Instructions for preparing herring cheesecake

We have long been accustomed to a delicious traditional salad “herring under a fur coat”. On New Year’s holidays and even birthdays without him simply can not. But what if you surprise your home with a slightly different variation of this indisputably beautiful dish and cook it? cheesecake?

Preparing such a herring cake is quite easy. In its structure, it somewhat resembles everyone’s favorite salad “Herring under a fur coat”, but there are features that, in my opinion, make this dish even tastier.

By the way, herring cheesecake has long become a popular dish in many cuisines of the world. It is especially preferred in northern countries.

DepositPhotos Herring Cake Today Edition "Site" tell you, How to make herring cheesecake. Nothing complicated, the most common products, but what a result!

DepositPhotos Ingredients
  • 1 low-salted herring
  • 750g beets
  • 400g carrots
  • 400g potatoes
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 bulb
  • 200g melted cheese
  • 25g instant gelatin
  • 1 tbsp 9% table vinegar
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • 4 tbsp mayonnaise
  • salt, pepper to taste

  1. First you need to prepare the products. Boil vegetables, eggs, and when it cools - peel.


  2. Clean the herring, wash it, get rid of the skin and bones. Cut the dice. Remove the husk from the bulb and cut into small pieces, and then marinate. To do this, combine sugar with water and vinegar. Take enough water so that the onion is completely covered. You can also add a little salt.


  3. To form a herring cheesecake, you will need two forms for baking with different diameters. Lubricate the bottom and walls of the forms with vegetable oil. Then insert a ring from a smaller shape and also lubricate with vegetable oil.

  4. Using a grater with large holes, grind the potatoes and carefully distribute over the surface of the bottom of the inner shape. Don't forget to add some salt. Mix mayonnaise with 50 grams of melted cheese, then lubricate the potato layer.

  5. Now lay out the pickled onions and herring in layers. Rub the eggs and cut the future cheesecake with mayonnaise sauce with melted cheese.

  6. Sodium carrots on a large grater, then spread over the entire surface of the dish. Send it in. This layer doesn't need to be lubricated. Put it in the fridge.

  7. Rash in a convenient container of gelatin, warm the water and pour gelatin for 10 minutes. Let the gelatin swell. Next, warm the water with gelatin again and mix everything thoroughly so that there are no grains. 771383

  8. Peel the beets, cut into small pieces and fold the combine into a bowl, add salt. Grind the beets with a blender. Then combine the remaining 150 grams of melted cheese with beet puree and whip the blender for 1-2 minutes.

  9. Last add gelatin, beat again. Take the herring cake out of the fridge and carefully stretch the inner ring. Mayonnaise sauce with cheese cut side and top of the future cheesecake, periodically leveling with a spatula. Manipulation should be carried out very carefully and slowly, so that the dish does not fall apart.

  10. Put herring cake in the fridge for 3 hours.

  11. To get cheesecake from the form, it must be carefully separated from the walls of the form with a knife and only then remove the ring.

  12. That's it, herring cheesecake is ready. If desired, it can be decorated with pickled onion rings, it will be beautiful if you paint them with beet juice. I've decorated the beet top, it's useful and edible. Quickly cut this herring cake into pieces and serve it on the table. Bon appetit!


Ordinary herring under a fur coat can become a filling for French baguette and pancakes, it is made in the form of sandwich mass, appetizing balls or beautiful flowers.

Well, we offer to learn how to roll the "coat" roll, which will not only save space in the fridge, but also pleasantly surprise your guests on New Year's Eve. Besides, it's delicious!


I am sure that this form of snack with great taste and aroma will delight all your family and guests! Perhaps this dish will soon be yours. crown-plate.


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