopped onions, flavored vinegar, wine or Apple. Thing is amusing, but short-lived storage. Yes, and in history, it is not delayed.
Smoked herring just cut and peel, but the skin does not peel.
The fourth paragraph. Sex
The boys eyes are white, and girls have red. It is important to know fans of milt and ROE. Boys usually fatter, meaty.
The fifth paragraph. Herring as national identity
Imagine the Dutchman without smoked herring is also difficult, as a Jew without before. And can you imagine a Russian feast without celadonci? And morning herring in Lebanon and Israel? Who saw American who would eat a herring – what's there to eat! – he would look at her without disgust and nausea in the sight? Or, for example, who listened to the flavor of the herring, which cooks Vietnamese? But they not only fry, but eating like this! I have not met a single Australian native, who would eat a herring. However, to be honest, I have never met any of the Australian aborigines: to us they do not deliver, and I to them will not get there.
The sixth paragraph. Social origin (class) herring
As you know, wealth is felt not by volume earn money regularly, and the frequency of occasional earnings. But because we have the size of herring is determined by income. Unlike the rest of the world, we have herring, the bigger the more expensive. The most expensive – Caspian oversized room, one that is thick in the arm and I had to wring, bend at cask salting. Expensive huge the Danube herring not because it is rare, this of course, but because of the size. Herring any cheaper than herring, and sprat and other timacagro at all cost and thirty and eighty cents per kilo.
The poor and very poor, so poselitsya, buy kilakku loose, rarely in banks (price 33 penny that spiced, in tomato sauce that the beans) and only on holidays – something podlinnosti.
And as a little zabureli people, so give him a cheeky, Yes, so fat, and not skinny. Imagine what the crocodiles devour the Kremlin and the oligarchs, between the crises.
The only exception is sprat. Sprat is the smaller, the better.
Item the seventh. Specialty and specialization.
Herring is not food and snack. Perfectly goes with vodka. Can and a beer.
The rest of the herring does not like and ignores.
Oddly enough, herring is good with tea and watermelon.
Unforgettable Leningrad sandwich for me.
It was originally done this way: chernyashka table or milk (cheapest) margarine, hard-boiled egg (not the whole, of course, but a slice from ounces to half, and then social inequality), top – one-two-three Baltic kalecki.
Served this miracle of nature in any liquor store to the standard fifty grams, wineries were at almost every tram stop in Leningrad. Both the tram and wineries and kieleckie sandwiches in St. Petersburg tireless efforts on stupidities Tanki-Cups are displaced and destroyed. We, from the Moscow nerasbavlennam, replaced the margarine with butter (because margarine is now so called), egg divide into four flat slices, release the fish head, tail and hrebinki (one fell swoop) and more than one Kielecki one sandwich is not put.
On the table can be any snacks and delicacies, but Leningrad sandwich always disappear first.

In modern Moscow cafes it is customary to serve vodka and beer or just sliced and sprinkled with onion herring or sandwiches on black bread with a piece of herring, herring ROE or Molokai: simple and almost cheap.
Now herring and its close relatives are sold pre-packaged and sliced: the wine, dill, cranberry, cream, mustard, cranberry and other sauces – handy if pressed for time or very thirsty.
But if you do not hurry, then herring should bring home, lay on a cutting Board newspaper, preferably stale – fresh paint pours. To deprive Selda tail and head, cut the abdomen, without compromising the integrity of the eggs or milt.
If the herring is in retro style, the head is not sucked and not thrown away. Cut a dorsal fin and a small one on the belly, that tail. Cut back and remove the backbone, ribs and (tweezers) small bones. Tear off each fillet with the skin and thinly, thinly slice. Seledochnitsy first to lay eggs or milk, then carefully and gently cut filei.
Summer herring decorated with green onions small cut, winter – thin openwork bulb, mugs.
My father knew how to cook only one dish – the gravy for herring. Here's how: 50-70 grams of warm boiled water, one teaspoon of sugar, mustard and vinegar – stronger, cooler, ground black pepper, vegetable oil, stir and pour herring with onions to the edges of seledochnitsy.
My grandfather Sasha could cook, except this: the herring's head incision from below is spread out slightly in the gills and stacked there, where they were in life and to cutting. Summer in her mouth like a mustache are inserted two bulky green onions in the winter – the same mustache made of two arches of onions. We now call such a composition "herring retro".
Well as an independent thing, and roast and boiled, with the steam the potatoes.
Carnival herring, along with the other butts, is one of the first and most certainly with sour cream.
A separate song – herring under a fur coat.
Recipes a lot. Simple – finely chopped to chopped herring, then layers of what anybody might like: grated boiled potatoes, hard-boiled eggs, carrots, fresh Antonovka, blanched and devoid of bitterness, the onion, the top is certainly beet, which is filled with mayonnaise.
It is desirable to protomet ready herring under a fur coat a couple of hours in the fridge.
Source: www.flgamez.ru/to_eat/restaurants/381/