Top 20 reasons to squat!

1. Squats help build muscle whole body
These exercises allow us not only to develop the quadriceps, hamstrings and calves, but also help the rest of your muscles to progress. By increasing the production of testosterone and growth hormone, squats provide nourishment of the body anabolic, stimulating muscle growth. So if you want to increase muscle mass and strength - ups will help you in this.
2. Squats help burn fat
Muscle burns fat. The more muscle, the more fat they burn. By stimulating the growth of muscle mass, sit-ups help to burn more fat. The more muscle you have to escalate its backbone, the more calories you will burn during exercise and recovery. So if you want to lose weight - no need to neglect squats.
3. Squats incredibly functional
Today, next to good old fashion squats often used the term "functionality". If previously considered squatting exercises for well-trained athletes and professional bodybuilders, but today people are no longer afraid to perform squats, assess the merits of this exercise. There are many ways to prevent injury during sit-ups, and the dignity of this exercise is difficult to overestimate.
4. Squats help to maintain mobility
In addition to simply increasing the strength and endurance of the lower body squat able to maintain great mobility of the entire body. Moreover, doing sit-ups with full amplitude, you will be able to develop all the muscles of the legs, as a result you will not feel tired in the legs, and can easily withstand prolonged stress during outdoor activities and exercise.
5. Squat improve coordination
This parameter goes hand in hand with the growth of mobility and mobility. Improved coordination will help improve police skills and build muscle. This also applies to other exercises that involve various muscle groups, such as a dead pull, bending with dumbbells, abdominal exercises, etc. In addition, squats will help lay the groundwork for the other leg exercises, such as squats on one leg, leg press, and lifting the calf.
6. squats help to improve your results
Squats are valued not only for what they help build mass and increase strength and endurance of the legs, but also for the fact that they increase the possibilities of your body as a whole: for example, you can run faster and jump farther. This is especially important for those who are involved in sports both professionally and at the weekend as part of an amateur team. Squats help to improve the results when doing a variety of sports. This is a truly universal exercise.
7. Squats help prevent injury
The development of a large number of accessory muscles of the lower body, hip and waist can significantly reduce the risk of injury, subject to proper technique. Squatting makes the muscles work harmoniously "as a team" to ensure a stable position of the body and eliminating the weaknesses, so that the risk of injury is minimized.
8. Squats help to develop the muscles of the central part of the body
During squats are involved muscles of the central part of the body, including muscles of the abdominal area. According to studies, squats allow load abdominal muscles is even better than all the usual twist. So if you want to receive news cubes, perform squats.
9. Squat improve the condition of the joints
Squats improve the condition of the joints and reduce the risk of injury, provided the proper technique. The hip joint, knee and ankle work together during the lifting body. The load is distributed among all joints, to reduce the load on the individual joints. Straighten the legs, for example, involves a serious strain on the knees, increasing the risk of injury.
10. Squats are very practical
Squats are not only functional, but also practicality, which is well manifested in everyday life. Work outdoors, playing with the kids, outdoor games such as basketball, all of these steps you will be given much more easily thanks to the squats.
11. Squats can be done in many different ways
Since the squats on the shoulders and ending with the usual sit-ups with your hands behind your head, you can use any one of the big set. Also, the positive effect of exercise can be enhanced in many ways, for example by means of chairs, boxes and dressings, use of the equipment with a large number of repetitions, interleaving ON and OFF.
12. Squats do not require additional costs
This exercise does not require expensive exercise machines and special equipment. You will need only a bar or even a pair of dumbbells. Squats with hands behind his head, squatting with weights and dumbbells requires very simple equipment. Furthermore, you can limit or sendbegom barrel with water.
13. Squats can be performed anywhere
At home, in the gym, even at a party! You can squat anywhere. You do not need a subscription to a gym or expensive equipment, just do 100 sit-ups or sit-ups simple with hands behind your head in your room, on the beach or in the park while jogging.
14. The front squat is generally free
Assuming that someone has taken her to do barbell curls. Most people today are embarrassed to work at the front squat (or are afraid to do it without a coach?), Preferring to train the legs separately. Training for legs requires tremendous effort and focus in order to achieve tangible results. If the Leg can be occupied, the squat rack for 90% of cases is free.
15. Perform squats does not allow people to perform barbell curls in the squat rack
We've all seen them. These cranks perform exercises on the hands in the front squat. While this exercise can be done anywhere. Take the rod, set the desired load and do your exercise. But these guys think they need to prepare for the bar, they are too lazy to lift it off the ground, they need to Rod was at a comfortable height, so that they do not have to bend over her. By the way, they love their approaches to complement long pauses, during which you can dig a long time on the phone or shoot the breeze with other guests rooms. It must be stopped, is not it?
16. Squats develop power quality
To rise from the bottom point during squats require great strength. Very different load points, a large range of motion, all this creates a unique energy curve in the lower part of the body that helps to increase the strength and endurance of the whole organism, and it will come in handy when performing other exercises.
17. Squats allow well-evaluate your shape
You have made great strides in the bench press? You will be able to squeeze a ton during the regime of the shoulder? You shake hands? And what about sit-ups? If you want to really evaluate yourself (and who does not?) - Try the deep squat. You do not stop halfway during the bench press? And his hands do not bend in half? So why do you need to squat do not end up?
18. Squats - this is a universal exercise
The only exercise that will involve approximately the same number of muscles that squats - a dead pull. Squatting - a habitual action familiar to the human body.
19. Squats allow to load the muscles of the back legs
Today many talk about the muscles of the back of the legs, as well as how they are important in everyday life. Straighten the legs does not affect these muscles. During the sit-ups are involved not only the quadriceps, but the thigh and calf. You also can not forget about the burden on the lower back, upper back and neck.
20. Squats increase flexibility
And again - it is a universal movement requires high flexibility. The higher the amplitude of motion of the thighs, calves, knees and ankle, the more effective will be the squat. Work on your figure will motivate you to achieve individual and obtaining all necessary knowledge.