Is it possible to distinguish a boy from a girl by choosing a herring and how to do it?
You noticed that herring Does it depend on the sex of the fish? Herring-girl is strikingly different from herring-boy both in appearance and internal features. Knowing how to distinguish them from each other, you can easily choose in the store or market that herring that you like better. All the differences are discussed further in the article.
The taste of herring is one of the traditional products, without which no festive feast can do. Fish is used as an independent cold snack, and as an ingredient for delicious salads.
The taste of herring largely depends on its gender. Okay, male herring. more fleshy, fatty and tender simultaneously. Boy herring contains special glands of milk, which are considered the most delicious part of the fish. And a girl's herring can boast. caviar.
To determine the sex of herring, you do not need to have any special knowledge and skills. It's pretty simple. First of all, carefully examine the fish and pay special attention to its back. Boys, she's light. crookedAnd girls, on the contrary, straight. In addition, the back of the boys is thicker, due to which the meat of the fish comes out more.
Individuals also differ and belly-formIn males it is compressed, but at the same time soft; and in females the abdomen is voluminous, but it is dense to the touch. And this is very logical, since the female herring in the abdomen stores eggs.
These are the main signs by which you can easily determine the sex of herring. But there are other indicators. For example, headform. In boys, it is narrower and as if elongated, and in girls - short and round.
You can’t touch fish everywhere you buy it. However, if you have the opportunity, it can also help you determine the sex of the herring. To do this, it is enough to feel her mouth and press it with two fingers. In the female, it will become round, and the male will not change the shape, will remain the same elongated.
If you choose a herring in the market, pay attention to an inconspicuous fish with a fur removed. This is a sign characteristic of more fatty and tasty fish. It is better to cook and eat it on the day of purchase.
The taste of herring is primarily affected by the degree of its freshness. Mikhail Bulgakov was right: Fish can only be the first freshness.. Herring in general spoils very quickly: fresh enough a couple of days, and fish in closed brine can be stored for no more than 20 days.
In spoiled fish begins to form a special substance tyramine, which reduces the amount of serotonin (the hormone of happiness) in the brain. Because of this, a person may have a bad mood and headaches.
And there is an opinion that it is better to choose herring size no more than 17 cm in length. Too large individuals often accumulate a large amount of harmful substances. Unscrupulous producers neglect the expiry date of the fish. They cut it into pieces and pour oil-salt solution.
In order not to fall for such a trick, it is best to buy fish as a whole and cook it yourself. And it's not at all difficult. Here, for example, is our recipe for spicy ambassador herring. We also advise to salt herring at home, using a simple proven method.
If before you did not pay attention to the floor of herring, try to buy both a boy and a girl just to compare them. Then you'll know which herring taste you like better.
By the way, did you know that children should not give raw herring until at least 5 years old? My colleague Nikolai Laduba spoke in detail about all the nuances in a recent article, which you will find here.
It will be great if you share your signature herring recipe in the comments. Wait for you downstairs!

The taste of herring is one of the traditional products, without which no festive feast can do. Fish is used as an independent cold snack, and as an ingredient for delicious salads.
The taste of herring largely depends on its gender. Okay, male herring. more fleshy, fatty and tender simultaneously. Boy herring contains special glands of milk, which are considered the most delicious part of the fish. And a girl's herring can boast. caviar.

To determine the sex of herring, you do not need to have any special knowledge and skills. It's pretty simple. First of all, carefully examine the fish and pay special attention to its back. Boys, she's light. crookedAnd girls, on the contrary, straight. In addition, the back of the boys is thicker, due to which the meat of the fish comes out more.
Individuals also differ and belly-formIn males it is compressed, but at the same time soft; and in females the abdomen is voluminous, but it is dense to the touch. And this is very logical, since the female herring in the abdomen stores eggs.

These are the main signs by which you can easily determine the sex of herring. But there are other indicators. For example, headform. In boys, it is narrower and as if elongated, and in girls - short and round.
You can’t touch fish everywhere you buy it. However, if you have the opportunity, it can also help you determine the sex of the herring. To do this, it is enough to feel her mouth and press it with two fingers. In the female, it will become round, and the male will not change the shape, will remain the same elongated.

If you choose a herring in the market, pay attention to an inconspicuous fish with a fur removed. This is a sign characteristic of more fatty and tasty fish. It is better to cook and eat it on the day of purchase.
The taste of herring is primarily affected by the degree of its freshness. Mikhail Bulgakov was right: Fish can only be the first freshness.. Herring in general spoils very quickly: fresh enough a couple of days, and fish in closed brine can be stored for no more than 20 days.
In spoiled fish begins to form a special substance tyramine, which reduces the amount of serotonin (the hormone of happiness) in the brain. Because of this, a person may have a bad mood and headaches.

And there is an opinion that it is better to choose herring size no more than 17 cm in length. Too large individuals often accumulate a large amount of harmful substances. Unscrupulous producers neglect the expiry date of the fish. They cut it into pieces and pour oil-salt solution.
In order not to fall for such a trick, it is best to buy fish as a whole and cook it yourself. And it's not at all difficult. Here, for example, is our recipe for spicy ambassador herring. We also advise to salt herring at home, using a simple proven method.
If before you did not pay attention to the floor of herring, try to buy both a boy and a girl just to compare them. Then you'll know which herring taste you like better.

By the way, did you know that children should not give raw herring until at least 5 years old? My colleague Nikolai Laduba spoke in detail about all the nuances in a recent article, which you will find here.
It will be great if you share your signature herring recipe in the comments. Wait for you downstairs!
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I do not take the first products I see, I look carefully to choose fresh and ripe, and not some nonsense.