Bread, beer and soy sauce changed the human microflora
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Yeast surround themselves with a difficult-to-understand structure, the so — called cell wall. However, intestinal bacteria, called Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron can break down complex carbohydrates called alpha-mannans, which are contained in the cell walls of grain and brewer's yeast.
An international team of researchers from Europe and the United States have grown several different types of intestinal bacteria in the lab, forcing them to eat only natural polysaccharides — alpha-mannans from yeast. Bacteria survived, and further tests revealed the complex chemical process that they use in order to digest alpha-mannans (they can break down a few of the microorganisms).
Research suggests that fermented foods, including bread and soy sauce, and not only alcoholic drinks, change our biology, or at least the biology of those microscopic creatures which live in constant contact with us. Before the invention of fermented foods and beverages of the microflora in the human intestine was completely different, but with the advent of alpha-mannans intestinal bacteria were able to adapt.
Source: www.popmech.ru/science/54092-v-indii-zapushcheno-stroitelstvo-krupneyshego-v-mire-magnita/
Yeast surround themselves with a difficult-to-understand structure, the so — called cell wall. However, intestinal bacteria, called Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron can break down complex carbohydrates called alpha-mannans, which are contained in the cell walls of grain and brewer's yeast.
An international team of researchers from Europe and the United States have grown several different types of intestinal bacteria in the lab, forcing them to eat only natural polysaccharides — alpha-mannans from yeast. Bacteria survived, and further tests revealed the complex chemical process that they use in order to digest alpha-mannans (they can break down a few of the microorganisms).
Research suggests that fermented foods, including bread and soy sauce, and not only alcoholic drinks, change our biology, or at least the biology of those microscopic creatures which live in constant contact with us. Before the invention of fermented foods and beverages of the microflora in the human intestine was completely different, but with the advent of alpha-mannans intestinal bacteria were able to adapt.
Source: www.popmech.ru/science/54092-v-indii-zapushcheno-stroitelstvo-krupneyshego-v-mire-magnita/