10 reasons to squat
How many types of squats, besides the usual, you know personally? In fact, there are a great many. For example, squats with a load on his back, with the load on the hands, squat on one leg, squat gun, Grand plie, sumo squat with twisting, etc. And each of these squats help not only increase muscle mass, improve the power quality of the muscles in the lower half of the body, but also significantly improve overall coordination in General.
Let us now take a closer look at what benefits can be extracted from the squats.
1. Muscle building the whole body and the development of power qualities With properly performed squats developing quadriceps, calves, hamstrings, and other muscles progress. For example, for lifting during squats from the bottom point of the need for more power. And different points of stress in conjunction with different amplitude exercises help to increase strength and endurance in the whole body. In turn, due to increased testosterone production and growth hormone, squats provide the growth of muscle mass.
2. Study of the core muscles , Those who strive to have six-pack abs, know that without squats is not enough. After all, they can be used very effectively to involve the muscles of the Central part of the body, including the abdominal area. Moreover, when performing certain types of sit-UPS, you can achieve a better result than, for example, from scrivani.
3. Load the muscles of the hind leg Muscle back of the leg are among the most difficult to pump. And performing even the most basic squats, you at the same time activates the quadriceps, thighs and calves. At the same time the load will be connected to the lower back, upper back and even neck.
4. Effective weight loss known fat help burn muscle. Accordingly, the more developed muscles will have our body the faster our body will burn extra calories, and less problems with fat we will have. So if your goal is to lose weight — squats should be one of the main places in your training.
5. Development of coordination of the Implementation of different types of squats will help you develop good coordination. And this, in turn, will improve power and skills, and to increase muscle mass. Besides, the most common squat can become a basis for transition to other more complex exercises for the legs – lifting in the calves, squats on one leg or the leg press.
6. Mobility at any age, Developing strength and endurance to your lower body, you will automatically develop and stimulate the mobility of the whole body. Besides, if you do not feel sorry for yourself and perform squats with a maximum amplitude, then soon enough you will forget about feeling tired in the legs during long hunts and more complicated exercises.
7. Development flexibility the flexibility is one of the prerequisites for the full implementation of sit-UPS. And that is not the maximum amplitude of motion of the hips, calf, knee, and ankle to perform squats it is best to develop flexibility?
8. Prevention of injury As mentioned, squats develop the supporting muscles of the lower body, particularly hips and waist. Poor training of this muscle group of bodybuilders leads to injury, permanently knocked out of a training rut. In turn, the "teamwork" of your muscles, even in the most difficult situations will reduce the risk of injury to a minimum.
9. "Repair" joints Squats will be the best doctor for undeveloped and crunchy joints. The main thing-do not overdo the amplitude. In addition to the knee, squats will help to work primarily the hip and ankle joints. In turn, healthy joints mentioned will help you to avoid injuries during exercise with the load on the knees.
10. Availability anywhere! The uniqueness and main advantage of squats is that for this exercise, do not need special equipment or additional costs. Squats can be performed not only in the gym but also at home, in the Park, on the Playground. If you need more load, then a dumbbell, kettlebell or barbell.
Source: fitfixed.com
Let us now take a closer look at what benefits can be extracted from the squats.
1. Muscle building the whole body and the development of power qualities With properly performed squats developing quadriceps, calves, hamstrings, and other muscles progress. For example, for lifting during squats from the bottom point of the need for more power. And different points of stress in conjunction with different amplitude exercises help to increase strength and endurance in the whole body. In turn, due to increased testosterone production and growth hormone, squats provide the growth of muscle mass.

2. Study of the core muscles , Those who strive to have six-pack abs, know that without squats is not enough. After all, they can be used very effectively to involve the muscles of the Central part of the body, including the abdominal area. Moreover, when performing certain types of sit-UPS, you can achieve a better result than, for example, from scrivani.
3. Load the muscles of the hind leg Muscle back of the leg are among the most difficult to pump. And performing even the most basic squats, you at the same time activates the quadriceps, thighs and calves. At the same time the load will be connected to the lower back, upper back and even neck.
4. Effective weight loss known fat help burn muscle. Accordingly, the more developed muscles will have our body the faster our body will burn extra calories, and less problems with fat we will have. So if your goal is to lose weight — squats should be one of the main places in your training.
5. Development of coordination of the Implementation of different types of squats will help you develop good coordination. And this, in turn, will improve power and skills, and to increase muscle mass. Besides, the most common squat can become a basis for transition to other more complex exercises for the legs – lifting in the calves, squats on one leg or the leg press.
6. Mobility at any age, Developing strength and endurance to your lower body, you will automatically develop and stimulate the mobility of the whole body. Besides, if you do not feel sorry for yourself and perform squats with a maximum amplitude, then soon enough you will forget about feeling tired in the legs during long hunts and more complicated exercises.
7. Development flexibility the flexibility is one of the prerequisites for the full implementation of sit-UPS. And that is not the maximum amplitude of motion of the hips, calf, knee, and ankle to perform squats it is best to develop flexibility?
8. Prevention of injury As mentioned, squats develop the supporting muscles of the lower body, particularly hips and waist. Poor training of this muscle group of bodybuilders leads to injury, permanently knocked out of a training rut. In turn, the "teamwork" of your muscles, even in the most difficult situations will reduce the risk of injury to a minimum.
9. "Repair" joints Squats will be the best doctor for undeveloped and crunchy joints. The main thing-do not overdo the amplitude. In addition to the knee, squats will help to work primarily the hip and ankle joints. In turn, healthy joints mentioned will help you to avoid injuries during exercise with the load on the knees.
10. Availability anywhere! The uniqueness and main advantage of squats is that for this exercise, do not need special equipment or additional costs. Squats can be performed not only in the gym but also at home, in the Park, on the Playground. If you need more load, then a dumbbell, kettlebell or barbell.
Source: fitfixed.com