Mistakes in the preparation of vinaigrette
Wikipedia tells us that vinaigrette (from the French vinaigre - vinegar) is a popular salad of boiled vegetables in post-Soviet countries: beets, potatoes, carrots, pickles, green peas and onions.
The word “vinegret” is also often used in the sense of “mixture, confusion, disorder”. However, this does not mean that there are no culinary rules for preparing this salad familiar to everyone since childhood.
And tonight. "Site" It will tell you how to stick to them in order to avoid the most common and annoying mistakes on the way to a delicious, useful and beautiful vinaigrette.
Vinaigret is called Russian salad all over the world, but in fact the dish was borrowed at the end of the XVIII century from Germans or Scandinavians. In the cookbook of the time, a recipe for Swedish herring salad was published. It was prepared from Norwegian herring, beets, potatoes, and was filled with a sauce made from a mixture of oil, vinegar, grated yolk and sour cream.
Yeah, yeah, herring! Initially, vinaigrette was cooked with herring. Later he even served as a prototype of a herring under a fur coat. In Russian cuisine, vinaigrette took root because almost everyone liked it, especially since the common people managed to modify the recipe to their liking. So in the salad appeared exclusively Russian features: pickles, brute, cranberries, sauerkraut.
Over the years of culinary experiments with the composition and methods of preparing Russian beet salad, a number of recommendations have appeared, thanks to which you will most likely be able to prepare the very ideal vinaigrette that your loved ones will certainly like.
Six secrets of a delicious and beautiful vinaigrette
Along with vinaigrette and olivier, the triumvirate of the most popular salads native to the USSR includes herring under a coat. This snack has long been firmly established in our culinary culture, but if you know some tricks, this familiar salad can turn out much more interesting and tastier.
Rich in useful substances, Beijing cabbage is one of the best means for the prevention of vitamin deficiency, including spring. It is with Beijing cabbage that the most delicate salads are obtained. "Site" I've got 5 best recipes for you.
Creating kebabs, not just meat fried on coals, is an art. On the way to the perfect barbecue, annoying mistakes occur, to prevent which our advice will help you to achieve a juicy, appetizing result.

The word “vinegret” is also often used in the sense of “mixture, confusion, disorder”. However, this does not mean that there are no culinary rules for preparing this salad familiar to everyone since childhood.

And tonight. "Site" It will tell you how to stick to them in order to avoid the most common and annoying mistakes on the way to a delicious, useful and beautiful vinaigrette.
Vinaigret is called Russian salad all over the world, but in fact the dish was borrowed at the end of the XVIII century from Germans or Scandinavians. In the cookbook of the time, a recipe for Swedish herring salad was published. It was prepared from Norwegian herring, beets, potatoes, and was filled with a sauce made from a mixture of oil, vinegar, grated yolk and sour cream.

Yeah, yeah, herring! Initially, vinaigrette was cooked with herring. Later he even served as a prototype of a herring under a fur coat. In Russian cuisine, vinaigrette took root because almost everyone liked it, especially since the common people managed to modify the recipe to their liking. So in the salad appeared exclusively Russian features: pickles, brute, cranberries, sauerkraut.
Over the years of culinary experiments with the composition and methods of preparing Russian beet salad, a number of recommendations have appeared, thanks to which you will most likely be able to prepare the very ideal vinaigrette that your loved ones will certainly like.
Six secrets of a delicious and beautiful vinaigrette
- Basis
The basis of the salad is its mandatory components - potatoes, beets, carrots, pickles. Optional - green peas, beans, green or onion, sauerkraut.
The salted cucumber in the recipe can be replaced with sauerkraut or even salted mushrooms. The proportion is as follows: 2 parts potato, 2 parts beet, 1 part carrot, 1 part pickle. Green peas take about half the amount of beets.
Eggs, beans, corn, lentils will make the vinaigrette more tender, and meat or sausage more filling. It is believed that the salad is more delicious the smaller the vegetables are sliced. - Preparation of vegetables
There are two approaches to making vinaigrette. Supporters of one prefer vinaigrette boil, the second - bake in the oven. In fact, there is no contradiction in this division.
If you cook vinaigrette in winter, using large, dense, palpably fibrous root vegetables, it is better to cook them. In summer, especially in early summer, you can buy small, young vegetables that are much more interesting to bake.
Vegetables cooked in the uniform are more delicious. It is better if they are cleansed. It is known that nitrates accumulate in the skin. That is why vegetables are recommended to be pre-cleaned. In addition, potatoes cooked in a uniform tend to fall apart in a salad when stirred.
Vegetables are best immersed in a pan with boiling water rather than cold water. This simple action can save vitamins and trace elements. Boiled products for vinaigrette before cutting should be cooled to room temperature. This will make them easier to cut and the salad will last longer.
Cut the ingredients in cubes about the size of a pea. So that the taste of onions is not too sharp, pre-soak it in a marinade of vinegar. - All the colors of summer
The weakness of vinaigrette is that beets stain all other ingredients. To avoid this, it should be cooked separately. Firstly, carrots, potatoes and beets require different cooking times, and secondly, it is important that each vegetable retains its natural color.
In order for the beets to continue not to color all vegetables in a bright maroon color, cut it in a separate dish, stir the cubes with vegetable oil and leave to infuse for 5-10 minutes. - Refueling
Vinaigrette is usually filled with simple vegetable oil. But to justify its French name, sunflower oil should at least add vinegar.
Pour apple cider vinegar into the bowl. Add vegetable oil, salt, sugar and mustard, which stabilizes the consistency of the dressing. Mix everything with a wreath. Instead of mustard and apple cider vinegar, you can take a tablespoon of lemon juice and a crushed tooth of garlic.
In restaurants, chefs try to come up with their original sauces for vinaigrette. In vegetable oil, they add olives, capers, wine vinegar and, using a blender, turn it all into a homogeneous mass. - Sauerkraut.
The classic vinaigrette includes a product such as sauerkraut. So that she does not spoil the dish with her special taste, first wash it under running water. If the cabbage seems too acidic, then pour it with warm water for 5-6 hours. - Herring.
In the old days, boiled eggs and boiled meat or herring were added to the vinaigrette. Later, a simple herring with a thinly sliced ray was served to him as a garnish.
Some are cooking today too. herring. The fish must first be soaked in milk. From the ingredients you need to exclude sauerkraut, and the number of potatoes to increase.
Along with vinaigrette and olivier, the triumvirate of the most popular salads native to the USSR includes herring under a coat. This snack has long been firmly established in our culinary culture, but if you know some tricks, this familiar salad can turn out much more interesting and tastier.
Rich in useful substances, Beijing cabbage is one of the best means for the prevention of vitamin deficiency, including spring. It is with Beijing cabbage that the most delicate salads are obtained. "Site" I've got 5 best recipes for you.
Creating kebabs, not just meat fried on coals, is an art. On the way to the perfect barbecue, annoying mistakes occur, to prevent which our advice will help you to achieve a juicy, appetizing result.
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